Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 202 A Wide Variety of Curses (Second Update!)

Today is an extremely miraculous day for Sharon Carter, because not long ago she saw her immediate superior and the surveillance target enter the same house, accompanied by an unidentified teenager. She had never received any notice before this, and she didn't know the identity of the boy, but she thought that since her immediate superiors had come, she could take a day off—but she was wrong.

The sound insulation of this old house is not very good, and Sharon Carter heard the vague arguing in the surveillance target room. After a while, the arguing died down, and just when she thought it was over, she heard a bang, a punch, and a gasp. The sound made her very nervous at first, thinking that both the surveillance target and the director had been attacked, but after waiting for a while, she found that the sound had not stopped. Suddenly, her face turned red—wouldn't it be? Does the director have this unhealthy relationship with Captain America? That young man is quite handsome, could it be that he was recruited by the director... No, no, you can't think like this! Captain America likes women. Isn't her aunt Peggy Carter the lover of Steve Rogers? But why did the voice never stop, could it be that...

The door slammed open, and Sharon Carter saw through the peephole that Steve Rogers was holding Nick Fury by the collar with his left hand and Salomon by the back of his right hand. He turned sideways and wrung them out of the room like a crab in tandem. She saw a few scratches on the director's face, and the director and the boy were still arguing constantly, stretching out their hands and waving indiscriminately, trying to scratch each other's face with their hands. Steve Rogers separated them helplessly, but the obscenities in the two people's mouths still didn't stop—she couldn't imagine that the teenager with a British accent would put so many seemingly elegant, but in fact Bad adjective for Nick Fury.

If words have power, Nick Fury in the mouth of a teenager has degenerated from a primate to an artiodactyl, followed by a photosynthetic single-celled organism. Nick Fury, on the other hand, has an advantage in American slang. His past experience in the streets has made his accent full of rhythm. He can finish three sentences in the time it takes for a teenager to finish a sentence, and he speaks so fast that people can't hear clearly. .

"I wanted to talk about the facts, but you refused to admit it!" Salomon said angrily, "So what if you don't admit it, he has the right to think independently!"

"You're just an antisocial personality! You damn little bastard!" Nick Fury was also fuming with anger. He failed to guard against Salomon, and this little bastard seemed to be everywhere. "I'm going to arrest you!" he said. "You stole S.H.I.E.L.D. secrets! You little bastard, go to a cell for two days!"

"Okay, okay, don't fight here." Steve Rogers was full of patience. He didn't know why the two people in front of him suddenly wrestled together like children fighting. When he reacted, Nick Fury has had scratches on his face for days. But fortunately, the two didn't get serious, Nick Fury didn't pull out his gun, and Salomon Damonette didn't pull out his wand.

"Huh? I didn't want to use magic to teach you! You think S.H.I.E.L.D. can hold me? Don't you want it at Tricurved Wings HQ? You idiot with only one Hit Dice! You half-baked pig's head ! You’re Jack Potatoes who can’t get on the stage! You bastard fish NPC!” Salomon struggled repeatedly, but he couldn’t help but keep his feet on the ground like a cat caught by the neck, dangling around. Can't reach Nick Fury, can't add a few scratches to his face. "You made me angry, Nick Fury!" His voice changed suddenly, and the listener was extremely creepy. "Now, I curse will have an unstoppable itching [Note 1] on your skin, and the precious metals you touch will turn into base metals [Note 2], and you will lose your agility, like an old man at the end of the day [Note 3]..."

"Little bastard! You actually cursed me, are you serious?" Nick Fury struggled repeatedly, but found that Captain America and Ben didn't mean to let him go. Although Steve Rogers didn't know what happened, in his opinion, Salomon must have no evil intentions, and it was definitely Nick Fury who made the trouble first. Captain America put down the aggrieved Salomon, and blocked the shouting director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Child." He said gently, "I don't know if your curse is true or not, but Nick Fury is very important..."

"Then let him have a longer memory, otherwise he will always want to plot against me. I haven't forgotten about the Asgardians. This guy's ability to exploit contract loopholes is about the same as that of the devil." The mystic mage straightened his collar, He said with a dissatisfied face, "The first two curses took effect quickly and did not last long. Nick Fury, you have to remember that I also know black magic, and I am extremely good at it. This black magic is nothing, you I've never seen truly terrifying black magic!"

"Asgardians? What Asgardians? Nick Fury what are you hiding from me?" Steve Rogers asked out of question, and then no one answered him.

"What about the last curse? Am I going to fucking hide from the spinning wheel for the rest of my life?" Nick Fury seemed to have calmed down, but his tone still revealed his dissatisfaction.

"Ha, the last can figure it out. If the first two curses don't take effect, the last curse will take effect. It's a permanent curse. Don't think that I will help you undo it."

"Then I'll go find a psychic!"

"Incompetent psychic mediums can't untie it, and capable psychic mediums dare not untie it. You can figure it out! If you want to plot against me next time, think about today!"

"Okay, okay, don't quarrel here. You promise not to quarrel, let's go in and talk, okay?"

"Have you counted the number of secret agents who died in your hands? The only place you should go is a mental hospital!" Nick Fury said angrily, "You are an unstable factor in society! Why am I so fucking itchy... Quickly lift the curse!"

"This is your punishment! Also, you sent people to attack me on the way to school first!" Salomon was also full of anger when he mentioned this incident, "But you dare not admit it!"

Steve Rogers' eyes widened in disbelief. "You sent a squad to attack a kid?" he demanded of Nick Fury. "Is that how you do things?"

"Look, I said it, this is rude America! There is no logical thinking at all! The United States is still far from civilization!" Salomon sneered.

"I didn't! Damn it! I'm going to say it a few times, I absolutely do not have permission to use lethal weapons on the operation team!" The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. retorted impatiently, "I just want them to find you and interview you! And , S.H.I.E.L.D. is a worldwide organization and does not belong to the United States!"

"Do you believe this kind of thing? How much money have you received from the United States? What kind of interviews and bullets? If I didn't have this ability, I would have died long ago! Do you think I have no account to settle with you?"

"Okay, let's calm down... kid... don't do this..." Captain America persuaded the fight with a face full of helplessness, but Nick Fury and Salomon became more and more angry, and the content of their quarrel even involved Who eats more popcorn!

Steve Rogers covered his face. Whatever, whatever, as long as they don't fight.

Today is an extremely magical day for Sharon Carter. In every sense, she never imagined that her boss would fight like a street gangster. It was painful to keep such an interesting secret, so she decided to confide in her aunt.


"I'm so stupid, really." Salomon sat on the sofa. He sighed, and the fat cat in his arms also pretended to sigh, "I should destroy S.H.I.E.L.D. and destroy the Tricurve Wing headquarters with the oath of victory. This will save a lot of trouble."

"You mean, you beat up Nick Fury?" Tony Stark was so interested in this question that he dropped his work and came to listen to the story. He handed the mystic a bag of ice cubes to apply to his bloodstained knuckles. "Tell me, what was that bastard like when he was beaten?"

"He's screaming so loud! That bastard! I guess he'd love to have his skin off right now!"

"how did you do that?"

"Of course it's a curse, Stark." After receiving the permission of the Supreme Mage, the Mystic Master acted a lot bolder. He went to Captain America to make trouble. He wanted to see what a Captain America would be who did not agree with the American concept. Sample.

That must be very interesting!

And the solution to this...was a boxing match, judged by Steve Rogers, with neither of them using anything out of specification, just their fists. Years of training made it easy for Salomon to win. His speed and strength after releasing the stigmata are far beyond what ordinary people can match.

"Now he's a Snow White!"

ps: I need tickets!

[Note 1] Curse of the Itch

School Necromancy 【Curse UM】

Level: Warlock/Mage 1

You curse the target, causing it to feel an intermittent and unbearable itch. Unless the target uses a move action to tickle the itch, it takes a -1 penalty on attacks, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

【Note 2】Calisrad's Nightmare

School of Change [Curse UM]

You temporarily curse the target, causing coins touched by him to lose value. While cursed by this effect, whenever the target touches a coin worth more than one copper, that coin becomes a copper. This change occurs within a minute of contact, allowing the target to touch multiple coins before the curse's effects manifest. The original texture of the affected coins (usually gold or silver) is permanently changed to copper, although remove curse or similar spells can change them back to their original texture.

【Note 3】The Curse of the Cat

School: Necromancy

Level: Cleric 2, Sorcerer/Wizard 2

You place a curse on your foe, taking a -4 circumstance penalty to Dexterity; or a -2 penalty on a successful saving throw. This imposes the usual penalties on AC, Reflex saves, ranged attack rolls, initiative checks, and other things that use the Dexterity modifier. Curses cast by this spell cannot be lifted, but can be removed by break enchantment, feline grace, limited wish, miracle, remove curse, or wish.

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