Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1718 The Witch's Dream

Warmth penetrates from the top of the head to the fingertips, and then overflows from the pores. This feeling of soaking in warm water can only be felt during evening prayers in the Sisters' monastery in the Eternal City and directly facing the Emperor and accepting His touch. , but no evening prayer was as clear and abundant as what she felt now.

Tita had reason to believe that the emperor was touching her body and soul at this moment, giving her strength and helping her defeat the powerful enemy in front of her. This is a secret belonging to the Sisters. She only announced in the Sisters' dedicated communication channel that the Emperor is watching His chosen people. The artificial humans and the girls who join the sisterhood believe that the emperor's eyes are scanning everyone's soul all the time, no matter good or evil, no matter noble or despicable, and only the most pious people can accept his gaze.

Tita was undoubtedly proud at this moment.

She is the chief of the sisterhood, she is the most devout servant, but she does not think she is qualified to ask for a gift from her Creator - just as she asks all members of the sisterhood to remain pious and humble, waiting for the day of receiving gaze - this The sky finally arrived, and she felt that she was finally qualified to stand up and fight in the name of the emperor without any guilt. She had no doubt that the Emperor's voice became clearer when he killed the alien.

"I feel Him, sisters! I hear His voice!"

Tita picked up the shield dropped by the Kree guards and blocked the bullets fired at her. She took a few steps forward, but the expected impact on her wrist did not come. The Kree Guards were only a hundred meters away from her, but the bullets fired at her by the aliens landed inexplicably on her side. Ecstasy filled her soul, power jumped on her body, and all fatigue and doubts were washed away with the prayers in her mouth, just like the shame she faced. At this moment, her belief was extremely firm, because she had no reason to fail anymore, and there was absolutely no way those aliens could defeat her.

"Bless you, Chief Sister."

“We will offer sacrifices in His name!”

"With the blood and bones of mankind's enemies!" Tita shouted fervently, "Follow me, sisters! Share with me the great glory."

Lieutenant Joshua, captain of the first commando team of the fourth company of the Space Marine Corps, made a tactical gesture to the left, signaling his team to establish an ambush circle and wait for the second-line logistics force to transport heavy direct firepower here. After the space station loses power, there are only weak lights of emergency waiting and direction signs in the passage. This dim environment is a huge test for the attackers - even if everyone in the gang is equipped with automated night vision devices, they can Ensuring that every soldier can see the enemy clearly in the dark, but just like fighting at night on Earth, this requires extraordinary courage on the part of the soldiers - this team participated in the attack together with an assault team from the Sisterhood, and the soldiers After witnessing the performance of these girls wearing black and gold power armor, Lieutenant Joshua realized that many of the comments about these girls in the Immortal City were groundless slander.

At least in private, he would no longer use the frivolous term "blast chick" to refer to these girls who dared to rush directly into the enemy's defenses and wield chainswords wildly, with their armor covered with blood stains and internal organs fragments. He had never seen an army fighting so frantically, at least not on Earth.

Regardless, these female warriors who are not afraid of sacrifice deserve respect.

"Ms. Nikita, support will arrive in twenty minutes." Lieutenant Joshua said in a slightly respectful tone, "By then we will be able to block this passage and continue our assault. Nikki Ms. Tower?”

He heard a slight noise coming from the helmets of the sorority members beside him, and then the previously taciturn Lady Nikita suddenly became restless. She was a very young Romanian girl, who looked no older than twenty, a member of the Sisterhood who had joined the Emperor after his conquest of Romania - before that she had been a member of the so-called Sewer Dwellers - shortly after Lieutenant Joshua Her voice was heard over the comms channel. The sound seeped out of the helmet, muffled, as if traveling through a thick concrete wall to reach his ears.

"Ignore the support, we must attack now!"

Joshua felt that Nikita's voice was trembling, with a certain amount of emotion that even the sizzling sound of molten metal from the plasma flying in front of them could not be concealed. He watched worriedly as Nikita brandished his bolt pistol, fearing he might accidentally pull the trigger. In this small space, no one can guarantee that warhead fragments will not penetrate the airtight layer of the all-environment combat suit. He and his team belong to the Space Marine Corps, and had previously trained on the Tianjian Space Station and the moon. Joshua knew that the outer space combat suit he was wearing could not withstand the high temperature of nuclear energy released when the .50 explosive warhead hit.

"It is sacrilege for them to breathe more air! It is our mission to kill those aliens, and I will never miss this honor!"

"It stands to reason, ma'am. But..."

Lieutenant Joshua shrugged.

Although other team members could not see his expression through the fully enclosed helmet, they could all imagine the helpless expression on his face through his tone. He swallowed the rest of his words, because Nikita had already rushed out of the bunker with her shield. Several high-power laser beams grazed her armor, burning the gorgeous golden fleur-de-lis relief on the power armor to black. Under the observation of the thermal imaging night vision device, Ms. Nikita's entire body was enveloped in blurry shadows, with only the red-hot metal and the cooling holes of the power armor emitting dim light.

"Damn it! Obey the tactical instructions, Ms. Nikita!"

"Captain, the sisterhood is not in the same chain of command as us." Heidi, the precision shooter, reminded maliciously, "Maybe she received some orders that we don't know about."

"There is nothing in the tactical system!" Lieutenant Joshua felt that the goodwill he had accumulated towards the sisterhood was gone. He looked at the tablet in his hand to make sure that the command system had not issued a new order, "Acting privately and disobeying tactical instructions! She must go to court-martial!"

"Make your decision first, Captain."

Heidi poked her head out from behind the cover, just in time to see Nikita smash the helmet of a blue-skinned alien with his shield, acting even braver than before - or, in other words, crazy. Heidi didn't know which word was more appropriate - she wrapped Nikita in the crosshairs of the scope. She saw Ms. Nikita using her shield to block the plasma ball in front of her. Then she simply dropped the half-melted metal shield, grabbed the Kree man's neck, and used a chain sword with a brass-like spike. The double-sided skull weighted ball smashed the alien's helmet and the skull under the helmet. Heidi saw the pink-blue brain and dark blue blood that were still carrying body temperature, mixed with unknown alien composite materials and skulls. The fragments were stained on her breastplate and visor as well as the entire channel, forming a large number of bright spots in the image of the thermal imaging night vision device.

Heidi swore that even though Ms. Nikita cut off the team's communication, she still heard Nikita laughing crazily at the blood splattered by the Kree and shouting inarticulately.

Nikita felt the blood in her body boiling, and every kill made her feel excited. She heard it, the voice from heaven, once engraved on tablets of gold, now descended upon her like a dove, filled with joy.

Her reaction speed has never been so fast, and her limbs have never been so powerful. Nikita feels that now she can see the alien muzzle clearly, dodge the deadly laser and plasma blasts miraculously, and then Respond with the purest anger and hatred. But she didn't want to hide away, and a weird competitiveness came to her, as if being unable to face the Kree's weapons and revealing her weakness would make her return to the life she had lived in the sewers a few years ago, and be deprived of her hard-won happiness. Abandoned, surrounded by hunger and pain.

Some kind of invisible supreme existence that she couldn't understand passed through her mind and the edge of the universe where the space station was located, releasing huge, invisible heat to warm her soul and body. The sermon she once heard in the sisterhood , the divine anger and impulse filled the numbness caused by her past poor life and long-term war. As if a huge sound was vibrating in her ears, she could no longer control her emotions and threw herself at the next Kree who turned his back to her and escaped from the bunker. Nikita stood up and sprinted forward with the help of the powerful power of the power armor. The chain sword in his hand penetrated the back of the Kree further ahead without any hindrance.

As the blood splashed by the rotating single-molecule blade covered the electronic eyepiece lens, Nikita felt a sense of relief. She felt no pain or fatigue. It was an ecstasy that could not be described in words, just like when she received charity food in church as a child and listened to the pastors talk about the feeling of contacting the Holy Spirit, it was as if the whole person was filled with the warmth of happiness from body to soul. Romania has a strong Christian atmosphere, but she is a sewer dweller who embraces the idea of ​​the Sisterhood without reservation because God cannot save her and Romania.

"Blood for the Emperor!"

"Hurry up!" Heidi turned around and urged after hearing Nikita's cry, fearing that Nikita would be lying on the ground unable to get up in the next second. "Should we support her or not?"

"After this war is over, she must go to court-martial, I promise!" Joshua sighed, and then shouted viciously, "Shoot, Heidi! Others, change the battery magazine, cover Nikki Ms. Tower, no matter what, it’s right to kill these alien bastards!”


For Tita, the gaze from the emperor accompanied her to complete the combat mission, but for Inanna in the cold cave, this was only ten minutes. When thoughts roam in the sea of ​​souls, the emperor cannot feel the passage of time in the material universe. In that world without vectors, everything is thoughts. For human psykers, it is undoubtedly dangerous to throw thoughts into outer dimensions, but psykers still enjoy it because the sea of ​​souls contains everything-where the distances in the physical universe are no longer far away and are covered by the long river of time. The erased past and future are no longer blurry, all unobtainable knowledge, secrets and power are at your fingertips, the body is no longer a constraint, fatigue, hunger and lifespan are no longer the shackles of exploring knowledge - Inanna does not need guidance, she was born as early as She learned to roam the Sea of ​​Souls from the beginning, and she also knew that the predators lurking in the Sea of ​​Souls could not pose a threat to the Emperor and Agamotto.

That's why she was so surprised when the emperor opened his eyes.

This time was too short. She knew how addicting it would be to roam the sea of ​​souls. When the emperor guided the temple priests, he must also protect them from getting lost. The boundaries of that eternal, infinite world can never be explored because the mind and soul have no boundaries. If the risk of harm to their souls was not considered, the Emperor and Agamotto should have spent a longer time exploring the outer dimensions. In her expectation, perhaps they would have to wait until dust covered their skin before leaving the Sea of ​​Souls.

"I see so clearly," the emperor said to Inanna. Her face, which was similar to Bayonetta's, showed confusion, but the Emperor had no intention of explaining it here. He said to Agamotto, "I don't want to be a god. For you and me, this is failure."

"This is what they are afraid of, Salomon, this is the final resort." Agamotto said, "You have already started the plan unconsciously. This is fate and instinct. You are originally an extradimensional entity and the depth of the physical universe. The product of the combination, the desire for psychic energy is your instinct, and you can't refuse it, even if you don't realize it, the behavior of those artificial people is not restricted by you, is it? "

"I'd rather devote my time to research." Salomon stood up and patted the dust on his snow-white linen robe. He knows what consequences the next phased plan will have, but it is necessary for his big plan - he has already encountered the results of this phased plan. For him in the past, The results of the experiment are completely acceptable - the two Soul Titans parked in the weapons depot at the bottom of the Immortal City are proof that he will not let his plan completely get out of control. Although he knew the results, he still didn't know the process, and the most important observations and tests had not yet been completed.

"Come on, Inanna. We need to move forward with our plan."

"You plan to create an extradimensional psychic entity out of thin air by combining your powers with hers?"

Agamotto looked at the emperor with a playful expression.

His prophetic abilities allow him to see the outcome of certain events, otherwise he would not have chosen to create the Emperor. Moreover, he had already conducted research on this subject, and the research results were now standing in front of him. The secret of the soul was not unobtainable esoteric knowledge for him. The emperor who was born in Kama Taj inherited the same knowledge system.

"You have seen the results, haven't you? I know what you saw in the Sea of ​​Souls. You have the ability to distinguish truth from lies. You know the results of your phased plan. I created you to change your destiny. Dragging yourself into an unpredictable future, why would you try again when we all know the outcome of this little plan?"

"Experimentation is about finding the way to the right path, not the result. This is a methodology. With the method, I have countless correct results. I am sure that you have never done any experiments before making me." The emperor had no idea. He mocked mercilessly, "This is human wisdom, Agamotto. You are a primitive man, you don't understand real science at all."

"You have already failed once." The first Supreme Mage said expressionlessly, "You tried to use order to influence the outer dimension, but all you got was betrayal. You created a powerful extradimensional entity, you created hell, Won't you make a mistake again this time?"


"I'm sure he won't."

Bayonetta opened her eyes. When she saw the towering ceilings of the manor, a sense of strangeness arose, as if what she should be seeing was a dark cave filled with icy air. She took a deep breath and sat up from the recliner. Only now did she smell the sweet smell of fragrant hot coffee and desserts, and the strange feeling of strangeness was forgotten.

"Theresa?" Jeanne narrowed her eyes happily and casually stuffed a piece of cream ice cream into Milia's mouth. The gray Cheshire cat stretched its neck to try to lick a mouthful of calorie-rich food, but the white-haired witch's fingers accurately placed on its forehead, thwarting the 30-pound Cheshire cat's weight gain plan, "You rarely Napping at tea time.”

"I saw him."

"Who?" Joan was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized, "I don't think there is anything bad about his life after he leaves. He is now playing in history, who knows what kind of identity he will have!"

"I saw him, but not at this time." Bayonetta took a sip of her coffee. She was a little confused about the sudden memory, but she was not a witch who had just learned magic. She knew how to protect her heart. The dream that can penetrate layers of protective spells and reach the mind of a psyker must contain some kind of information, truth or lie that she cannot understand for the time being. She needed time to distinguish, even if she was sure that she saw Salomon - she seemed to be in another person's body, observing with that person's eyes - she could feel the warm gaze falling on Salomon. Salomon's body, those eyes as bright as obsidian, fell on her soul through that body - there was no threat, no vigilance, only endless love in return, as if she was standing in front of Salomon. .

"I want to contact Rosa, and Wanda." Bayonetta said, "The Witch's Road must have the answers I want, and I need help. Joan of Arc, I want to meet Victor von Doom , I need you to take him through the maze of the manor. I have a hunch that I am not the one who really solves the problem."

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