Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 197 Who is making trouble (Part 1)

He dreamed of a big ship full of black-skinned slaves in shackles. Salomon didn't hear any shouts from the rowers. The big ship with black sails sailed into the port as silent as a dead man, Not even the slaves uttered a sob, only the clang of chains in their throats. He stood in the garden on the height of the port overlooking the black galleys in the port. Behind him was a large bush of roses in full bloom and a silver-white fountain that never stopped. Withered and yellow leaves were everywhere, white marble statues had blurred faces, and skirt-horned turtles crack.

Not even the red and white roses blooming behind Salomon could stop the strange stench from the black galley, with the salty breeze that blew across the sea and the high cliffs. He saw a merchant with an exaggerated mouth, squinting, two bulges in the wrapping hood, stepping off the boat. The merchant's countenance was repulsive, but his wares were welcome--huge rubies of great beauty, the only way the city could get rubies, and sailors could only endure the stench and smoke Strongest tobacco to suppress his nausea.

Salomon walked down the stairs. In his dream, he seemed to be wearing a golden robe with some gorgeous patterns on it. He came to the cobbled pier, passed by sailors carrying vegetables and sea catch, passed by drunken prostitutes and clients, and the turbaned merchants bowed their heads respectfully when they saw him. Salomon didn't know why others respected him so much, but he didn't mind other people's politeness. He suppressed the stench and greeted the merchant with a smile.

The businessman opened his mouth and said in that offensive voice a whole lot of things he didn't understand, but Salomon thought he should understand. The businessman smiled, and took out a strange wine bottle from behind. This bottle was hollowed out from a large piece of ruby, and there were strange patterns carved on it. To match it, there were two ruby ​​wine glasses. The businessman Signal Salomon to taste the wine he has brought.

For some reason, the mystic did not resist the invitation, and poured the wine into his glass. But just as he was about to drink the glass of wine, he was interrupted by a cat growl. Immediately afterwards, there were cats singing one after another. Salomon looked around, and many fat cats suddenly appeared crowded the pier. They hooked Salomon's robe with their claws and climbed up his shoulders and arms. There were so many of these cats, orange, black and white, tortoiseshell, snow white, pure black, long-haired and short-haired, that Salomon had to drop the wine glass in his hand and put These furry guys are in your arms. The cats that failed to pounce ferociously clawed at the businessman until the businessman fled.

When Salomon dropped the ruby ​​glass, the fury of the cats disappeared, and they purred sweetly instead, rubbing against the mystic's legs, brushing short hairs of various colors on his robes. The fattest cat seemed to be gray, and it was the most comfortable in Salomon's arms, and it purred the loudest.

It was a bad dream, and there was nothing good about it except those cats.

Salomon sat up suddenly from the bed, and the Cheshire cat sleeping peacefully on his chest fell to the piled bedding. The cold silver key on his chest made the mystic completely awake, and he felt cold sweat on his back.

The cat who woke up from the dream yelled dissatisfiedly. It was not injured, but just a little angry. The mystic reached out and stroked its round, furry gray head, then drew back before the cat caught its arms. He reached out and picked up the magic wand by the bedside and pressed it on his temple, extracted the dream he remembered and put it in a glass bottle—he still remembered some of that dream, this was not the first time he dreamed of the pier and the businessman up. Every time he couldn't help himself in the dream, but every time, those cats would come to help him.

Ever since the Hellbreather incident and the warning he had received, that dream had haunted him in the middle of the night from time to time. It wasn't his initiative, and he didn't know who stuffed these dreams into his mind. The only thing that was certain was that this weird dream was not a good thing.

Salomon didn't know what would happen if he drank the wine offered by the merchant in his dream, but it must have been as bad as this dream.

After knowing his symptoms, the Supreme Master specially asked him to record every dream. His Holiness also asked Salomon to sleep in the headquarters of Karma Taj before solving this matter——His Holiness went there Walloon sought a solution and has yet to return.

He'll be much safer here.

Perhaps this matter is related to the awakening of the one-eyed alien, perhaps the demon god from the dream dimension invaded his dreams, or maybe this is Mephisto's trick, but before more information is revealed, even the venerable can't help it. Sure. The dream-protecting spell cast by the supreme mage cannot always protect Salomon's safety, because the spell is time-limited, and he must learn to seek the power of Hogos to protect himself, or drink the panacea, Have a lucid dream.

But after the effect of the medicine or spell ended, this dream would always come unexpectedly. Fortunately, there were still those cats.

The mystic knows where his allies come from. The king on the opal throne is protecting his dream, but if he can't solve the problem, the dream will always haunt him. Perhaps he will be able to sleep peacefully after he gives up the silver key on his chest, bids farewell to the ultimate mystery of the universe, gives up chasing the divergence of fate, and surrenders himself to the gods.

Damn Nyarlathotep! This must be his trick! Salomon was the first to find the person who blamed him. Without knowing the culprit, it must be right to blame Naia first.

Salomon sighed and picked up the cat. He tucked the warm Cheshire cat into the bedding and tried to fall asleep again. Due to jet lag, Salomon's sleep time coincided with the training time of the apprentices, so he could only cover his head with the quilt to block out all the noise.

He's tired, both mentally and physically, and he needs sleep, but there's a good chance he'll have weird dreams again. But it doesn't matter, Salomon unlocked the stigmata - since this dream is weird enough, let's try how long this dream can last under the huge memory.

Casilios handed over the command immediately after learning of the incident, and rushed back from Canada. When Salomon got up to eat, he happened to meet him. In other words, this is not a coincidence, Casilios is waiting for him. Before that, he had just quarreled with Modu. to others, and Casilios accused Modo of being too indifferent to his companions.

"What's wrong?" he asked, "You look tired."

"Hmm~" Salomon shook his head listlessly, holding two white porcelain bowls, one large and one small, in his arms. The big bowl contained rice, meat and vegetables, and the small bowl was full of fish. Cheshire cat lunch. He has no appetite, and the bland taste is just right for him now.

"Maybe you should have a glass of whiskey." Casilios shrugged, and walked to the seat with Salomon, "Believe me, you won't dream after drinking."

"Have you ever had such a dream?" Salomon asked.

"Are you talking about bad dreams?" Casilios was silent for a while, "Many, just like you, those dreams linger in my mind day and night, and I dream of her every day."


"My wife." Casilios' voice sank with the corners of his eyes, "I dream about her every night. I dream that she is alive and then dies. Every night she dies in front of me. Every time I am resurrected, I feel heartbroken. His Holiness thinks that I cannot let go of my obsession..."

"But this is the work of the Demon God of Outer Dimension." Salomon interrupted Casilios' thoughts, he didn't want Casilios to continue thinking, "Your Majesty is right, the Demon God of Outer Dimension will drill into our hearts every crack in our minds, trying to influence our thinking."

"No, I want to revive her," Cascilios said. "Magic can do that, I firmly believe."

"It's been too long, Casilios, it's been too long." Salomon said, "You also know what a person who can be resurrected from the dead is, it's an undead creature, not a human being, and that thing has no human feelings .People resurrected with black magic will not have their own consciousness, their thoughts will be changed by negative energy, and they are not the same person."

"Then what did you dream about? Did His Holiness help you solve it?" Casilios changed the subject calmly, "You look troubled."

"I believe it was written by the demon god of the outer dimension, but I'm not sure who it is. Is it a nightmare or something more terrifying?" Salomon yawned and grabbed the dozing cat hidden in the esoteric robe. come out. Put it on the table. "Eat quickly, boiled fish without salt." He looked at Casilios again after settling down the pet, "After I determine who is disturbing my dreams, I can make targeted actions." Defense——If the defense fails, I will seek the help of Weishandi. Whether it is letting the demon god enter my mind or Weishandi entering my brain, it seems to me the same."

"I envy you." Casilios sighed, "Really."

"What do you envy?"

"I envy your thoughts, Junior Brother, you seem to be very brave all the time."

"I'm scared, Casilios. Really, don't believe it, every time I sleep now is no different from walking a tightrope, do you think I don't want to fall into the arms of the witch?" Salomon murmured in his throat A few times, he said, "But fear can't solve the problem, and self-pity can't do it. Only killing the instigator can do it."

"Fear doesn't conflict with bravery, boy. That's what I admire most about you. You always have the courage to fight back."

"You might as well say I'm narrow-minded!"

"Ha, you are a person who wants to tear off the wings of flies."

Thanks to Haifeng Xiaodao for the 100-point reward.

Thank you for the 100 point reward for the name.

The Chinese New Year will be updated as usual, ask for tickets~~

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