Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 181 Desire for Family (First Update)

"I can't understand everything you said." Stark's face became a little weird. He turned around and didn't mind Salomon's contact with him, but asked another question. "You said, I have a daughter?" He asked, "Could it be that I have an illegitimate daughter? And you actually know about it? Could it be..."

"Stop your wild thinking, I told you, time does not flow linearly, this is something that has already happened." Salomon rolled his eyes, "You have a daughter in the future, and this is also the ending of the universe , is recorded in the Akashic records. You can understand it this way, this is fate."

"With whom?" Stark rolled his eyes and his expression became a little nervous. He seemed to want to hear the answer he wanted to hear from Salomon.

"With Miss Pepper Potts, of course." Salomon let go of Stark's shoulders, and gave the answer Stark wanted to know, "It's still named after her strange uncle. "

"Morgan! I know, Pepper's weird uncle!" Stark took a deep breath. "Is it accurate?" he asked, "I know you can do divination, and I want to know how accurate it is... No, I mean, when should I propose... No, no, I mean, Pei When will Per be pregnant? When will my daughter be born? I like girls, I like girls, I... I don't want to be disappointed, you know what I mean? I don't want to be disappointed, I want to be ready!"

Tony Stark gradually became at a loss when he spoke the second half of the sentence, and even started to gesticulate with his fingers. He spoke to Salomon incoherently without logic, asked a bunch of meaningless questions, and finally even raised his voice-he turned away immediately after realizing that his emotions were out of control, and recalled Remember what you learned in the emotional control course.

Stark wiped the corners of his eyes with his fingers thinking he was concealed. Salomon only heard him suck his nose a few times, then straightened up again, took a long breath and turned back. Starkla pulled the skirt of his suit, raised his chin, and returned to his cynical look, "I don't know what you wizards are capable of, but I still want to know if what you said is true."

What Salomon said happened to hit Stark's heart. Before experiencing Ivan Vanke (Iron Man 2), Tony Stark was still a little resentful towards his father. It wasn't until SHIELD brought him the video that he fully understood his father's feelings towards him. like. It is precisely because of this that Stark is now desperate for a family, otherwise he would not ask Pepper Potts after the incident is resolved-although he does not want to admit it, even if he has completed the production of the new reactor , he would still watch that videotape repeatedly every day in private, over and over again.

Stark also somewhat believed what Salomon said. For nothing else, he had indeed seen Salomon cast magic, and he also admitted that there were indeed things in this world that he did not understand.

"Mr. Stark, I have practiced divination." The mystic tilted his head, put his wand on his temple, and slowly drew out a ray of silver-white energy. He wrapped the wisp of energy around his wand and reached for Stark's forehead, but Stark was very resistant to this move.

"What's this?" He threw his head back, trying to get away from the wand. However, there was a gate behind him, and Stark had nowhere to retreat, he could only block Salomon's wand with his hand, which was the action he usually hated most. "What kind of mind reading is this? I know you have mind reading, you must know that kind of trick! I guessed it, don't try to lie to me!"

"If I wanted to know what you were thinking, I would have done it myself and made it impossible for you to find out." Salomon stretched out his wand directly, "This is your future life, and your daughter's future This is a little windfall when I was divining other things, and now I give it to you, it belongs to you."

This is what the mystics saw in the cauldron of the universe, even Morgan Stark as an adult. However, suddenly seeing the adult appearance of his future daughter will be a bit unacceptable. For the sake of Stark's mental health, the mystic does not intend to give those memories to Stark.

After a few symbolic resistances, Stark accepted the memory with curiosity, but he observed the scene as a bystander. "Wow!" After a while, he blinked, showing a pleasant expression, "I looked so old at that time, why so many wrinkles? I saw Pepper... My daughter is so cute! Little , she's skiing! She's still calling daddy! Are you sure this is my future daughter? All this is going to happen?"

"If you're talking about the little girl skiing with Captain America's shield, then you're right, it's your daughter." Salomon nodded, "I can't answer your other questions, Sis Tucker. When I was born, the fate of this world had been divided. I don’t know if a parallel universe was born when you came to me, and whether the Akashic records were updated—if not, in this In a universe whose destiny has been divided, your daughter will be born in the future; if there is one, there is no telling."

"Parallel universe?" Stark recovered from those pleasant memories. He still has a lot of questions to ask: Like why were he and Pepper in the cabin then? What happened to him at that time? However, these problems are submerged by another term thrown by Salomon.

"This is something that hasn't been proven." Stark is now a little unconcerned about the idea of ​​a parallel world. "Although I haven't studied quantum mechanics, I also know..."

"Believe what you believe." Salomon opened the door and signaled Stark to change his slippers and leave here. "Time will reveal the answers one by one. Wait patiently. This is advice, Stark, if you know everything , there will be no surprises in this world.”

"Hey, I saw your cake! I think Pepper is pregnant right now and she needs something sweet!"

"Get out! Consultation time is over!"

"Okay, no sweets. I'll pay, and you'll do another divination! Just one more time! Please!"


"There are guests at home today?"

Salomon, Bayonetta, and Joan of Arc squeezed together on the sofa, and Bayonetta sat in the middle, digging happily in the glass bowl with a silver spoon. She was very satisfied with the dessert made by Salomon, so after eating the whole bowl of red wine jelly, she turned her face to Salomon, picked up the mystic's chin with her fingers, and kissed him lightly on the lips A moment——Joan was obviously dissatisfied with this kind of reward from Bayoneta, but her mouth was full of cakes, and she could only make an unpleasant "woo-woo" sound.

Salomon lazily answered Bayunita's questions about who the guests were and what they were wearing, as well as Stark's questions. Joan wanted to know the answer about the parallel world, so Salomon used Beunita's incident as an example to explain to her the relationship between parallel worlds-when the two worlds are on the same path in the future, The two parallel worlds will overlap, like two soap bubbles fused together.

"You said that playboy Tony Stark had a daughter? She was born to the female president of the Stark Group?" Joan swallowed the cake, pointed at the TV and asked, "Is this what you're talking about?"

Bayonetta turned up the volume of the TV, and Salomon realized that the headline of the entertainment news tonight was "Stark Group CEO Suspected Pregnancy". Then there was a roadside interview, Tony Stark shook his head in excitement in the camera, he kept saying words like "Pepper", "pregnant" and "daughter", even his bodyguard Happy Can't stand him.

Salomon took a breath. Looking at the background of the interview, Stark should have driven directly back to the Stark Group after leaving here, only to be caught by the paparazzi guarding here. And it seems that the paparazzi swarming up is obviously not something Harpy can stop alone. It was not until the security guards of the building arrived that Tony Stark entered the building smoothly.

"Tony Stark really feeds a lot of paparazzi." Salomon pointed to the picture on TV, and he also saw an acquaintance, "even including Luca."

"The Stark Group issued an emergency announcement... Stark Group CEO Pepper Potts is indeed in a relationship with Chairman Tony Stark...but Pepper Potts is not pregnant yet. She herself thanks the public for their blessings, And said that he has no plans to have children..." The evening entertainment news channel quickly broadcast the announcement of the Stark Group. Although this announcement denied that Pepper was pregnant, it also confirmed her relationship with Stark , Let the melon-eating people in the United States jump up and down. Salomon knew what the topic on Twitter was without turning on his phone.

"Are you sure Tony Stark's child is still a daughter when you say this?" Bayonetta asked, "Maybe it's a boy?"

"I'm sure, Bayonetta, it's fate."

"So what about us?" Beunita turned sideways and put her long legs on Salomon's lap, she asked with a smile, "I like girls too, Salomon, you said we would have a daughter huh? When are we going to try it out?"


"Theresa! You are too much!"

Ask for tickets~~

I don't like to write sugar, I like to post knives.

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