Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 180 Dialogue About the Future (Second Update!)

"Where did you know this thing..." Salomon stopped in the middle of the question. Howard Stark and the Rubik's Cube do have an indissoluble bond, and it's understandable for Tony Stark to know about it, but why did this guy bring it up at this time? Salomon couldn't help thinking of the experiment conducted by Nick Fury in New Mexico, the experiment that kept Karma Taj busy with his heels and head.

"I may know more than you." Stark narrowed his eyes, stretched out his palm, gestured with his thumb and index finger, "That's all. But I also know about the fact that the old Captain America was fished out , and the thing about the flaming skull. When Captain America stopped the red skull, the Rubik's Cube fell into the sea. It was my father who fished it out and stored it in SHIELD, so I still know something of."

Salomon couldn't help but sit up straight, he was going to listen to what Tony Stark had to say.

"I haven't been able to get in touch with Nick Fury recently," he said. "I don't know if you know Agent Philip Coulson? He's a nice guy. He was there when the Asgardians came, but I haven't been able to contact him recently. But you don't know Stark's space program, right? The Stark Group has its own satellite, so I discovered some little secrets of S.H.I.E.L.D...."

Is it about the proving grounds in New Mexico? Salomon was a little puzzled, and he let Tony Stark continue.

"The Pegasus Project, or the Pegasus Project." Tony Stark really came prepared, and he spit out something that Salomon had vaguely heard, "This project was launched by the United States in 1989. Bureau, U.S. Air Force and S.H.I.E.L.D., and the research target is the Rubik's Cube salvaged by my father, Howard Stark, with the purpose of developing alternative energy sources and light speed engines. My father is also one of the initiators of the project , Another project initiator, Dr. Lawson, has died unexpectedly."

"I know about the Rubik's Cube." Salomon nodded and replied, "I also know about the Pegasus Project, but it's not as detailed as you know."

"I just said that it was right that I came to find the magical boy. You really know a lot." Stark shook his head triumphantly and snapped his fingers. He put his phone on the table, tapped his finger on the screen, and a holographic image was projected on the table. It seems that Stark's technological level has improved a lot in the past year, but this is not what Salomon should care about. He turned his attention to the documents given by Stark.

"The Tianma Project has a base in New Mexico." Stark pointed to the new reactor on his chest and said confidently, "I found traces of the Tianma Project when I was researching this thing. But it just so happens that Stark The K-corporate satellites have detected high-level reactions in New Mexico - also coincidentally at the base of the Pegasus project. Let me tell you, S.H.I.E.L.D. is working on the Rubik's Cube, or rather, they've been working on the Rubik's Cube , never stopped." (From "Iron Man 2")

Stark is really a smart man, although Nick Fury has been strictly controlling his news channels to prevent Stark from knowing what he shouldn't know, resulting in the scarcity of information Stark obtained from S.H.I.E.L.D. , but he still deduced the actions of S.H.I.E.L.D. based on the evidence at hand. only……

"Are you sure you're launching a civilian satellite?" Salomon raised his eyebrows and curled his lips. "Civilian satellites don't have this level of detection equipment."

"The Stark Group used to be an arms dealer. The missiles sold must have a supporting satellite navigation. This is called bundling sales. And the Stark Group's satellites are also good enough. Obtain the right to use the satellite." Tony Stark snapped his fingers, his expression was a little excited, "But that was a long time ago, I closed the weapons production department a long time ago, and now Stark's main business is cleaning Energy, materials, aerospace and a little bit of biotechnology.”

"The vaccines I had as a child were made by the Osborne Group..."

"Fuck Osborne... Sorry, I shouldn't say dirty words in front of minors." Stark blinked and moved closer so that Salomon could see the reactor in his chest. of light.

"I know you know a lot of secrets," he said, "but I have to get involved in the study of the Rubik's Cube by S.H.I.E.L.D. Because I don't know your field at all, and there are no textbooks for me to read, so I think Asking you to be my assistant, my magic assistant and science this not a leak of magic secrets? Will Hogwarts or the Ministry of Magic bother you? Or, JK Rowling actually did wizard?"

"I didn't come out of Hogwarts, and there is no Ministry of Magic in the wizarding world!" Salomon helplessly corrected Stark's wild imagination. He sighed and said in an even more helpless tone, "I don't Know if you can understand it, but whether you participate in this matter or not, the result will not change."

"What do you mean?" Stark asked, frowning.

"This is a very big proposition." Salomon said while stroking the cat in his arms, "Whether fate is predetermined, and whether there is a correct path for the continuation of human reason..."

"Stop, stop." Stark gestured his hands quickly, "I just came to talk to you about the Rubik's Cube, not to ask you about divination."

"No, you came to me to interfere with fate." Salomon took out his wand, and used it to draw a colorful arc in the air, "The actions of some key people will affect the direction of this world. Different nodes of the timeline divide different worldlines, which is the basis for the operation of parallel worlds. Everything that happens in this world is recorded in the Akashic records. I know what you want to ask, so I will answer your questions. First of all , you need to understand what the Akashic records are.

The Akashic Records are divided into two parts:

The first part is the life reality of the universe or the blueprint of the divine life of the source. This reality or blueprint is formless, formless, unchangeable, eternal and unchanging, without beginning and end; the other part is the source as a life individual in different time and space. It records all the experiences and experiences of a soul in different reincarnations and time and space. Everything from what happened in the past to what will happen in the future has been recorded—except for the fact that you came to me now. Because I think I am not in the Akashic records, you come to me, this is a move beyond the Akashic records. "

The Akashic records that Salomon said actually refer to the source of this world, the boss of Kama Taj's boss, the Eternal God. This is what the Supreme Mage wants to pursue, and in order to pursue this thing, the Supreme Mage must give up The physical body goes to the spiritual world (ether plane) for endless exploration. Now he tells these things to Stark, and he doesn't think he can understand. Salomon just hopes that Stark can know that the impact of things that connect with him will be very far-reaching.

But obviously, Stark didn't have the patience to listen to these things.

"What I want to ask is not this kind of nagging!" Stark became irritable, "I just want to ask if you can help..."

"The answer is: I refuse." Salomon shook his head, "The result of this matter has been predetermined, but it is not anyone, but the universe itself. What's more, time does not run linearly. The ending of this matter It happened, and nothing you do will change the outcome of this."

"What do you mean?" Stark was already at a loss. He just called up the explanation about the Akashic records, "The universe doesn't have its own thoughts."

"However, the fact is that this universe itself has its own thoughts, and every flash of light in the gaseous nebula represents the thoughts of this universe. I do have the ability to change the direction of this matter, but changing this matter will bring more Bad consequences, my teacher can only choose one of the less bad results." Salomon said, "Whether to let human beings die peacefully like pigs and sheep in a slaughterhouse, or look up at the stars and fight hard-I of teachers chose the latter option, and I agree with that option.”

"I don't know what you're talking about." Stark looked worried, he stood up and fastened the buttons of his suit, "but I can hear the smell of fatalism."

"As I said, I am not in the Akashic records, and I have the ability to change this matter. It's just that after the change, the result will be even worse." Salomon also stood up, "I will have Asgard The event of the arrival of humans was reported, but it was suppressed by the White House. However, there is not only Asgard in this universe. The father of the gods is old, and the supreme mage also intends to pursue the mysteries of the universe. Get ready instead of pretending nothing happened and continuing to indulge in entertaining politics."

"Well, I just found out that you have an anti-social personality." Stark walked to the entrance, ready to leave, "I came here by mistake."

"No, I told you so much, just for one thing." Salomon also walked to the porch, he pressed Stark's shoulder, "I'm not talking to you now, but talking to you Future you speak: Don't blame yourself, Stark, you've done enough, the world needs you, I hope you can send your own daughter to kindergarten, watch her hit puberty, and then you go with a shotgun Threatening her boyfriend. And I will find a perfect solution."

"And the lives of those innocent people are on my shoulders. This is my responsibility as the future king, Stark, not yours."

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