Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 183 The Way of Heaven Is Good for Reincarnation (First update!)

Salomon asked the Supreme Master about "whether he is in the Akashic records", but for some reason, the Supreme Master did not answer directly. His Holiness just believes that fate is not immutable.

The Akashic record, the root of the world, contains everything, everyone's soul and trajectory are recorded in it, and only things outside this world can break fate.

This reminded Salomon of the mystery of his life experience and the power of the stigmata. These things obviously do not belong to this universe, especially the silver key. Salomon clearly knows the origin of this thing. Perhaps Yog-Sothoth is right, his fate has indeed changed, but Salomon doesn't know whether this change is passive or active, and when it started.

After answering the questions, the Supreme Mage played the instinct of the elderly again, and shifted the topic to Bayonetta. Regardless of the fact that Salomon was underage, His Holiness asked him what it takes to have a child, and he said nonsense like "In the past, you were the father of two children at your age".

Salomon fled in despair.

In the week after he returned to Eton, Tony Stark called him countless times, but Salomon thought that Stark wanted to find opportunities to get in touch with magic besides asking about his daughter, so They all refused—as Stark himself said, the image projected by a small trick is comparable to the holographic projection device he spent tens of millions of dollars on research and development. There are countless business opportunities in magic, Tony Star K saw an opportunity to make money.

He is still a capitalist in essence, so he naturally has a keen enough sense of smell, but what makes Stark better than other capitalists is that the fields he is involved in are cutting-edge technologies, and the Stark Group receives a large amount of money every year. Investing in these fields, the Stark Group can harvest a large amount of technology and talent reserves-Tony Stark is indeed much better than those capitalists who want to earn the money and lives of their employees. No one does not envy the Stark Group employee benefits, and even few rights disputes between Stark Group employees and the company.

It's just that Salomon is still aware of Tony Stark's troublesome physique. Without professional training and strict supervision, dangerous magic in Stark's hands will endanger the safety of more people. Salomon would not exchange any magical knowledge with Stark, that would be irresponsible to everyone.

Fortunately, Stark won't come to Old Windsor to find him, which makes him relieved, and he worries that Stark will be as persistent as S.H.I.E.L.D. The last time the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Quin-jet fighter landed directly on the lawn, it took Salomon a long time to repair the lawn. This is one of the reasons why Salomon has such a bad attitude towards Nick Fury: because he spends a lot of time mowing lawns that don't belong to him.

According to the principal, as a gentleman, gardening is a compulsory course, and every gentleman must learn to take care of the plants in the garden. Only a respectable, reliable, and attractive man can have excellent gardening skills and unique garden design. A cluster of beautiful flowers is even more attractive than a dazzling lady. No one can bear to drink in the morning. All we saw at tea time were overgrown weeds and unkempt bushes.

This is a beauty that Americans do not know how to appreciate, they are too vulgar.

During the following weekend, Salomon was rarely idle, and he couldn't find any place where he needed himself.

Track down Ghost Rider and Mephisto - Mordo takes over.

Hunting down cults in East Africa and Canada - Master Casilios and Daniel take over.

Along with the School of Merlin, the dark wizards who dealt with those Morgan Le Fay factions - Mage Hamil took over.

The rest of the work is nothing more than on duty, guarding the planetary defense system, and observing the Agamotto crystal ball when necessary. Salomon wasn't interested in those jobs, and he didn't want to waste his time on them. So after reading today's magic book, he can only find a corner in the New York Temple and start his own work today-he will sew his gloves. In order to make this glove, he will cut it from Starting with the leather, step by step the magic is woven into the glove's lines.

This is an extremely complicated and slow process. It takes at least several weekends to weave, attach, and sew a three-ring spell that can be cast with just one spell into an object. The reason it took so long was also because Salomon worked extremely healthy hours. In order to ensure the precision of this work, he could only work eight hours a day.

But before that, he had already finished a little bit at Eton, and now it was not difficult to reconnect with the previous work progress. He was about to sew blood red thread on the white leather.


"I invited you here this time, not for anything else, but to invite you to visit my studio." Tony Stark stood on the loading and unloading balcony of the Iron Armor, and Salomon stood in front of him. After finishing his work, the mystic finally couldn't bear Stark's entanglement. After a brief communication, Salomon agreed with him on the meeting place.

In order to save time, Salomon directly opened the portal on the balcony on the top floor of the Stark Group. Behind him, the warm wind in early summer slowly blows upwards, stirring the corners of the red holy skeleton robe.

"You are very promising in scientific research, Salomon, I still can't imitate your analytical instruments." Stark called him by his first name, "And you refused to charge for divination, I can only invite you to visit Stark's cutting-edge technology. To be honest, you've made a lot of money. How about some juice?"

"I hope you can understand my bottom line, Stark." Salomon followed Tony Stark into the room on the top floor of the building, and his eyes were immediately attracted by the steel armor. Stark obviously also noticed Salomon's sight, and he was a little proud because his technology far surpassed the level of other countries in the world by five to ten years-this is still a conservative estimate.

What attracted Salomon's attention was not the appearance of these steel armors, but the black technology in them. Such as shock absorption technology, such as thruster technology, and the biggest black technology is still on Tony Stark's chest, deeply embedded in his ribs. Without energy, these battle armors are scrap iron.

"This is my best work so far." Stark pointed to the battle armor in the middle, "The Mark 6 steel suit uses new energy sources, and the power of the propeller is much stronger. And I also installed a laser emitter on this armor, and when the energy is sufficient, nothing can stop her."

"Her?" Salomon took the orange juice handed over by Stark, "How dare you call them that?"

"Of course, these are my pride." Stark raised his eyebrows and blinked, "But the Mark 6 still has room for improvement. I'm currently researching the quick donning and doffing technology. It's difficult, what you see Iron suits need to be worn, and although I have improved the entire donning process, I always feel that this is not enough.”

"I'll tell you quietly." Stark approached, lowered his voice, and said mysteriously, "I have already designed my daughter's battle suit, and I plan to install a support system on these battle suits in the future. You Can you imagine? Father and daughter fighting side by side! This is so cool! Do you think my future daughter would love this stuff?"

"Believe me, she will like it." Salomon said with a smile, "but first you have to explain to Miss Pepper Potts why you are so sure that you will have a daughter in the future. Hello, Miss Potts , I am Salomon Damonette, an Etonian."

The mystic caught a glimpse of the president of the Stark Group walking into the room with a document and walking towards Tony Stark, but the guy was busy talking to him and didn't notice it. So Salomon pretended to kiss his hand, which made Tony Stark's expression twisted.

"Ah... welcome, guest from England." Miss Potts glanced at Stark with an embarrassed expression. "Shouldn't I be here now? You look busy."

"No, no, no. Just ignore him." Tony Stark quickly grabbed Miss Potts' waist, "Remember I said I would have a daughter with you in the future? That's what he said—he's a wizard , The real one, I saw him open the portal on the balcony, and then step from London to New York. If you don’t believe me, you can still smell the smell of rain.”

"No matter what, you have to read the documents first, and then don't neglect the guests."

"I'm serious, Pepper. I don't need to read the papers, you make up your own mind, and he's not a guest."

"I seem to be in the way." Salomon took out his wand, drew a circle around him, and a bunch of flowers appeared on the nearby table, startling Pepper Potts.

"I didn't expect that I would have this day." The mystic drank the orange juice in the glass in one breath. "But obviously, I came at the wrong time. It was my guest gift, so it's better for me to leave first."

Ask for tickets~

Thank you Luoyue Wenxiang for your 100 point reward.

Thank you girl Azhai for your 100 point reward.

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