Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 198 Déjà vu (Second update!)

A few days later, just when Salomon was either overwhelmed by sudden dreams or burned by a huge memory, he was summoned to England. To be precise, he was summoned by the Supreme Mage to a dwelling in Glastonbury, Wales, waiting for the solution His Holiness prepared for him.

It was Merlin who the Supreme Master asked for help. No one in this world understands dreams better than Merlin, and the Venerable Master himself has a deep understanding. His Holiness also informed Balthazar and Dave of the Merlin School that they also went to the house with Salomon and made preparations for Merlin's arrival. In fact, after Balthazar found his lover back, His Holiness had already told him part of the truth. Since the vacancy in his heart was filled, Balthazar no longer minded that Merlin made a joke on him for more than a thousand years , but if there was an opportunity to punch Merlin in the face, he would not let it go.

"There is no curse, nor the power of hell and nightmare." Balthazar checked Salomon's condition before Merlin's arrival, but he couldn't see anything except some mental weakness. He asked a little puzzled, "Strange, are you sure all dreams are the same? How much do you remember about those dreams?"

"I have a record." Salomon pointed to the test tubes on the bedside, each test tube had wisps of silver-white energy floating, which was Salomon's memory of the dream. "It's boring," he said. "I can never move freely in the dream, only move my fingers when I am about to leave the dream. It's fun at first, but any dream repeats a dozen times and it becomes quite boring. , and the dream repeated a dozen times is enough for me to remember all the details."

"Dave, go and check those memories." Balthazar took out some herbs from his pocket while directing the apprentices. Regardless of Salomon's objection, he forced a marjoram petal into the mystic's mouth , "Marjoram, can relax the nerves and let you fall into a comfortable sleep."

"What are you kidding? Why don't you give me a piece of dragon's tooth or verbena, at least verbena can drive away nightmares." Salomon's face could not help but shrink into a ball. I don't know what exactly Balthazar did to the herbal medicine. The marjoram petals that were supposed to taste sweet became extremely unpalatable. Swallowing saliva, this taste is always lingering.

"I don't think what you dreamed is a nightmare. Verbena will not help you at all." Balthazar patted the head of the lazy apprentice, telling Dave to work quickly, while he continued to take out herbs and potions from his pocket , "Have you tried any potions?"

"There is a panacea of ​​eucalyptus and lavender, which can make me have lucid dreams. As for the result, I think you have already guessed. After the effect of the medicine is over, the dream will follow." The mystic rejected Barr Sazer's potion, "I dare not say that my potion level can match yours, but I think the potion I made is much better than your potion, and the marjoram petal has already explained some problems , you know it's vanilla."

"There aren't many schools of potion science on Earth that are as good as the Merlin school!" Balthazar glared viciously at the apprentice who was giggling, then turned his head and said to Salomon, "Potions never taste good. Yes, there are only bad ones and worse ones, you can choose."

"What to choose?"

"Before the teacher arrives, I will check you well." Balthazar didn't want to show his nervousness on his face. Although he was very happy to punch Merlin, seeing his mentor again after more than a thousand years would make people nervous. He was worried that Merlin would dislike his magic level. His progress in the past few decades was worse than Not on his own apprentice Dave. He put several bottles of potions of different colors in front of the bed, and said to Salomon, "That is the greatest magician in the world. Although he has a bad personality, his strength is undeniable."

"But now the Venerable is stronger after all."

"Merlin is also His Holiness' teacher, isn't he?"

"Balthazar, all memories are the same." Dave grabbed a handful of test tubes and gestured to his teacher, "Some memories are incomplete, but those contents will be displayed in other memories. I didn't find anything special about those dreams , I’m just curious, why Salomon can remember the colors and patterns of all cats so clearly, I compared all the dreams, from the very first memory to yesterday’s, there is no difference in the color of all the cats. I think... It might be some kind of anomaly."

"I think it's probably because I'm smarter than you, Dave." Salomon said nonchalantly, "Balthazar should have told you the difference between a spellcaster and an ordinary person? No matter where the magic power in our bodies comes from, They will gradually strengthen our bodies, muscles, bones, blood vessels, organs, including the brain. The magic power in my body is much more than yours, and my body absorbs more magic power than you. You are smarter than ordinary people, so I am better than you. You have to be smart."

"It doesn't make sense, Salomon, you don't understand me." Dave shook his head, "You remember too clearly...I mean, you remember things that you shouldn't remember. You Can you remember now what kind of shoes the man with the hood was wearing? Can you remember how much cat hair those cats at your feet got on you? You remember it all, Salomon, you remember it very well, all The content of the memory is the same, from the first to the last. That is not your dream, you are looking at someone else's dream!"

Salomon and Balthazar understood what Dave meant.

It was precisely because Salomon's memory was so clear that Dave discovered the doubt. It stands to reason that as time goes by, people will gradually forget the content of dreams, but since Salomon recorded those dreams for the first time, he has clearly remembered all the details, just like playing a first-person game, and he is The one sitting behind the screen.

The possibility that Dave raised made Salomon and Balthazar gasp, because if what Dave said was right, then the situation would be even weirder—this is no longer a matter of some demon god giving Salomon a dream It's not a child, but a more complicated and confusing situation.

The mystic touched the silver key in front of his chest, and he remembered the phrase Yog-Sothoth said, "Your fate is divided here."

Could it be that the dream he had was just something he experienced in another universe? Or is the dream he is having now just what he will experience in the future? So far, all the clues have been entangled into a mess. Salomon can only record these problems and save them for future solutions.

Immediately afterwards, a gust of warm air overflowed from every corner of the room, accompanied by a very fresh floral fragrance. When they smelled the fragrance of flowers, the three people in the room suddenly felt extremely sleepy. Salomon lay on the bed casually, Balthazar dozed off on the chair, and Dave had nowhere to go , can only curl up on the carpet.

"You see, the floral fragrance of Avalon is not suitable for everyone. To be honest, I don't even know how you woke up, and I don't know how you still have the strength to cut me after waking up." A bearded hair The old man Jiebai appeared in the room very abruptly. He entered the room from the etheric plane. The Supreme Mage followed him and also appeared in the room.

"Don't talk nonsense." The supreme mage didn't intend to give Merlin any good looks, and even had the urge to take revenge.

"I know your dear apprentice." Merlin didn't care about such trivial things as the beard being grabbed, "Is this kid the heir to your holy sword? So, you plan to abandon your responsibility?"

"That's right."

"Then he is really unlucky. Well, don't pull my beard, I will solve his problem. You have heard the question raised by my heir before, and this is in line with my guess. The fate of your heir happened Without splitting, the dream he had was just a 'déjà vu' from his own, so the magic of defending against external dreams would have no effect."

"But that's just speculation."

"We can do a little experiment."

happy New Year to all! ! Ask for a ticket! !

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