Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 186 Sheath Tool (Second update!)

The cosmic situation revealed by Salomon has already made Tony Stark, a technological genius, a little anxious, because the mystic first gave a cruel fact, and then he gave false hope, first affirming Stark Future achievements, and then take the responsibility on yourself. However, this can't solve any problems. Stark is not a person who will give up because of other people's promises. After Salomon left, Stark has already started to arrange the next research and development plan.

It's just that none of this has much to do with Salomon who is staying in the orphanage. He is busy helping the children fry steaks. Athena, in spite of the children's objections, asked them to put the broccoli on the plate as well. After eating together, Salomon took the lead in eating vegetables under the pressure of Athena, which caused complaints from all the children. After finishing these tasks, the mystic returned to the apartment with a few bags of sirloin steak and began to prepare dinner and dessert.

He glanced at the memo, then at the time on his watch. Salomon was going to pick up Beunita and Joan of Arc after their shopping, and before that he was going to the Hell's Gate bar, because he had made an appointment with Rodin to learn how to make magic items-this skill Naturally, it needs to be learned, not something that can be learned by reading a book. There are not many people in Karma Taj who are capable of making magic items, and the Supreme Mage is one of them. However, Salomon would not bother His Holiness for such a trivial matter, so he can only find Rodin and make an appointment for a class.

Although Rodin refused to continue to work overtime after completing Karma Taj's order, he would not mind teaching some techniques if Salomon wanted to learn it himself. Rodin is good at making magic weapons and armors, but the magic knowledge (spell recognition), appropriate craftsmanship and professional skills required to make magic items are common. Small things like sewing runes can't trouble Rodin, a high-ranking person. Facing a famous craftsman, he also thought that Salomon would be able to quickly learn these skills.

No matter where a spellcaster goes, he can't escape learning this kind of thing. Salomon is very grateful for his current brain. His current intelligence can already try to touch the Turing Award in his lifetime, and Stark's intelligence is better than his Higher, he belongs to those who can revolutionize human life by virtue of their intellect. But the mystic is not depressed, because as he learns more about magic, his body and organs will gradually absorb excess magic power, his body will be stronger, his brain will be more awake, and his life span will be longer, not to mention He has a high starting point, and the power given by the saint's physique has not yet been fully utilized. As time goes by, the day when he surpasses Stark will come earlier than he imagined.

To pass the Spellcraft check, all he needs is some craftsmanship and professional ability. With these, he can start making his own magic items. [Speciality: Manufacturing Strange Items]

Bayunita didn't mind that Salomon came late today. She and Joan planned to have a drink at the Hell's Gate Bar, and then sat on the counter seat and watched the mystic who was struggling to cut leather and sew gloves. Enzo was the only one in the whole bar who was not satisfied. Every time Salomon came to the Hell's Gate Bar, the chubby intelligence dealer had to extinguish his cigar. Rodin refused to discuss this matter.

"When will I be able to smoke a cigar?" Enzo shook the whiskey in his hand dissatisfied, "Really. This kid is not as small as he looks. He has lived with the witch for a long time! He is already a man! Hey, Rodin, another glass of Chivas!"

Joan looked at Enzo with the eyes of looking at garbage, and the intelligence dealer was not moved at all. "I'm not wrong." As he spoke, his voice slowly trailed off, because he saw the gun spinning in Joan's hand.

"It will take about five years." Although Enzo refused to pay for the wine, Rodin still handed him a glass of wine, and at the same time instructed Salomon in a low voice on the leather-cutting skills, "Twenty-one years old is considered an adult."

The intelligence merchant yelled in dissatisfaction: "Do I have to wait so long? Beunita, when will you make this brat a man!"

"He's always been~" the witch licked her lips, "Boya's kissing skills have improved a lot."

"Ceresa!" Joan of Arc exclaimed dissatisfied.

Salomon rolled his eyes and continued sewing his gloves. Before he came to the gate of hell, he had already prepared two scrolls, one was bloodletting and the other was touch of a vampire. These two spells are black magic that can absorb life force, and this pair of gloves is also an out-and-out of dark magic items. And there is a reason why he planned to make this pair of gloves instead of arcane strike gloves, because this pair of vampire gloves and weapons made of vampire souls can be perfectly matched, greatly improving his melee ability—vampire gloves absorb The vitality of the enemy is attached to him, and the Fallen Leaf Double Knife can convert this excess vitality into blood and release it to attack the enemy, forming a perfect cycle.

If Salomon hadn't already figured out how to use the Fallen Leaf Double Knife, he wouldn't have used this weapon that might make him grow taller.

"Your Coke." Rodin put the Coke with ice cubes in front of the mystic, "You've made rapid progress, and you can add spells next. But before that, you should try to see if it fits comfortably. That's what needs to be considered the most, not magic."

"Don't worry, Rodin." Salomon picked up the cup and took a sip, "This magic weapon will automatically adjust its size."

"No, what I mean is, you have to try to sew yourself right. I don't want to feel the thread in a pair of gloves." Rodin poured himself a glass of wine. Since Salomon arrived at the Hell's Gate Bar, he has almost given up cigars. It is extremely irresponsible for minors to smoke second-hand smoke.

"Also." The fallen angel craftsman said, "The last two items of your order have also been completed. To be honest, although these two sheaths do not have any powerful magic, they took me a lot of time. The pattern you requested It's just too complicated to decorate."

"That's to match the style of the weapon, Rodin." Salomon shook his head and summoned Phoenix. Under the paws of this big golden-red bird was holding two things tightly wrapped in canvas. The mystic opened the first canvas, which contained the double blades of fallen leaves. Rodin matched the sheath for this weapon with a little Curved metal scabbard, this scabbard mountain is covered with dark metal lines, I don't know what kind of metal it is made of.

And the other canvas wrapped is the sword of vowed victory. Salomon always wanted to match this sword with a scabbard, but in order to match the gorgeousness of this sword, the scabbard must also have the same style. Due to the extremely complicated crafts envisaged, Salomon could only be handed over to Rodin for production.

Rodin did not disappoint Salomon either. The craftsmanship of this scabbard was outrageously complicated, but it took him a long time to decorate the scabbard with dark blue and golden yellow enamel. According to Rodin, what he used was the chiseled enamel production process, and the entire scabbard was finally formed after a long period of firing.

Salomon tried to insert the sword into the scabbard, and as expected, it fit perfectly. He doesn't expect the scabbard to have the ability of the original scabbard. What he needs is a container that can hold the sword temporarily so that he can carry it easily. He can't wrap the long sword with canvas every time, that would be too embarrassing .

Thanks for the 200 point reward from the blind man who sees everything.

Ask for tickets~~

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