Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 192 Warning from unknown source (second update!)

"The indescribable existence has awakened, it has awakened from the world of the thirty-first century, it has traveled back in time millions of years ago, and fought fiercely in the wilderness with the heroes of the wild. It will come to modern times and appear in your In front of you. You have to be ready, you have to explore the secret of the silver key, you have to travel across time and space to find it and kill it."

Salomon straightened up suddenly, startling Nick Fury who was waiting outside the interrogation room. The mystic opened his eyes. At this time, Phoenix also spread his wings and made a melodious chirping sound. The words the mystic had heard were all from the mouth of a dreary-looking, wet dog, as he had been certain since he saw the avatar of Yog-Sothoth himself capture the dog. , the identity of this stray dog ​​Jones must not be simple, and it is not known which old ruler or the incarnation of the ancient one.

In fact, when it is immune to Nyarlathotep's spells and drags Nyarlathotep's avatar out, it is already very special. It's just that Salomon didn't know what those spells were at that time, and how difficult it was to be immune to those spells. Although it is still impossible to be 100% sure of the identity of the stray dog ​​Jones, he can be sure that under the skin of the stray dog ​​is an indescribable monster with a very high personality, otherwise it would not be possible for him to be taken away by Yog-Sothos. The center of the chaotic universe can still appear here in the future—even if this is just a dream.

As for the existence suggested by the stray dog ​​Jones, Salomon also has a guess: the one-eyed alien Shuma-gorath is an outer-dimensional demon god from the chaotic universe. No one knows the true form of this extra-dimensional demon god. The huge eyeball with countless tentacles that ordinary people see is just one side of it. It is the most dangerous extra-dimensional demon god, even more dangerous than Dormammu many.

He wants to solve the matter here as soon as possible, and then report the information to the supreme mage. The stray dog ​​Jones is also very face-saving. It took the initiative to drive out the hell breather who was lurking in the dream and disguised as a trash can.

"One minute." Salomon drew out the long knife with his right hand and the short dagger with his left hand. He said to Nick Fury, "Phoenix's banishment can only last for one minute, and ordinary people only have one minute to evacuate. Keep them at least a hundred meters away from here, otherwise I can't guarantee their safety."

Nick Fury reacted very quickly. He quickly notified the action team and agents to retreat. After the order was issued, he had time to ask Salomon what happened. "The duration of this spell is very short. Hellbreather was temporarily expelled by Phoenix, but it will come back." Salomon replied while checking the protective spell on his body, "The wound burned by the flames of hell is located in the The burns on the soul and the body can never heal, if you don't want to be burned to death, you should evacuate here as soon as possible."

"No, I'm asking, why didn't you come as planned." Nick Fury asked, "What did you find?"

"That's not something you should know." Salomon added all the protective spells to be used on himself. The Hell Breather is not an overly powerful enemy, and it lost most of its strength after being expelled from the dreamland, but its size is huge, and the breath it exhales comes from the flames of hell, which is the most troublesome part. "Perhaps this police station is going to be remodeled," he said. "Have you come up with an excuse? Gas explosion, how about it?"

Nick Fury throws Salomon a headset. "Good excuse." He said, "We also concealed the existence of Hulk in the same way. As for the result, people all over the world know."

"Okay, it's time for you to go." The mystic put on the headset, "I will call for backup if necessary."

Not long after Nick Fury left, a head that was much larger than the size of an ordinary person's head was drilled out of the innocent man arrested by the police. The monster's eyes were just two slits, and a bloody mouth With jagged teeth, Salomon could see the spitting organ similar to a snake's head growing out of the big mouth that almost tore the entire head, and smell the stench of sulfur mixed with bad breath.

After the Hellbreather left the dream, Phoenix immediately grabbed the innocent and disappeared into the etheric plane, leaving only Salomon and the Hellbreather face to face. The mystic watched the expanding monster and retreated to the door of the interrogation room. He saw the metal table squeezed aside by the huge body, and then twisted and deformed, making an unbearable creaking sound.

"WOOOO——" Hellbreather let out a roar that could shatter eardrums when he saw Salomon, and the glass in the police station even shattered. Those agents who were far away from the police station couldn't help wondering what was making the sound. Only Nick Fury and Coulson, who knew the inside story, frowned, worried that Salomon would not be able to deal with the enemy.

"I know you can understand me." Salomon spoke in extremely fluent purgatory language. This is the language he practiced secretly behind the Supreme Master's back. For some reason, he just wanted to do it without any reason. "Unfortunately, you stepped into the earth." The mystic mage connected the short knife to the handle of the long knife, "so you have only one choice, death."


"It's useless to pretend you don't understand." The mystic stretched out his hand wearing a pale white glove, and the blood-colored snake came out of his palm, and rushed towards the enemy. The flesh of the hellbreather was eaten, and the fangs penetrated the thick skin and touched the flesh. These snakes have no venom, nor do they inject anything into the body of their enemies. Instead, they only devour—devour the life force of their enemies.

This spell brought great pain to the hell-breather Spnogg, and this pain even temporarily made him lose his mind. It shattered the concrete wall, rushed out of the interrogation room, and slammed into the mystic. While jumping, Salomon kept a distance from the monster, while chanting a spell, and activated the spell on the Fallen Leaf Double Knife. When the hell-breather Spnog finally remembered his ability, and tried to distance himself from several collapsed walls and ceilings, and spit flames towards Salomon, the mystic stepped on the falling stones. Concrete ceilings and twisted steel bars keep approaching the enemy.

In an instant, the whole building exploded like a can filled with fireworks, and the flames rushed out of the windows and soared into the sky. Even the agents who stayed a hundred meters away could feel the heat of the flames. Along with it, there was the huge explosion sound.

The figure of Salomon appeared at the feet of Spnogg, the breather of hell. Bright red lights were constantly flashing around his body. It could be vaguely seen that this was a spherical barrier. Behind this barrier was another layer similar to A dark blue shield with a fabric-like structure, and further inwards, there is a circle of orange-red sparks - Salomon has always been good at preparing - the outermost circle is the three-ring spell: energy protection damage; the second layer is the advanced spell when learning protection spells: arcane defense; as for the innermost layer, it is Kama Taj's protection spell.

As for the standing mage armor spells, it is the fourth layer of protection, and the fifth and sixth layers of protection are protection against arrows and bulletproof shields. This is the magic he uses to prevent S.H.I.E.L.D.

With sufficient preparations, the flames breathed by the hell breather could not break through Salomon's protective spell at all. Although it seems that these spells are somewhat redundant now, the mystic mage has no intention of withdrawing the spells, because he never thinks that any protective magic will be redundant.

This is not cowardice, this is caution, and it is the professional characteristic of a mage!

The effect of the first battle of the Fallen Leaf Double Knife was very good. When the mystic swung the huge blood blade with this knife, a deep gap was cut in the back of the hellbreather, and the mystic rushed towards the monster at an extremely fast speed. More knives were swung from its limbs, until the bones were severed by the bloody giant blade, and the monster could no longer move. With this knife, he cleanly severed the spine and internal organs of the enemy, and the blood rich in polysulfides was gushing from the wound at an extremely fast speed, as if a bloodthirsty beast was sucking blood from the wound , the rapid blood loss made this hell creature from the dream dimension weak even howling.

"Do you need help, Salomon. Can you hear me?" came the voice from the headset.

"Yes." Salomon used the long knife as a crutch, stepped on the monster lying on the ground and climbed up its back. The mystic stepped over the huge bleeding wound and walked towards the neck of the hellbreather (if the thing as thick as the body was the neck), he stabbed the long knife in hard, killing the monster completely.

He dragged the long knife sideways, trying to cut off the monster's head. "I don't need help."

"But the fire will starve you of oxygen very quickly, and the heat radiation will kill you, not to mention the smoke. I don't want the only mystic I think to be choked to death by the smoke."

"It's a bit choking, but don't worry, I'm fine."

"Then can you hurry up. Agent Coulson is trying to appease the local police. If they didn't see how many of us there are, they would probably shoot us now. After all, we just lost their jobs."

"It's something you can fix."

"You invited me, but I didn't even see the monster!" Nick Fury said dissatisfiedly, "I only saw your Phoenix, and your Pegasus. Seriously, you When are you going to let me see what you're doing?"

"After the last time... the last time you saw extra-dimensional bacteria, how long did it take you to eat?"

"About a day."

"Well, let me tell you, this monster—vomit—is more disgusting than extra-dimensional bacteria. But it's not as disgusting as the Gug giant."

"What the hell are you doing in there?!"

"Harvesting my trophies and cutting off the enemy's head isn't the glory of a soldier? Although this head is a bit big." Salomon touched the head of Phoenix who had just appeared beside him. He said, "You don't have to look forward to getting a sample of the hell creature, its blood is flammable."

"Monther F*uck!" Nick Fury couldn't help cursing as he watched the increasingly fierce fire, "You'd better tell me that you made those little reptiles too."

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