Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 193 Knight's Trial (First update!)

The mystic ignored the flames that climbed over the corpse, and reached the roof of the police station by stepping on the fallen concrete ceiling. On the top of the one-story building, Salomon saw what Nick Fury called the "little reptiles"—they just ran out when the hellbreathers died and their souls returned to the lower planes. The purgatory insects, these dirty things are nothing special, but because they live in the lower plane, the power of hell makes them a bit huge.

"Fire covered, Nick Fury." Salomon inserted the long and short knife back into the scabbard, and then shaped a spear with Visandi's magic power (magic flame shaping). He leaned back slightly and took a deep breath. The muscles under the red holy relic and black mystic robe were tense, trying to accumulate strength. Immediately afterwards, he took a step forward, his body suddenly leaned forward, and threw the spear like a spring that was suddenly released and compressed to the limit. This orange-red sparkling spear first flew into the sky, then roared through the air like a meteorite and fell down. It precisely hit a Hell cockroach rushing in the front. This huge force even smashed the a large concrete floor.

It was a skill taught by Athena, the art of spear-throwing from Olympus, which Salomon had practiced since childhood. Compared with swordsmanship and cavalry, his boxing and spear skills are more praiseworthy. The rigorous training of the goddess of wisdom and war finally paid off.

Salomon breathed out a mouthful of sweaty hot air—after throwing the spear, his back was full of sweat, and the hot ground under his feet made him sweat even more, and the flames from the lower floor continued to scorch the air, scorching the air. The stench filled his nostrils. He pressed the call headset, "Kill them, Nick Fury."

Nick Fury was very happy that he was able to face the messy creatures in the outer dimension. Salomon's strict defense attitude rarely let him touch these things. Even if these extradimensional creatures are just a group of huge cockroaches, Nick Fury firmly believes that these creatures still have scientific research value for S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Shoot, shoot!" The action team members acted quickly after receiving the order. They were small in number but well-trained, and every bullet would fall where it should. In the face of weapons such as portable rocket-propelled grenades, these hell cockroaches are even more helpless, but the delicious flesh and blood are incomparably attractive to this group of hungry beasts for a long time. Too hungry to stop and bite the flesh of its own kind.

Although they still caused some casualties, Nick Fury was very satisfied with the scene in front of him: Look, ordinary people can also pose a threat to creatures in the outer dimension. Mystics are not necessary. This is the victory of ordinary people and the victory of technology. Victory, Karma Taj should face up to the achievements of mankind...

But just when he wanted to show off to Salomon, he discovered that Pegasus, who was staying in the parking lot, had disappeared. He hurriedly looked up, and saw a comet-like bright white light flash across the orange-red night sky illuminated by the fire, and there was another crimson meteor behind this bright white light. The mystic has long since left here, and he has no intention of communicating with any S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel after the matter is over. The insects who came from the lower plane to the main material plane are worthless, and the corpse of the hellbreather is about to be burned. After all, Nick Fury is just a tool man he hired to clean up the mess—in return, he doesn’t mind throwing these leftovers to S.H.I.E.L.D. and let them waste time on these things. Salomon believes that Nick Fury Ray will not be dissatisfied.

He has more urgent tasks.

"I have expected the awakening of the Cyclops, my child." After returning to the Kama Taj headquarters, Salomon immediately reported to His Holiness what he knew. The Supreme Mage was not too surprised after hearing Salomon's information. On the contrary, the Venerable's calmness even made Salomon feel a little uneasy.

The Venerable said in a flat tone, "The Cyclops can travel on a timeline. It is still in the future and past of this timeline. Our past is its future. When it returns from the 31st century to a million Years ago, we knew how it ended. You don't have to worry too much, your connection with the chaotic universe is what you need to worry about now. Tell me, have you ever dreamed of those indescribable things? ?”

"No, teacher." Salomon shook his head. Ever since he got the silver key, he has been studying the patterns on the huge key, and at the same time studying the spells given by Randolph Carter. Those spells can be released as long as they meet the requirements, no matter whether the magic is strong or weak, it needs his own sanity as the price - he used one or two when facing Dormammu, and he stopped after that This kind of behavior, in turn, keeps worrying that he will enter the fantasy dreamland in his sleep and face those gods directly.

But luckily, the only nights or two after he left Salem were the strange dreams that disturbed his sleep. After that, the horrible and weird dream never appeared again. His Holiness naturally knew about this. In fact, even the spell to protect Salomon's dream was cast by the Supreme Sorcerer. His Holiness did not want his disciples to become crazy, that was not the purpose of the Supreme Sorcerer.

"Very good." The venerable looked quite satisfied, "The Cyclops is not something you have to face now, it is in the future, our future. Now you should focus on the skills of cavalry and long sword. Without your two exquisite double knives, when it comes to the battlefield, you have no time to play those tricks, only the most simple moves can be effective."

"Teacher, but I am a spellcaster."

"Isn't swinging a sword much faster than reciting a mantra?" The supreme mage looked at the stupid disciple, "Maybe your tongue will get knotted in a hurry, but the sword won't get knotted, at least that's what my teacher told me .how is your training with Athena going?"

"I can say without humility that I have done my best." Salomon slightly twisted his shoulders, his shoulders were a little sore from the relentless throwing before.

"Go get some ointment," said the venerable, "but you can't let go of your fencing lessons. It's not a big deal for you to bully those children with foil swords in noble schools. I will ask Athena to increase your training. Because it's almost time for you to use it."


"Do you think that I will let you spend your time on skills that you don't need? Riding, boxing, swordsmanship, spear throwing, riding a spear, these skills are all skills that I ask you to learn, not that you voluntarily learn. I know you prefer to make a lot of money in those old papers, but I still ask you to learn these things from a young age, why? Because you are going to inherit my title, you must become a knight, so that you can live up to these names No. And before long, you will proclaim your existence to the world, and you will prove that your title was not made in vain, but that you earned it with your own sword. This is my test for you, Salomon , although you have the right of inheritance, but this right of inheritance is not derived from blood, the blood of the red dragon no longer exists, you have to prove that you are worthy of these titles before you can pass the affirmation of the round table council."

"The Round Table Council? Besides the teacher, are there any other knights who survived?"

"No, it's just me." The venerable shook his head, looking a little proud, "But even if other people are still alive, as long as I admit it, the Round Table Council will admit it. Be careful, I am also very strict in these aspects. Just like when I was giving you your magical education. I believe you will not let me down, you have never let me down since you were a child."

"Of course, teacher."

"Now, show me your sword skills, Ser Pendragon."

Ask for a recommendation ticket! ! 600R didn't complete the White Dragon deck, my mentality collapsed, why did I give me a Skyman!

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