Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 194: Taking a break from busy schedules (second update!)

The mystic has been a little irritable recently.

It's not just because the supreme mage's swordsmanship training has raised a level of severity, but also because some family chores keep him busy. For some reason, Jeanne and Bayonetta took the Cheshire cat to a pet hospital for neutering. When Salomon came back, he saw the Cheshire cat wearing an Elizabethan collar, sitting on the sofa with his limbs spread out, crying loudly, with a slumped look, and even the short hair became messy—because its Eggy has disappeared.

"You don't even know how many female cats it seduced while we were away!" Facing Salomon's inquiry, Joan of Arc showed a look of anger, "This little slut! The family's kitten was brought into the living room! Not only that, but it made a mess in the bathroom, I don't want a bunch of kittens in the house in a few months!"

Bayonetta nodded seriously.

"Boya, it is said that pets and their owners have a certain degree of similarity." The witch narrowed her eyes and smiled like a cat made of sugar, "But I don't want you to be such a person."

Salomon stopped casting spells, and looked at the gray short-haired cat in his arms in disbelief.


"You still dare to quibble! If we knew we shouldn't install a small door for pets to enter and exit, this fat cat is getting more and more arrogant!" Joan of Arc was so angry that her cheeks were flushed, and it seemed that she wished she could take a gun now. The stupid cat was shot.

"Meow!" the Cheshire Cat yelled loudly as it crawled into Salomon's arms.

"I really can't help you." Salomon raised the fat cat, looked at it solemnly and said, "You have to learn from my single-mindedness. When you have a female cat you like, I will help you recover. Maybe I can help you hold a wedding at that time."

"Meow meow~"

But apart from the cat causing trouble, Pegasus, who was left at the Karma Taj headquarters, didn't stop. This horse became more and more difficult to deal with. After drinking two bottles of single malt whiskey given by Salomon in one breath, it completely fell in love with the feeling of drinking. Salomon didn't even know that when he was riding Pegasus Drunk driving is not counted, and the law has not stipulated how to punish drunk driving in vehicles! He can't consult a lawyer for this matter, can he?

This is not a big deal, Athena somehow found a pair of armor for Salomon to put on, but when the mystic stepped on the horse wearing the rattling armor, Pegasus hated that the armor would pinch the horse. To the little fluff on its back, it insisted on changing Salomon—Originally Pegasus’s wings greatly affected the riding experience, and it also hated the saddle, Salomon couldn’t clamp the horse’s belly at all, and the cavalry Same with pistols. Now this astral pegasus is still returning to the main material plane after a thousand years. It seems that he wants to experience all the things he has never experienced before. In the end, Athena severely reprimanded him when he came to Karma Taj. Pegasus, the horse stopped.


"If I wasn't depressed, I wouldn't have come to you, Stark." Salomon sat on the sofa, sipping juice bored. He has completed today's training, whether it is learning magic or swordsmanship, or even riding a spear and spear-throwing training. After that, he has no energy to participate in other affairs of Kama Taj, and Joan of Arc Went shopping with Beunita again, he thought about it, and decided to harass Tony Stark—mainly because he wanted to learn first-hand skills, which would be very helpful in making golems in the future, and his army had to Rub it out by himself.

"So... you came to me because your cat was neutered, am I right?" Stark stopped what he was doing after Salomon arrived. Mostly done, there's nothing wrong with stopping now and taking a break. "I don't know any veterinarians who are particularly good at helping your cat get back to normal," he said. "Can't magic do this?"

"It can be done. I didn't come here because of the neutering of cats, but... Forget it." Salomon took another sip of juice, "Have you heard any news from S.H.I.E.L.D. recently?"

"Gas explosion at Oro Grande police station, but no casualties."

"That's what I did, skip it."

"Pegasus Project..."

"I refuse, Stark, don't even think about it."

"Then what are you doing here?" Stark looked suspicious, "Could it be that Nick Fury invited you?"

"Invite what?"

"At his special boy party." Stark shrugged and poured himself a glass of wine. "When the old guy woke up, S.H.I.E.L.D. took the shield from me. It is said that he has joined that plan , Hasn't Nick Fury mentioned this to you?"

"No." The mystic shook his head, "I know what you mean, but Nick Fury won't invite me because he can't control me. Steve Rogers doesn't know anyone in this world, Pe Ji Carter is dying of old age, but before Peggy Carter dies, S.H.I.E.L.D. can hold her firmly; as for you, Stark, your steel armor can't protect those around you, you Need S.H.I.E.L.D. - but I don't. A lot of times I've notified S.H.I.E.L.D. simply because Karma Taj's worldly powers are having trouble cleaning up those messes, and I'm a thrifty housekeeper who can Let S.H.I.E.L.D. do it themselves."

"You are only fifteen years old, underage." Stark glanced at Salomon, who had already squinted his eyes, "I didn't expect you to bear so many things when you were only fifteen years old. There should be many talents in Kama Taj. , why does your teacher only treat you so harshly?"

"Because it's my responsibility." Salomon waved his hand and completely lay on his back on the sofa. "You can follow the path that was destined for you at that time. I will work harder now, so that fewer people will die in the future."

"You talked me out of taking everything in the future as my own responsibility before, but you did. Salomon Damonette, why are you so arrogant and think you can take it all? Me too Human, I am obliged to take up those responsibilities - and I am older than you, children should concentrate on reading - or learning magic."

"You can think of it as arrogance, Stark." Salomon didn't even intend to open his eyes, "but that's because of where I am. In the old saying, I am the lord, and I have the responsibility to protect me subjects."

"But this is modern society, and the old ideas are outdated."

"Not always."

"Oh? I'm interested in hearing what you have to say."

"Asgard." The mystic gave an example, "Asgard is a country built on extraordinary power. This country has been ruled by the Asa pantheon from the beginning. After that, although ordinary people The level of science and technology possessed has improved, but it is still far from the power of the Aesir pantheon, and even the lifespan of the Aesir and Warner gods is also very different from that of ordinary Asgardians. The feudal politics of this country The system has never changed."


"And other planets that are not ruled by extraordinary powers have embarked on a path similar to the current Earth. For example, the Kree Empire has abundant martial arts, a clear division of labor in society, a noble class and a plutocratic class, and social resources are concentrated at the top. But due to The Supreme Wisdom endows the Cree with all knowledge and power equally, so the society is fairly stable, and class solidification is not serious.” The left hand of the mystic shows the image of Hala, the planet of the Kree Empire, while his right hand shows another image. The shape of a planet.

"There is also Xandar, one of the strong enemies of the Kree Empire. This country also has a super life computer Worldmind corresponding to the highest intelligence. The 'nova energy' generated by this supercomputer supplies Xandar's Nova Corps. ' to fight. You can think of these people as the special forces of Xandar, except that these guys like to hang around and maintain peace in the universe-as for what peace is, it is up to them to define it, but they It would be courting death to come to Earth, and I would gladly chop off their heads."

"Wait, wait, you are underage, don't say anything about cutting off your head..."

"Okay, petrify them then. All in all, human polity is meaningless in this universe, it's a world where fists are heard, social Darwinism through and through. The quality of life we ​​have now Just because of the development of productivity, it has nothing to do with who rules, it has nothing to do with the political system, and it has nothing to do with freedom and so-called democracy. Do you think aliens are interested in listening to those elected politicians?"

"But you are human."

"The supreme mage has big fists, so no one rushes to the earth to play wild. I am the lord, and I have big fists, so others will listen to what I say." The mystic smiled and said bloody words, "I welcome people Come challenge my power, you can try."

"This is arrogance." Stark felt that the psychological problems of the person in front of him might be more serious than himself.

"Yes, this is arrogance."

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