Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 195 Control Plan for the Mystic Master (First update!)

"What's the result, Agent Coulson." Nick Fury sat behind the desk at the Tianma base, the bright white light above his head reflected on the white printing paper, which was particularly glaring, he only felt pain in his eye sockets, There seemed to be a tiny grain of sand under his eyelids tormenting him repeatedly. It was a lack of sleep, he told himself, and nothing to do with the extradimensional beings. The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. closed his eyes forcefully, then opened them. He cheered up and asked his subordinates, "I'm eager to know the result."

"Sir, what do you want to know is the Rubik's Cube or those big bugs?" Coulson raised his eyebrows with a little dissatisfaction in his tone, "You should let someone else take over this matter instead of pushing it all to me. Tianma The plan is enough to keep me busy, I haven't seen Audrey for a long time, and I can't call here. You should know that I have a girlfriend, right?"

"You can have a long vacation after you're done with this." Nick Fury threw the five-inch-thick report on the table, and he really didn't want to read these things. Those students transferred from the Science Department of SHIELD Academy participated in the autopsy work of extraterrestrial creatures. After knowing that they were going to dissect such a large number of "alien creatures", these students broke out with amazing enthusiasm. They recorded all the information in detail—Nick Fury didn't want to know the similarities and differences in the limb structure between the hellish cockroach and the American cockroach, and he didn't want to know the evolutionary route of species in hell , I don't even want to know how many eggs a female cockroach can lay at a time, and whether those insect eggs can be eaten!

Oh my god! He must get rid of that idiot who stuffed hell cockroach eggs into his mouth, this idiot actually attached a recipe! Jesus, who the hell brought this guy in?

Why do you ask him to know these things? That's because he was extremely stupid to find out what he wanted from this report out of the principle of confidentiality, but it took him a whole day before he saw Appendix G (Glands Glands)—the gang Students also need to learn, but not to study professional courses, but to learn how to write reports, and their future bosses are not all professionals.

Especially this Jemma Simmons, the report is stinky and long!

"I want to know if those disgusting bugs are related to our ongoing experiment on the Rubik's Cube." He covered his forehead and sighed long, "That little bastard has disappeared again, SHIELD is here The Stark Corporation found him once, and then he disappeared again."

"Didn't Salomon Damonette study at Eton College?" Coulson shrugged, he knew exactly who the little bastard Nick Fury was talking about. "And, doesn't S.H.I.E.L.D. also know his address in New York?" Agent Coulson said, "We can send someone to negotiate."

"Then do you think he will kill those agents sent to the door?" The director rolled his eyes and said indignantly, "He has never observed any social order, do you think he will kill those agents because those people are our agents? And let them go? We are interrupting his daily life! Salomon Damonette is a very dangerous target, I don't trust him, but I need him. You have to be very careful when dealing with him, I have seen With his cold-blooded appearance, the entire operation team died in his hands."

"I've seen it too." Agent Coulson nodded, agreeing with the director's statement, "Although I don't like his way of doing things, it is undeniable that he is fighting for human beings and will rule out Anyone who interferes with him."

"Until we have a thorough understanding of his abilities, we cannot take any action against him. All files on Salomon Damonette are handwritten. Except for a limited number of people, there are not many people inside S.H.I.E.L.D. Knowing his existence, even the members of the action team did not see his face clearly." Nick Fury thumped the table irritably, "But the question is, how much ability do we know about him? Or, how much magic? We don't know anything about him, we don't know anything about Karma Taj, we don't even know where this organization is. This is the most terrible enemy I have ever dealt with, he can easily surprise us, he Can play with people's hearts in the palm of our hands, and we didn't know anything before that. Those aliens are not as difficult as him, damn it!"

"The morals of ordinary people are hard to bind him. Of course he knows and understands these feelings, but he is loyal to those duties assigned to him and takes pride in them. I can see that he is trying to break away from those shackles. .” Coulson hesitated, but continued to tell more about his observations on Salomon.


"He's too young sir, a poor kid, those responsibilities will crush him," Agent Coulson said. "In all the times S.H.I.E.L.D. has dealt with him, I have never seen him Benefits ask for something, whether it is magic or invasion of extradimensional creatures, so many times what he asks for is not for himself—he is like a saint, fighting for all human beings. If I didn’t ask him to eat Stuff, he hasn't even tasted a burrito, he's so restrained, but I'm not sure how long it lasts."

"I didn't know you had such a high opinion of him, but what makes me even more confused is whether you like him or hate him?" Nick Fury looked at his subordinates in surprise. He never expected that Coulson would actually Will send these comments to Salomon.

"I don't think highly of him, sir." Coulson shook his head, denying the director's statement. "A man without ego, I believe those responsibilities are not his innate. He may be full of kindness in his heart, but he regards that kindness as weakness, and tries to be ruthless. It's hard, maybe Salo Mon Damonet's psychological problems are already very serious." He said, "What Salomon Damonette needs is education and the guidance of correct values. We must tell him that every life is valuable. , including his own ... I think that's something he never learned, otherwise he wouldn't be where he is today."

"What do you remember?" the director asked curiously, "Since you went to Salem, you have lost a lot of your memories there. The same is true for Agent Romanov. I still don't know everything that happened there. .”

"I've seen him put his own life on the line to accomplish his goals, and it's scary. Even though he's on the side of humanity, that always makes me uneasy."

"We must have a plan." Nick Fury propped up his chin and sighed here, "We cannot afford the consequences of a magician doing evil. What should we do if he uses extremely evil black magic? I also A teacher who doesn't trust Salomon can bind him forever, even if his teacher has lived for more than a thousand years. We have a plan to suppress Stark, we have a plan to control Captain America, but there is no way to deal with the wizard Plan. We need to speed up the plan, and we must form a certain deterrent against him. If he goes astray, we can at least have the ability to fight back—under heavy firearms, extradimensional creatures have no resistance. It can threaten magicians, not to mention that now we have the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, we have already seen its power. Now that we have achieved certain results, we are finally safer, as long as there are no accidents..."

"But I think Salomon Damonette can be saved," Coulson said. "We can get a psychiatrist for him."

"I have already arranged this matter." Nick Fury blinked and said very mysteriously, "Agent Romanov has submitted a report on Salomon, and she also mentioned what you said — so I arranged for a psychiatrist, and you'd never guess who it was."

Thank you for the 100 point reward of Wuren Zhou.

Thanks for the 100-point reward from the blind man who sees everything.

Keep updating today, ask for a ticket! !

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