Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 182 Stuffed (second update!)

Salomon and the witch are still fighting as usual. He doesn't plan to progress to that point with Beunita. After all, he doesn't have any potions that can make him grow taller. In order to match the height of the witch, he is working hard. Exercising and eating desperately must not fall short at this time.

Although Beunita is usually the dominant one, he doesn't know what Athena and Beunita said to make the witch more powerful than ever.

"Anyway, you will waste it after sleeping, why not give it to me!" Beunita raised her eyebrows, licked her wet lips, and said something bold, not paying attention to the eyes of the Salomongolian monster—— Today's witch is only wearing a gray off-the-shoulder sweater, showing her soft shoulders. She took off her tight jeans and high heels as soon as she got back to the apartment, and her slender legs were tightened tightly by black fishnet stockings.

Beunita's clothes made Salomon full of interest. She dressed like this on purpose. When she deliberately passed Salomon's eyes, the mystic couldn't take his eyes off her.

But even so, the witch's plan failed, and Joan desperately hugged Beunita, preventing her from approaching Salomon. At the same time, Joan also vetoed Bayonetta's proposal that she would sleep with Salomon in her arms tonight. Joan looked at Salomon with vigilant eyes, waiting for the mystic to approach. It's time to shoot.

"Don't worry, my home tonight is still on the sofa. No..." Salomon patted the fat cat in his arms. He thought about a question over and over again, and this question had been circling in his mind since Stark left, like a vulture waiting for its prey to die, but several hours passed, but Salomon could only hear the desolation of the vulture The answer to this question is still unable to listen to the footsteps so that he can catch up.

"I might have to go back to Karma Taj," he said. "I have a problem that has never been resolved."

"You can tell me about your problem." Bayonetta leaned on Joan of Arc, and the two witches squeezed on the other side of the sofa. She poked Salomon's thigh with her toe, "You never tell me your problems, Salomon. That's not okay, we still have to live together."

"It's an academic question, Bayonetta, do you think I have any doubts about life? I usually live with you." Salomon sighed softly, "But I think you can also listen to Listen to the question, the question is - Am I really not in the Akashic records? Although I said so to Stark, I can't actually confirm this, although I use the spy Akashic records I can see the universe from the cauldron of the universe, but I cannot see myself, which is why I am sure that my fate is not predetermined-but the small town of Salem, and the scar on my neck This silver key made me doubt my destiny. I began to believe that someone had established my destiny, and the only way out of my destiny that I saw so far was unpredictable. If I was not careful, I would fall into it completely Crazy, blending with the chaotic universe."

"Do you think fate brought us together, little guy?" Beunita pondered for a while after listening to Salomon's question. She seemed to have difficulty expressing her true thoughts, and it took her a lot to modify the wording. time. But fortunately, both Joan of Arc and Salomon are very patient people (for certain people).

"Boya, I don't think it was fate that made me decide to be with you. I did it out of my own thoughts." Bayonetta poked Salomon's cheek with her toe again, "It's just because of you , not because of anything else."

The witch hadn't finished speaking, and she didn't intend to continue.

The reason why she decided to accept Salomon's supervision forever was not only Karma Taj's order, but also because of Salomon's doting on Celesa-Beunita knew the importance of magic pets to spellcasters , but Salomon still summoned a fat cat who could never help as a magic pet, and he was responsible for shoveling shit every day; she knew that Salomon hated creatures from outer dimensions the most, and also hated accepting the identity of King Solomon, so After the successful experiment of demon summoning, Salomon rarely summoned helpers from the lower plane, but he summoned Phoenix, one of the seventy-two demon gods, as the protector of Theresa. Fortunately, Phoenix is ​​friendly enough, so Salomon has not sent it back to the lower plane so far; the witch also knows how much Salomon respects the Supreme Mage, but for Seresa, Salomon even dared to send it to the most respected mage. The Supreme Mage protested.

Therefore, when Celesa went back to the past and the current Beunita's memory was affected, the witch's reliance on Salomon was infinitely magnified. But due to her reserve, Beunita couldn't show it, so she could only seize the opportunity of Joan's absence to give Salomon a little "sweetness" - this was also her method, after all, her mother was the most beautiful of the witches that. She once imagined what her future partner would be like with her mother across the prison.

These little tricks were taught to her by her mother.

"There is no need to worry about this, Boya." Bayoneta said with her head tilted. "Whether our fate is predetermined or not, we are always together, and that is the most important thing. If fate does not allow us to be together, Then we fight it, it's as simple as that, we're a family."

"I... I didn't even know you were so good at talking, Bayonetta." Salomon looked at the witch from the corner of his eyes, "And you said it so touchingly."

Joan looked at Salomon with a look of disgust, and the mystic decided to ignore the French woman, because she was definitely not in that family!

"It's your turn." Bayonetta gestured to Salomon with her chin, "I'm waiting to hear from you!"

Salomon turned curiously to face Bayonetta. "Say what?" he asked.

"The reason for being with me. I've already said it, it's your turn."

"Have you said it? Why didn't I hear it?" The mystic replied in a daze. He had never heard Beunita say such a thing. Now he is asked to answer, but he can't answer What's the matter - he can't say it's because Bayonetta has a pair of long legs and vest line, independent and strong personality, coupled with that beautiful long hair and occasional clumsiness towards life, right?

This woman is sexy and cute, how can Salomon not like it?

"Don't argue with beautiful women about this kind of thing." The witch stuck out her tongue and made a very rare playful expression, as if she jumped back to the age of fourteen, "I'm beautiful, so I mean what I say, I say what I say It's over. Boya, never fight with a woman, you can't win."

"I'm curious what Athena told you to make you like this."

"Your adoptive mother has already asked me to keep a secret." The witch adjusted her glasses. "This is a little secret between women. You will never know it. All you need to know is that your adoptive mother told me some stories." That's all right—that's the story of Hera, the queen of heaven, and you definitely don't want to hear it. Well, tell me quickly, why do you like me?"

Salomon opened his mouth, summoned up his courage, and was ready to answer the most difficult question he had ever encountered in his life: To answer this question correctly, he should not just praise blindly, but explain in detail that every step after the two met touched his heart No details can be missed, to show that I keep these things firmly in my heart. (Have you learned it?)

The more detailed the better, the more detailed, the happier the questioner will be, and it would be great if the date and weather can be added. These words sound nasty, but Salomon said it very naturally, and he approached the witch as he spoke.

Only Joan was left, and no one noticed her. Beunita and Salomon got closer and closer, and it was too late to pay attention to her.

She hiccupped quietly.

Good guy, the last few chapters have also skipped orders-these chapters are like the usual summoned monsters that are causally cut off in the first turn after playing cards in the second hand. I'm so fucking mad. From 171 to 176, there are a lot of people skipping orders... This is killing obsessive-compulsive disorder.

It feels like a monster card turned over by a bottomless pit, crying bitterly.

Thanks to GGsbada for the 4000 point reward!

Thanks, thanks.

Then ask for a ticket.

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