Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 185 The Narrow-minded Mystic (First update!)

After Stark promised in every possible way that he would provide the ingredients for today's dinner, Salomon was willing to sit down and talk for a while. This is a conversation between Stark and Salomon. Pepper Potts still has things to do. Now that most of the affairs of the Stark Group are in her hands, she is not idle at all.

"I want to know more about you and your organization. This is very important. I don't want to know nothing about my future friends." Stark handed the mystic a glass of apple juice, the previous juice had been drunk by Salomon Yes, this is the last non-alcoholic drink in this room. If Salomon still wants it, Stark can only ask someone to buy some more.

"Does S.H.I.E.L.D. know about your organization?" he asked. "I see you have a good relationship with Nick Fury."

"You may not believe it, he shot me, shot an unarmed minor." Salomon shook his head, very satisfied with the cold juice, which made him return to work after eight hours. He regained his spirit - it would be better to drink less potion.

He looked at his watch.

Well, there's still time, and he wouldn't mind saying more about what Stark would know.

"He is a ruthless character, and his style of behavior reveals the style of mysticism." The mystic said, "But I still became a 'friend' in a certain sense. You can't see the arrogant habits of American officials in him. , if he and I are partners on the same front, I will trust him with a limit, although he can always arrange everything, but no one knows what little secret he hides. So I didn't let Nick Fury knows too much before I have to kill him."

"I'm curious." Stark remembered that Nick Fury hacked into the Stark Group's security system, sneaked into his room, and brought him into a S.H.I.E.L.D. base, showing him the S.H.I.E.L.D. intelligence matters. Stark asked, "You know that he is a person who will not give up until he achieves his goal. How did you convince him?"

"Oh! I stuffed him into the body of an extra-dimensional bacteria, and he stayed there for about a minute. When he came out, he was covered in mucus, and then he would talk well." Salomon raised his eyebrows and smiled Said, "In addition to our lives, there are many surreal things living. I know you will not believe it until you see it with your own eyes. Those moths that live on the soul and various monsters that come across dimensions are far away. Far beyond human imagination, and since you're still with Miss Potts tonight, I won't let you watch it. Don't look at me like that, don't want to miss dinner and have nightmares tonight, do you? ?”

Stark said he was interested. After Salomon refused, he didn't insist too much, but talked about Karma Taj and Salomon's teacher-but after Salomon finished talking about what Stark could know, he Then questioned the identity of the supreme mage as the lord of mankind.

"Look around us, Salomon," he said. "We don't live in a feudal world. This is a free and democratic modern society. It is absolutely ridiculous for your teacher to draw up a small circle and call himself king. If you Your teacher is so powerful, why not directly rule all mankind?"

"First of all, the whole universe believes that my teacher is the lord of mankind and the king of the earth. It doesn't matter whether ordinary people agree or not, because you don't even have the qualifications to stand in the universe." Although he was mentally prepared, Salomon was still rejected. Stark's words annoyed him. Stark is an arrogant guy. Even though he has changed now, he is still the proud technological genius in his bones.

"It's like whether you admit it or not, Asgard is the suzerain of the earth. The earth is protected from alien attacks from the main material universe, and it is also because of Asgard's deterrence to other countries. In this universe, everyone Fear the father of the gods and the supreme mage." The two of them have completely different perspectives on the world, and it is easy to get angry just discussing the issue of social form, so Salomon changed the subject, lest he want to make Stark kill.

"But do you know what other countries in the Nine Realms are like? Just like Europe in the colonial era, the resources of the colonies, such as food and minerals, were continuously transported to the mainland, and the mainland dumped most of the primary industrial products To the colony, to carry out endless plunder. Asgard is such a country with colonies. So, why do you think the earth did not send resources to Asgard, but gave resources to humans for waste?"

"You mean... Supreme Mage? Well, if that's the case, the name is not boastful." Stark took a breath, and the truth about the Nine Realms that Salomon said made him shudder, "We Can you resist? I mean... Asgard."

"No." Salomon shook his head, "It's better not to talk about such a topic when you are alone next time, Heimdall can see and hear everything that happens in the universe, if he is paying attention to you, When you say those words, it will be as clear as when you talk to him face to face."

"Hiss——" Stark quickly raised his head to look at the ceiling, and then he looked at Salomon with a panicked expression, "You must be able to do something if you are so calm? I don't want to be alone with know of."

"Heimdall is not that busy. To him, you are just an ordinary earthling. The currency of the earth is meaningless to Asgard." The mystic said, "As for me, I am not worried. The skeletal cloth is not something that Heimdall can see through, and Kama Taj also has a more powerful protective spell, which is a hidden place that cannot be plotted by any means. Only knowledgeable people can find it, so we don’t need to use it. Worried about Asgard's prying eyes."

"Can you……"

"No, no talk."

"Okay, okay." Stark raised his glass extremely depressed. He hated this feeling of powerlessness, and since the arrival of the Asgardians, he has been trying to understand this alien force, but this gap cannot be filled by himself.

"And the Asgardians also have a rainbow bridge, I think you should have seen it." Salomon added fuel to this emotion, which was revenge for Stark's disrespect for the Supreme Mage.

"Ah, I've seen it. Finally, there is something I can understand." Stark rolled his eyes, "Einstein-Rosen Bridge, Asgard has the ability to project the entire universe, I still know that .”

"Not only that, but the magic of the Rainbow Bridge is a star-destroying weapon, which can easily cut any planet in half—otherwise, how do you think Asgard became the hegemony of the universe? The Cree Empire depends on it." The face of Asgard."

"Ahem!" Stark choked on his drink without accident, and Salomon deliberately said this when Stark was just drinking. Salomon's mind is not big, and revenge will never stop.

It wasn't until he saw Stark coughing piercingly that he was slightly satisfied.

"Then... how did the Supreme Mage win?" Stark asked intermittently after recovering from his breath, and he took another sip of wine, trying to calm down.

"I don't know about that." Salomon blinked playfully, "But don't worry too much, the earth is not without the ability to resist - because the earth also has star destroying weapons, which are in my hands."

"Cough cough cough!!!"


"Why did you buy so many high-end steaks today?" Athena picked up a bag of vacuum-sealed raw beef and looked at it carefully, and then she carefully inspected the meat that Salomon brought over and piled up in the kitchen of the orphanage with suspicious eyes. Vacuum bagged beef, "So many U.S.Choice filet mignon, ribeye and T-bone, and U.S.Prime sirloin here. Did you rob a warehouse?"

"It's just the back kitchen of the Stark Group. The beef also includes the beef that the Stark Group will use this week. Tony Stark doesn't have the heart to think about it. I scared him enough." Salomona Pick up a bag of filet, cut open the vacuum bag with a knife, and take out the beef inside. The mystic was not stingy, and drastically modified the beef. This kind of knife technique inherited from Dubai can only be seen in wealthy families and Michelin restaurants.

"I originally wanted to bring the chef here, but that would be too much. Tomorrow, the Stark Group will have no more beef to eat." Salomon explained while repairing the beef, and he also directed the little Luo who was helping. Na cleaned the broccoli, "I don't think the witches and I can finish eating so much beef, so I plan to bring it to my brothers and sisters."

"Although I let them eat well and have balanced nutrition every day, the beef is too extravagant." Athena said dissatisfiedly, "Indulging in pleasure cannot grow, Salomon."

"Oh, just once, my dear Athena." The mystic shook his head and said with great joy, "There is no problem with tasting delicious food. These beefs are definitely more willing to fall into the mouths of those who want to appreciate them. Not the wasteful rich. Am I right, little Lorna?"

"Yeah! Fuck rich people!"

"Lorna! No swearing!"

"Lorna! No swearing!"

Ask for tickets~

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