Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 191 Raymond Gayton's Magic Circle and the Ominous Smell (First update!)

Salomon moved so fast that Nick Fury had no time to stop him. This does not mean that the mystic casts spells too quickly, but that Salomon took out an ampoule from his pocket and drank the liquid in one gulp. Before Nick Fury asked what the liquid was, The mystic slammed his forehead on the table very simply, and fell into a deep sleep.

This left Nick Fury dumbfounded - that wasn't the plan. According to the plan, they should put the suspect home first, and then wait until he fell asleep before acting, instead of rushing into action as they are doing now. What's more, Salomon also put Pegasus in the metered parking lot outside the police station, parked between a Ford and the black S.H.I.E.L.D. jeep and a box of fresh apples he just bought , what if it takes too long and someone sees a horse with wings?

Nick Fury's anger suddenly spread from the bottom of his heart: Bastard, little bastard! Always doesn't come according to plan!

He was so angry that he smashed the tabletop with his fist, and Salomon's head bounced up, and then hit the tabletop again, but the shock still made the mystic mage sleepy, and the power of taking the potion was still there. Play a role.

"I still have to clean up the mess. Maybe he found some emergency." The Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. sighed as he thought about it. He made a phone call and started to set up the scene at the same time. After doing all this, his His eyes fixed on the ampoule placed on the table. Nick Fury skillfully collected the residual liquid in the ampoule with a cotton swab, and then he took out another cotton swab, ready to stuff it into Salomon's mouth-this is a rare opportunity to collect information on the body of the mystic, before Neither Agent Coulson nor Romanov did it, and S.H.I.E.L.D. only had the mystic's fingerprints.

But just as he was about to do this, a fire burst out of nowhere in the interrogation room, and a big golden-red bird spread its wings and stopped in front of Nick Fury. "Hiss...we are friends, I won't hurt him, right?" The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. smiled awkwardly. He didn't dare to fool this Phoenix, who could only write poetry. Smart. "I just want to help him do a medical examination." Nick Fury said nonsense that no one can fool, while enjoying Phoenix's contemptuous eyes, "Okay, okay, I won't do it. Come with me Tell me, what exactly does your master want to do?"

Little bastard, he really doesn't trust me, and he still keeps back. Nick Fury was trying to walk out while laughing—Of course Salomon would not do something unprepared in a hurry, Phoenix is ​​the insurance that pulls him out of the dream, and when necessary, he only needs to tap Peck, the mystic can escape from the dream, which is the back door he prepared for himself.

And just after Nick Fury left the interrogation room, Phoenix shook his feathers, and the burning smell immediately filled the entire room. It began to draw a magic circle with traces of flames, in order to strengthen Salomon's power in the dream .

A circle of scorching marks is drawn with Salomon as the center, followed by a square enclosing the circle. Four hexagrams are located on the four corners of the square with iron crosses, which represent the four elements and the four elements from soul to body. world, while the four hexagrams represent the macrocosm. "adonai" is written on the periphery of the hexagram, which means linking the four worlds, and alpha and omega are written next to the other two hexagrams, representing the beginning and the end.

Then, scorching marks climbed along the wall and ceiling, densely packed Hebrew characters were engraved on it, and the other two rings with written words also wrapped Salomon. This is the sacred name, which writes the names of all gods and angels, and represents the nine sources of the tree of life, which are crown, wisdom, understanding, kindness, rigor, beauty, victory, glory, and foundation; In addition to the name, there are four pentagrams representing "people" in the microcosm. Flames ignited on three of the pentagrams, and Phoenix alone occupied the remaining pentagram.

When Nick Fury walked in again, he was startled by the sight in front of him, and he didn't even dare to set his feet - Phoenix also refused to let Nick Fury break in, because in this magic circle, Salomon His Person is God, whose consciousness has been connected to the world.

And what does Salomon want to do? The answer was obvious, because he found out that this matter was not as simple as a hell-breather Spnog sneaking into the main material plane, and he smelled a familiar smell.

A very, very familiar smell, an unsettling smell that had haunted him like a nightmare, haunted his dreams since he left Salem, and now he smelled something like it.

It was the smell of nightmares.

That damn hellbreather Spnog knows something, it didn't sneak out, it escaped.

The mystic kicked away the red sofa pillow at his feet and carefully looked at the scene in front of him. This is the dream of the suspect Connor, and Salomon used spells to put him to sleep. Unsurprisingly, as soon as he falls asleep, he will be drawn into this dreamland—no, Connor is not the owner of this dreamland, the owner here is someone else, and Connor's dream will only manifest here That's all.

Salomon stepped over the men and women entangled on the carpet under his feet, stepped over a few used syringes and a few bags of white powder, and walked forward through the twisted shadows reflected by the mottled colored lights until he reached the spacious In front of French windows. The mystic waved his finger, and the door opened by itself, and he stood on the balcony.

Looking out, the towering buildings stretched to the sky in front of him, the huge advertisement made of holographic images was constantly changing in front of his eyes, and the never-ending icy cold rain was sprinkled on the balcony with the breeze, strangely shaped Light and shadow crawled all over this old building with its yellowish white tiles peeling off, revealing the rough concrete walls under its fragile skin.

This is a dream. The smell of damp rain on his face and the rustling sound from the city alley all indicate that this is a dream, and he still remembers his location——he told himself so.

It's a nightmare.

Because when he looked up, he saw a familiar dog on the street full of garbage.

And the dog was looking at him, it recognized Salomon, and it came to tell Salomon a message.

Something has awakened.


S.H.I.E.L.D. quickly took over the local police station. The small town of Oro Grande is located to the south of the White Sands Missile Range, not far from S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Pegasus base. Nick Fury called to ensure the mission Nothing would go wrong - he thought he could solve the problem himself, but the current situation obviously didn't allow him to do so. After the Quinjet landed, Agent Coulson pushed open the door of the interrogation room.

"Sir." He wiped the sweat from his brow with a handkerchief, "We can't get near that horse."

"Then leave it alone." Nick Fury glanced at Phoenix, who was squatting quietly beside Salomon, and then lowered his voice. "The little bastard is not dead, and his bird is very capable." He said to Coulson, "I want you to arrange an action team to surround the police station - if you see a monster, you shoot directly .”

"Sir, what monster?" Coulson was indeed Nick Fury's most trusted agent, and he didn't have a single question when faced with overtime. "Now there is a great bird that catches fire, and a Pegasus with wings eating an apple," said he. "What else can be a monster?"

"Are they ugly?" Nick Fury looked at Agent Coulson with contempt.

"No, sir."

"Then you will understand when you see the monster." Nick Fury remembered Salomon and the appearance of the hell breather he described. "Just shoot at the ugliest one."

Thanks to GGsbada for the 100 point reward.

Ask for tickets~~~

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