Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1719 The Legacy of the Celestial Gods

Rosa sat on the long sofa in the greenhouse, legs crossed, looking extremely relaxed. In the previous phone call, Bayonetta had briefly described her dream to her, which made her leave Baldur and fly directly from Miami to Oxfordshire. She twisted the Cheshire cat lying on the sofa, but the chubby cat did not dare to resist at all and could only accept Rosa's touch.

"What did you see? I mean, what did you see specifically?" She couldn't wait to ask the question as soon as she sat down, "Your identity in the dream will explain most of the secrets, dear Theresa."

As the former owner of the Eye of the World and the former leader of the Shadow Witch, Rosa received a more complete education than Bayonetta or Jeanne - when the witch hunt took place, Bayonetta and Jeanne were still competing for the title of Shadow Witch, which used to belong to Rosa. The two witches of this era knew very little about the knowledge collected by the Shadow Witch Organization over the years, because after the Sage of Light captured the Shadow Witch Station, the first thing he did was to burn all the knowledge accumulated by the Shadow Witch - when Rosa returned to the former Shadow Witch Station, she was angry with Baldur for this matter, even though it was not Baldur in this timeline who burned the library.

"To be honest, I don't know." Bayonetta did not sit down, but stared through the greenhouse glass at Miria playing with Miss Peanut Butter outside the window. She once suspected that Miria and Salomon were related by blood, and perhaps she could trace Salomon's coordinates in the timeline through Miria's blood, but it turned out that Miria was just a talented girl. Another way is to use the blood divination magic ritual, using shadows, bird viscera and blood. In order to perform the ritual, she must let her soul enter the witch's way and gain more powerful power and wisdom from the outer dimension. Only in this way can she roughly locate even if she cannot bypass Salomon's protection magic, and perhaps Salomon can respond after realizing that his protection magic has been touched.

But she did not have Salomon's blood sample. The only complete gene sample was still in the laboratory of the Immortal City, which was the safest place. Without a formal written order from Victor von Doom, no genetic code could leave the laboratory underground in Rome. If Victor von Doom was not told directly why he needed a blood sample, I'm afraid this man who trusted no one except the emperor would not agree.

Joan of Arc thought that perhaps they could get Salomon's gene sample without Victor von Doom, after all, he had lived in this manor for so long, and there would always be some traces left. Joan of Arc completely forgot how strictly the sisterhood represented by Dinah controlled the emperor's gene samples - the detergent used a special protease developed by the Immortal City, which was designed to destroy any gene fragments that left the emperor's body. Even when enjoying daily pleasures, Dinah would eat a lot of complete gene samples, even if Salomon had given them the seeds - Bayonetta and Joan of Arc welcomed Dinah's service at the time, and even they ate a lot of them themselves, after all, Salomon's seeds were rich in vitality and were the best choice for replenishing magic.

As an organization that originated almost at the same time as Rome, the Shadow Witches have retained many Roman cultural customs. For example, before officially obtaining the title, the witches were all virgins who were sacrificed to the Witch Road. At that time, Rosa's crimes were not only giving birth to Bayonetta or having an affair with the sages, but also the felony of betraying her oath. If Rosa was sentenced according to the oldest witch law, the final result would be to be locked up in a wall and starved to death. Fortunately, the Shadow Witches, who were in Europe at the time and influenced by Christian thought, had abolished some laws. It's just that the Shadow Witches have never experienced the Enlightenment and the Renaissance, and some of the culture that seemed very debauched in the moral concepts of the Middle Ages is still retained in the few remaining witches.

According to Rosa, part of the strong fertility worship in ancient Rome still affects the Shadow Witches. If it were more than a thousand years ago, Salomon, a man with powerful psychic power, would not be enjoyed by Bayonetta and Jeanne. If she had not given birth, she might have shared this powerful power.

"You really don't have any left? What about Jeanne? Doesn't she have any left?" Rosa stared at Bayonetta's belly with suspicion after listening to Bayonetta's plan. "It's been so long, why?"

"Magic has changed his body, and mortal receptors can't bear his power. He is immortal."

Bayonetta rarely showed an irritable look. In the past, she would only use her usual elegant and arrogant tone to tease this matter, and maybe even make a joke about Salomon, claiming that he would always be popular with young girls. She is not worried that she will be old when the emperor returns. The former owner of the Eye of the World also sublimated her body. Now the pure ether made by the emperor using a quarter of the reality gem is the philosopher's stone that can make all psychics immortal.

"This means that he will experience the torture of time completely, and no one knows what he will become after he comes back. He has only lived in this era for more than 20 years, but he has lived for thousands of years in the long river of history. Will such a life reshape him? Now he should return to this point in time to meet us, but no, no one knows his whereabouts. Victor von Doom claims that he does not know Salomon's prophecy, nor does he know what will happen if he travels to the past, but I don't believe it." Bayonetta said in an irritable tone. "Now that he has not appeared in front of me, it means that there is a problem with time travel. He never discusses this with me, and I can't express opposition. Victor von Doom believes that time travel is necessary and he needs time to study. If he hides in time, the spiritual entities of the outer dimension cannot find him."

"What did you see." Rosa asked again.

"I saw him wielding a burning sword in the face of a steel jungle, with the golden-armored guards surrounding him; I saw him walking among burning corpses, with spears erected on the vast plains, and countless people being pushed into pits and strangled to death by the earth because of his orders; I saw him sailing on the sea, with a huge shadow rising from the bow under the sea, and a horse-shaped sea monster appearing in the waves."

"This is a prophecy full of metaphors, because your close relationship with him has given you these dreams." Rosa asked, "But who are you, Theresa? From whose perspective do you see these things?"


After returning to the Mesopotamian plains from the Himalayas, the emperor continued his previous plan.

He and Inanna first appeared at the festival celebration in Eridu, and then led the Guards and Dinah to board the barely repaired transport plane with great fanfare, and ordered the transport assault boat to take off in the presence of everyone. It only takes one hour for the assault transport to transport them to the sky above Egypt, but they can't do it - this assault transport is not designed to infiltrate anything. The emperor is sure that the orbit above Egypt is already full of reconnaissance units released by the Kree. It is extremely dangerous to enter the war zone where war is about to break out with such fanfare. Although the Kree don't care about the army organized by the emperor, in their view, it is just a resistance force organized by the earthlings, but if a machine far beyond the technology of the times appears at this time, it will inevitably arouse the vigilance of the Kree, which is contrary to the emperor's tactics.

No one knows how the Kree discovered the soul potential of the human race, but the emperor has long concluded that perhaps the Kree obtained information about the "First Coming" by tracking the Celestials.

The Kree have been trying to reproduce the biochemical experiments of their creator. The earth is definitely not the first object of the experiment, but it is the most special one. The Celestials have conducted ecological experiments on more than one planet. Except for the earth, no planet has become the cemetery of eternal mechanical life forms and true gods of the physical universe.

The death of the Celestials was a big deal for all intelligent races in the universe. Every capable race tried to find the graves of the Celestials and divide up the legacy of the true gods. Especially the Kree, who already knew the existence of the Celestials and that they were the creations of the Celestials (even if they were second- or third-generation creations), were eager to obtain the legacy of the Celestials and upgrade their race through genetic engineering.

However, the legacy of the Celestials has been shared by the entire Earth.

The first advent polluted the Earth's ecosystem. No one knew why the Celestials, a purely inorganic life form, were polluted by the outer dimension, so that the corrupted organic matter entered the Earth's ecological cycle and created many monsters written into mythological stories.

Agamotto realized early on that the human race had strong psychic potential, and the legacy of the Celestials was integrated into the genetic code of every creature on Earth. When primitive worship gradually emerged in human civilization, human thought set off a wave in the outer dimension, creating outer dimensional entities of varying strengths. This was something that other alien civilizations could not imagine, because the number of humans at that time was not enough to create psychic entities. This is called the age of gods. Psionic magic is the power of gods. In the etymology of later generations, magic comes from the gods in mythology. These gods exert supernatural power as naturally as breathing.

Agamotto also saw the end of the human race. It is hard to say that there is no will of Agamotto in the agreement reached between the earth gods and the gods. The emperor who holds the same idea also agreed with Agamotto's idea at the time. From then on, the psychic wave of the outer dimension gradually subsided, which gradually reduced the psychic visions on the earth. The gods gradually died out, and only the ancient gods who were powerful enough were still lingering.

During this trip to the Himalayas, the first Supreme Sorcerer shared a lot of information. As the most powerful spellcaster, Agamotto's spirit is not limited by the distance of the physical universe. He projected his consciousness to the distant Kree Empire's home planet, Hara, and grabbed intelligence from the minds of the Kree nobles.

It is said that the war between the Kree Empire and the Skrulls has fallen into a stalemate. The casualties of the Kree soldiers are no longer acceptable. Those low-level pink-skinned Kree can no longer find many males who can become warriors. But the situation was not so bad that it was unacceptable. The Skrulls on the front line were being defeated, and the rising estimated cost of producing slave soldiers had reduced the importance of the slave soldier project a lot.

In addition, the Kree nobles behind the war are engaged in a new round of political competition. The sudden rise of the military has made many established political forces in the Kree Empire feel a sense of crisis. This may be the reason why the Inhuman slave soldiers were not actually used in the end.

The assault transport boat immediately dived downwards after arriving at the Sinai Peninsula, using the electromagnetic interference generated by the friction between the ship's bow and the atmosphere to avoid detection. Immediately afterwards, the assault transport boat slid towards the sea with amazing maneuverability. Inanna even saw through the window that the small boat carrying supplies from the port of Eridu was sailing along the coastline. However, the traveling merchants responsible for transporting supplies could only feel the strong wind above their heads and could not see the huge aerial fortress at all.

"Where are we going?" Inanna asked curiously.

"The Brotherhood of the Holy Shield has built several underground strongholds and stored enough supplies there. We will use those underground strongholds as headquarters and move them regularly to avoid being raided by Kree headhunters." The emperor was dressed as if The armor made of pure gold, as he got closer to Egypt, the psychic reaction on his body became stronger and stronger, even to the point where static electricity overflowed in the air. He used a spell to affect everyone who saw the ship, erasing the image of the assault transport from their minds, and then their brains were replenished in a way that they could understand. They might see a bird in flight or a cloud moving at high speed, but never the craft.

"The forces of Eridu will raid the Kree research base, and the Headhunters will sense that this is an organized counterattack, because the Egyptians have never had so many metal weapons. The Brotherhood of the Aegis will lead several attacks on the Headhunters They will definitely choose to shrink their strength and protect the most important research facilities. That will be our best chance to launch an attack." Constantine, the commander of the guards, spread out the map with his metal-wrapped fingertips. Lighting the Kree research base marked on the parchment scroll, "I will lead the Praetorian Order to split up and lead the army and Egyptians to attack these seven research institutes. Only quick enough action and heavy enough losses can we The Kree subconsciously gathered armed forces including Kree headhunters and slave soldiers."

"This process will not take more than seven days." The emperor added, "If the battle line drags on for too long and the battle reaches a stalemate, the Kree will disperse and break out. Constantine, I authorize you to exercise the highest military command."

"I will make good use of every soldier's life." The guard commander nodded.

"Then what are we doing here?" Inanna frowned, looking at the approaching coastline out of the porthole. "The Praetorian Order should be able to kill all the Kree."

"The so-called Celestials need the souls of intelligent species as nourishment. After the second coming a million years ago, the Celestials sent slaves shaped into human appearances to the earth to correct the experimental deviations of the Celestials. These immortals They were created by the Celestial Group using the souls and bodies of countless Homo erectus. Perhaps they were not completely loyal to the Celestial Group, but their instincts could not resist the order of the Celestial Group. About 600,000 years ago, there was an outbreak among the immortals. They left the Earth and established colonies on other planets in the solar system. The colonies were still destroyed by the civil war, and only a few of the original hundred immortals remained. These survivors returned to Earth, forgetting the true purpose of the Celestials. "The emperor said, "There is an immortal in Egypt today, but we don't know where it is."

"You mean, Egypt has an eternal god who can walk on the earth?"

"As far as I know, Olympus has signed a contract with several immortals to exercise power on behalf of the gods who cannot leave Olympus. Some old gods will try to use these immortals to create faith in the mortal world, Delay your own death.”

The Emperor's tone was full of disdain, and he didn't know if it was because Olympus tolerated these immortals, or because Olympus was trying to get around a loophole in the rules of the Second Coming protocol a million years ago. He waved his hand and signaled the assault transport craft to open the rear hatch. The craft, piloted by a true artificial intelligence, was intelligent enough to understand the Emperor's message, despite only carrying a single subroutine from the Immortal City. The emperor took Inanna's hand and walked to the hydraulic cabin door that was gradually lowered. Sunlight and strong wind gradually poured into the cabin through the open gap. The wild animals migrating in groups along the coastline raised their heads in horror, trying to find the sky. A roaring, terrifying predator.

"I can't guarantee whether a similar situation exists in Egypt, so not only the Kree are our enemies, but maybe the Immortal is too." Dinah brought three black and gray cloaks, and the emperor picked up one of them for Inan. Na fasten it. "Before the Adeptus Praetorian raid begins, we are going to visit the Immortal without attracting anyone's attention. Hopefully it will remain silent until our decisive battle with the Kree, and preferably provide the Immortals with Clues to the advanced technology created.”

"What if the Immortal refuses?"

"Agamotto believes that the immortals may have a positive impact on the human race, but I don't think so." The emperor's voice was extremely clear in the strong wind, "I must obtain the genetic technology of the immortals. This is the first time Try until I find all the immortals on earth."

Next, I can resume high-speed updating, but I will update more short stories, some of which are based on my imagination, and some of which are supplements to this book.

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