Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 196 Each has its own plan (Second update!)

Naturally, Salomon didn't know about Nick Fury and Coulson's private calculations, and he didn't know anything about the so-called psychiatrist, but even if he knew, he probably wouldn't care. But there is one thing that Nick Fury and Coulson are right, that is, he will not be merciful to the agents who disturb his life. It's still something he can do-but now, the round onion in front of him is much more important than S.H.I.E.L.D.'s inquiry.

Today, this apartment is welcoming a guest for a long time, and the person invited is the university tutor that Salomon is looking for for himself. Athena vetoed Salomon's intention to apply for the major of Archeology and Theology at Oxford College, because there were not many cultural relics in Kama Taj or Athena, and Athena herself was a famous artist. She didn't want Salomon to learn what she had learned before. She knew that Salomon just wanted to be lazy; as for the seminary, there was no need to mention it. Although Salomon's grades were good enough, he had never been baptized. Seminary is useless.

Athena hoped that Salomon would enter the Institute of Mathematics, or delve into any modern science, instead of scribbling words and sentences in those piles of old papers. No one is more professional than Athena and the caster in this regard. His Holiness has no opinion on this, because in terms of Salomon's secular education, His Holiness is no more authoritative than Athena, and with Athena's "adoptive mother" status, Salomon is even more unable to refute.

So he found himself an astrophysics mentor in applied physics. This mentor has a relationship with Salomon. She became an honorary professor at Oxford University with the SCI paper she published after Thor came to the earth, and based on her research on the Einstein-Rosen bridge theory. The Nobel Prize in Physics - such a powerful tutor is more than enough to bring a student of Salomon. The mystic also booked the place for an intern through favors. He can become an astrophysicist only after he passes the Alevel exam of undergraduates.

But such a formidable mentor was tied up in front of the dining table and dared not move. Even the intern next to her dared to slowly reach out to the biscuits on the plate after repeated trials. This is entirely because the aura of the two witches sitting at the dining table is too strong, and the perfect figure and appearance will crush anyone's psychology to a certain extent.

Beunita always had a smile on her face, Joan of Arc still had a cold expression, there was absolutely nothing to talk about between the host and the guests, and the atmosphere was almost frozen—until the Cheshire cat wearing an Elizabethan collar jumped on the table, the atmosphere was a little bit Toned down a bit.

"Ha, cat, there are cats here! Hello, cutie~" Darcy laughed, trying to reach out to scratch the Cheshire cat's chin. After her experience with the events of the Asgardians, she was planning to move from social sciences to applied physics, where she is now studying with Jane Foster. After receiving the invitation letter, she also pestered Mr. Foster, because she also knew part of the inside story, and wanted to see what the magician's home was like—but she could only be sure that she was in New York now , the specific location is not clear, because Salomon directly used the portal to bring them to the living room.

"What is this?" Jane Foster asked, "Did you do any genetic experiments on cats... sorry, I didn't mean to question... I just... this is a nice scientific advance, gene editing... ..."

"Jane, relax." Darcy had completely relaxed, and she patted her mentor on the shoulder, "This is magic! Ever since my mother left me in the trolley in front of the supermarket, I've been looking forward to The magician came to take me to the magic school. This cat must be the Cheshire cat in the fairy tales, and it must be able to talk! Look, it despises me, it can hear me, it is just a magical cat!"

"Last time you said that you were sold in a cardboard box!" Jane Foster couldn't help complaining, "Then the last time, you said that you were sold by your mother's boyfriend for drug pins! Then again Last time, you mean..."

"Don't mind it so much." Daxi shook her head, "Anyway, I can't remember, because I took a puff of my mother's big cigarette. Don't be so rigid, it's magic, do you know what it means? It means that there is Hogwarts in this world! Salomon Damonette must have passed the exam and came out to continue studying. When he comes out of the kitchen, I will ask him about the wizarding world!"

Joan's expression was almost unstoppable. Now she really likes the girl Daxi, and her unconstrained imagination. The same goes for Bayonetta, who is more likable than Darcy is to the nervous Jane Foster. What the witches couldn't understand was that Salomon stated that his importance to Jane Foster did not come from her relationship with Thor, but from herself. According to Salomon, Jane Foster herself Just great potential.

"No magic! Asgardians are just aliens..."

"Sirloin steak, served with beef broth sauce." Salomon fiddled with his wand, and transferred the cooked lunch from the kitchen to the table, "Thanks for the gift from the Stark Group, I have put all the Stark Group The beef is all gone. In addition to the meat main course, there is also a dessert of fruit ice cream and a pot of black tea, you will not be disappointed."

After speaking, he waved his magic wand again and added a small broccoli flower to each plate of beef, "This is to maintain a balanced diet."

"Wow!" Darcy couldn't help but exclaimed, "You must be from Hufflepuff College."

"Darcy!" Jane Foster couldn't help but stop the intern's embarrassing behavior.

"It's okay." Salomon sat on the chair, "I like to use magic to process food, it can save a lot of time."

"Uh, sorry, Mr. Damonette." Jane Foster asked with a look of embarrassment, "I want to ask about the working principle of the Rainbow Bridge you mentioned and your portal..."

"It's meal time now, the academic discussion can stay at the afternoon tea time, we will go to Norway for afternoon tea." The mystic interrupted Jane Foster's question. He said, "And what I took you from London to New York is not technology, but magic. There is no need to admit that there is no magic in this world. Magic and science are two parallel lines to explore the truth in the world, and there is no distinction between high and low. Just now, you witnessed the magic with your own eyes, the little wooden stick in my hand does not have integrated circuits and power supply."


"That's just prejudice." Joan of Arc said disdainfully, "a one-sided little girl."

"Then why do you want to study applied physics again, and come to find me as a tutor?" Jane Foster was a little embarrassed, "You should be able to find a better tutor, if you don't mind, I can introduce mine Mentor Eric Savig..."

"I just want to explore the truth of the world. Too much superstition in science and magic will make people stubborn, and I happen to be the more flexible person." The mystic blinked playfully, "As for why I asked you to be my mentor, it's just because You just happen to be an insider. You know, I'm very busy, and it should be easier for you to ask for leave. Don't worry, Darcy, as long as you help me write the paper, there will be the magic skin care products I promised you .”

"Very good!"

"Then can you go to Asgard?" Jane Foster suddenly became a little anxious, her attention was obviously not on things like ghost writing, "You were also present when Sol came to Earth..."

"I am indeed responsible for the diplomatic affairs with Asgard, ma'am. But you don't have to worry too much. Sol is now suppressing rebellions in other countries in the Nine Realms, and you won't be able to see him again before long."

"I think there are more than these reasons why Salomon asked you to be a mentor." Bayonetta interrupted suddenly, "He thinks you have great potential. This part of your potential has nothing to do with Thor, he just cares about the impact on human development. Human beings of great help."


"Because it's my job. Well, let's enjoy the food, or the steak will be cold."


"Why didn't you tell Jane Foster the real reason?" After sending the guests away, Beunita immediately asked Salomon, and her intuition told her that there must be something wrong. The witch narrowed her eyes and asked lazily and suspiciously, "And I think you seem to know something, little guy. You must have concealed some information, just like the things you concealed from me back then."

"If she can't grow without Sol, then she is worthless. The Einstein-Rosen bridge theory needs many people to perfect, and it doesn't work without her." The mystic threw away the gentleness when facing the guests , and turned to evaluate Jane Foster with a pragmatic attitude, "What I value is her ability to lift Thor's Hammer, but this Jane Foster is not her now, that is to say ..."

"In other words, you want her to occupy Thor's Hammer and seize Thor's power?"

"It can be said like this." Salomon laughed, "The more power on the human side, the better. Only in this way can we successfully deal with future crises."

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