Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 187 Treating guests to dinner (first update!)

These two sheaths don't have too many powerful magics, they can clean up the dirt on the sword, and make the weapon temporarily sharper when the weapon is out of the sheath (enchanted weapon). These functions are enough for Salomon to use. He doesn't need too much magic, because both the Fallen Leaf and the Sword of Oath of Victory are extremely powerful weapons in themselves.

After a busy day, Salomon returned to the apartment with Bayonetta and Joan of Arc. This is a rare day without jet lag, and everyone enjoys this kind of rest time, except for Joan, who always thinks that Salomon is plotting against Beunita, even when she is at the dinner table, she wants to hold the The fork is thrown at Salomon.

But the truth is the opposite, Bayonetta is the one who takes the initiative - she always wants to sit on it.

However, Salomon is also very happy.

"Do you know what it's like for a person whose birthday is only Christmas?" Salomon sat in front of a simple dark copper-colored metal table and talked, waving his hands sadly, holding a big lump in his arms. A creature made of golden-red fluffy feathers. From a distance, his red sacred robes blended with this fiery creature, as if a head with black hair grew on a crimson flame. The person across the table obviously thought the scene was a little funny, too, and she tried to stuff the sandwich into her mouth, trying not to laugh.

"Everyone!" the mystic said sullenly, "Everyone is ignoring the fact that the new year has arrived, people born on Christmas seem to be stuck in the past, when I want to declare that I am sixteen years old, I'm always reminded: you still have five years before you can drink, sorry six. Also, when birthdays overlap with holidays, the person loses entertainment once a year, and the world owes Christmas birthdays one Parties, cakes don't go well with roast turkey, birthday candles don't go well with plastic gold balls."

"You don't look like you are fifteen years old at all." The person sitting across the table nodded, "I mean height, you are as tall as an adult, and you are still growing taller. But your face It's the face of a young man, I have to admit, you look really good-looking, just like a marble statue. I was wondering, are the muscles under your clothes as sharp as the stone statue?"

"Dear Ms. Romanov, I invited you to dinner to apologize to you. You can ridicule me as much as you want, but please don't do it this way." Salomon lay back on the metal seat, " What we need is mutual respect. Look, I didn't know you were off work now, but I still found a fancy restaurant, and even though they're closed, we still sat in the customer's seat, although the wine paired with the sandwich was a bit Oops, but this bottle of Baruno is in my personal collection. I think my apology is very sincere."

"I just have one question, Salomon." Natasha Romanov asked with a smile, "Did you know at that time that I would not die?"

"I don't know." The mystic shook his head very bluntly, "The essence of divination spells is to spy on fate, and you have indeed appeared in the future. But those things are foreign objects, disturbances to fate, and they have the ability to change fate." ability. When you were captured, I didn't know your ending. All I could do was solve the source of the matter. I'm sorry for giving up your choice at that time, but if I had to choose again , I will still make the same decision and will not regret it."

"You are such a hard-hearted guy." Agent Romanov glanced at Salomon, "You made the right decision, any professional agent would make this kind of choice. But I am still a little dissatisfied Your apology - I know you can maneuver around the world and open portals anywhere. Now that the restaurant in New York is closed, why not take me somewhere else now?"

"Ma'am." Salomon sighed, "You don't know what terrible things I have experienced after receiving your text message late at night. I still suspect that you did it on purpose until now. You should be able to understand the reason for going out late at night. What kind of blame will men face?"

Romanov shrugged, with a nonchalant expression on his face.

"So, I don't have time." The mystic yawned a little, "But Coulson did convey it for me. Have you seen him recently? I also want to ask him where the last burrito was bought."

"I don't know either." Natasha shook her head and replied, "This is a secret of S.H.I.E.L.D. What's more, I have missions to come, and I don't have time to think about these things."

"Maybe... I know something." The mystic wanted to lean forward to add some sense of mystery, but suddenly found that Phoenix was blocking him, so he could only turn around awkwardly, and leaned over in a different position, "Universe Rubik's Cube, Pegasus Base. Don't pretend to be surprised, I just happen to know something, and you must know, I don't have much curiosity about S.H.I.E.L.D. - if I want to know the little secret of S.H.I.E.L.D. I can know. It's just that Nick Fury's experiment is a bit too risky this time, and he wants to use a particle accelerator to bombard the Rubik's Cube. Isn't he afraid of blasting the American continent into the sky?"

It has been almost a month since Salomon told Coulson, but Natasha Romanov did not contact him until today. Apart from work reasons, Salomon is more willing to believe that it was Nick Fury who sent Romanov to negotiate with him. Nick Fury knew that he couldn't hide the Rubik's Cube from Salomon. The Cosmic Rubik's Cube has no clue, and Agent Romanov came here to find out the news.

"What do you know?" Romanov admitted with great joy.

"It's just some things you don't know, and those things are meaningless to your experiments, such as the origin of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, for example, we have studied the Cosmic Rubik's Cube." The mystic said, "It doesn't matter how you want to experiment, I just want to Remind you to pay attention to safety, don't use any messy things to cut that thing. If the Rubik's Cube explodes, no one can take responsibility."

"Why don't you magicians keep it?"

"Because it doesn't fit."

"What doesn't fit?"

"The time is not right."

"You are really good at telling riddles, Salomon." Agent Romanov was obviously a little angry. She took the Italian sausage from Salomon and took a bite, "You said a lot, but But there is nothing. Can you help S.H.I.E.L.D. to study the Rubik's Cube?"

"My dear Ms. Romanov, I am a little sad when you say this. I didn't deliberately conceal it, but SHIELD is not suitable for knowing the answer." Salomon said, "We need SHIELD to carry out the next step." experiment."

"You want the results of the experiment? Isn't it possible to use magic to research?" Romanov's mood changed extremely quickly, as if the previous sullenness was just a puff of smoke, "I thought magic was omnipotent."

"Magic is indeed omnipotent, but human beings are not." The mystic also fed Phoenix a piece of sausage, so that the guy who had been drilling into his arms would calm down a bit, "And my purpose is not the research results of the Rubik's Cube , that doesn't make sense to me, I just want to remind Nick Fury to stop causing trouble for us, his experiment is not safe at all, I have already sent him a text message to tell him, but he didn't listen."

"Then what is your purpose?"

"My purpose is just to invite you to dinner." Salomon began to pretend to be stupid skillfully. "If you are not satisfied, I can make an appointment in advance. The situation we are in now is the result of not having an appointment. I will invite you next time." Let me know the off-duty time in advance so that I can arrange my schedule."

Agent Romanov narrowed his eyes and asked with a smile, "Is this a date?"

"Don't you say that, ma'am, I'm afraid an arrow will hit me in the knee in a year's time."

Ask for tickets~

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