Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 203 Preliminary Manufacturing of Constructs (First Update!)

Salomon came to learn, not to tell stories. After wiping the blood from his fist, he sent Tony Stark away. He looked at the basic textbooks collected by the rich man, browsed the iron war clothing database. Although these textbooks are "basics", they are incomprehensible without certain scientific theories as the basis, not to mention the complicated database. remaining data. He's here with Tony Stark to learn the art of constructing first-hand - he doesn't need to learn those things if he just needs to build golems, but who doesn't want to have a beautiful mechanical maid?

No one can refuse a good-looking machine girl! (violent theory)

Prior to this, Salomon had begun to come into contact with the research of golem manufacturing and bionic flesh and blood in terms of necromancy and alchemy, such as the pre-research steps of flesh golems and the artificial human Hormon Kurus (alchemist Variant Genesis Scholars). Salomon really didn't want to go to the elemental plane to catch a brainless hapless guy and stuff it into his golem. What he wanted was a rational servant.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to take a long way to create his own organ structure, including building its intelligent thinking circuit.

The mystic even wants to work harder on bionic flesh and blood, so that these mechanical maids have the same body temperature and touch as human beings—this has nothing to do with whether they are single or not, it's just a spellcaster's application of magic and science Exploration is all, this is the great pursuit of the truth of this world! Even if the witch asks, Salomon can handle it easily (should be).

Regardless of Stark's character, his achievements in mechanical design and automation are unmatched by anyone. Salomon has seen the mechanical structure of the steel suit, and the transmission structure from Mark 2 to Mark 6 is an eye-opener for the mystic. Especially the Mark 5 portable armor, Tony Stark did not use the previous method of combining ball screw and gear transmission to strengthen the output mode of the armor of the hands and feet, but adopted a bionic transmission similar to snake muscles. structure, so as to compress the internal structure of the entire armor—and the result of his miniaturization is also amazing, actually compressing a steel suit to the size of a briefcase.

This is what Salomon wanted. In order for the mechanical maid to have the skin and muscles that are indistinguishable from a real person while still being able to carry a tripod, he must study hard on the mechanical structure. Of course, some people will say, why do low-level mages think about these things? But those who do not plan for the world are not enough for a while. Although Salomon is good at melee combat, his main job is to cast spells. He must have a close-fitting golem or organ to protect him—compared to Flesh golems and clay golems of soft-packed beverages, as well as silly, big, black and thick stone golems and iron golems, and even Golems that are randomly assembled with stones and driven by the twelve holy sounds of Kabbalah, Salomon I chose a good-looking young lady.

This is human nature, no one will blame him.

Before that, he had never talked about this plan with anyone related to the wizarding world, but he was already ready. He bought a large amount of lower plane metal in Rodana, and made alloys in the Stark Group according to the formula of the fallen angel craftsmen. After that, Salomon can start to manufacture the metal frame of the mechanical maid after determining the transmission method of the metal frame. He only needs to use Tony Stark's metal processing workshop to process all the required parts. .

He needs to engrave runes, enchant, and inlay various processed magic gems on the completed metal skeleton. The effect of each gemstone is similar to that of an integrated circuit, and it can receive and process instructions. This kind of programming work is the most handy for him. Stark's artificial intelligence Jarvis is an excellent learning object—these After the gem is installed, countless faint starlight wanders in the gem. This is the route of magic power, similar to the fuzzy calculation of neural network, and it is a miracle of magic. However, this is far from enough. This neural network has not experienced deep learning and cannot judge things.

Only after sufficient learning can the intelligence of the construct be considered complete. And this step was handed over by Salomon to Jarvis to complete. It is a very good artificial intelligence and has a lot of experience in this matter.

After these tasks are over, he will go to Vandazar Fu to purchase some magic materials from other dimensions that are enough to carry the magic lines, and use them to make the shell of the best mechanical maid. And he also needs to use the research results of necromancy and alchemy in certain parts to make it as soft and moist as a real person-this work will take him a long time, but he does not regret it at all , Even going bankrupt, selling all the scrolls and potions has to be done. Although these things are not needed, it is better to have than to have nothing.

He showed Stark the design blueprints of all his constructs. These constructs include not only mechanical maids that are identical to real people, but also various models of mechanical monster girls covered in swords and guns. After seeing some special markings, even Stark was amazed at Salomon's abnormality. Before seeing the blueprint, he never thought that Salomon could actually hide some messy things under the robot's skirt .

For this short-haired mechanical maid who is still designing, wearing a one-piece black skirt and a white one-piece swimsuit, Stark can only admit that although he has experienced many battles, he is not as good as Salomon in color batching. half of. He couldn't figure out why Salomon, a virgin, had such an aesthetic.

Of course Salomon will not tell him that these are the inspirations drawn from Little Butter Galgame. It’s beyond ordinary people’s imagination for a mage to be abnormal. There are only a few mages like Salomon who have the patience to manage their emotions. Most high-level mages will look for creatures such as nymphs and dryads to solve problems. It is the erinia and succubus of the lower plane. As for the worse ones, they will look for some pink spells (this Salomon will also), or even seek the help of mechanism spells-Salomon has the memory of ten spellcasters, and his XP system is so bad that it can no longer be used. Oh no. And it just so happens that the witch's family knowledge is also an expert in this way, which can only be regarded as a kind of destiny.

Stark is a mage-type character full of inquiring spirit. Not only did he not dislike these plans, but he was also full of interest in them. Otherwise, he would never tolerate the situation that the mystic cannot reinstall the steel suit after dismantling it. Under, dismantling his works so frequently. He has only one request, and that is that Salomon will complete this work in his workshop, and he wants to see the birth of a real magical intelligent machine maid—he has seen robots built by technology, and now he can see them. It was a very interesting thing for him to see flesh and blood robots made by magic. For this reason, Stark specially agreed to sponsor some micro-missiles as the fighting means of the mechanical maid. In his opinion, only the sword is really too shabby.

After Salomon's study is over today, Stark will go out with the mystic to collect materials. In Stark's original words, it is to let Salomon "open his eyes"-today is the best man in the world. On the day when the stripper performed on Broadway, Stark secretly asked for two tickets, just to experience the charming style with Salomon.

This is for the dedication of science and magic, don't watch it with colored glasses, the mystic really went with a sketchbook, he really wants to learn, learn to draw that kind of body, after all, he is a family man , will not mess around. But as for what Stark thinks, it is beyond his control. He just secretly sent a text message to Pepper Potts when he arrived on Broadway-in order to ensure the birth of Morgan Stark in the future, Pepper Potts Miss Per Potts specifically asked Salomon to be optimistic about Tony Stark. The CEO of the Stark Group would not mind this backlog of arms, as long as Tony Stark would not go out to mess with women. Sorry, Mr. Stark, this is for the sake of completing the work, and only Miss Potts can agree to the micro missiles.

Also, he is a family man.

"Beyonetta." Salomon shook the two tickets in his hand, and he called the witch, his tone as gentle and sweet as possible, "Are you interested in coming to Broadway to watch a show..."

It's Monday, ask for tickets!

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