Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 204 Chapter 200 Reality Is Not Logical (Second update! Ask for votes!)

Today, as usual, a bunch of paparazzi and fans gathered on the street next to the Stark Group, trying to take a picture of Tony Stark flying back to Stark Tower wearing a steel suit. Steve Rogers also went to the street cafe for a drink after his morning run, and ordered some sandwiches by the way. Since Salomon told him certain things, he started his study career, no matter what Nick Fury said, he wanted to see what the world is like now.

It was an ordinary day, and Karma Taj was still empty. Except for the apprentices who were training and the deacons guarding the temple, almost everyone had been sent out. In East Africa, Canada, Eastern Europe, and New Mexico, everyone is busy, and the apprentices can see the exhausted mystic returning to the headquarters every day, sleeping soundly—except for Salomon, who is still young according to his age. Apprentices cannot serve in the temple. It is for this reason that he has time to explore the mysteries of magic by himself. I mean, make your own golems and mechanical maids - that thing is far from complete, the processors made of gems still need deep learning, the original flesh golems are even more ugly, and now Salomon All day was spent polishing the face of the mechanical maid.

"I don't really want to comment on your personal hobbies, my dear disciple." The Supreme Mage looked helpless, trying to make Salomon stop what he was doing. As a spellcaster who has lived for more than a thousand years, the Supreme Mage thought he was well-informed, but he didn't expect to overturn at Salomon. When she saw those design drawings, she was shocked by her disciple's thoughts. "Perhaps you should now..." His Holiness sighed. "I remember Britain has sex education. I should put you in primary school, so you can know that girls can't pull guns out from under their skirts."

"But the witch can, I've seen it."

"You know the principles of the witch's magic, but I didn't see it on the blueprint."

"It doesn't matter, the organ people have plenty of storage space."

"I suggest you go to the elemental plane to catch a spirit, that will save a lot of time." The supreme mage said, "you can get along with the witch in the rest of the time. You will be sixteen soon. In the past, you This age is an adult, and you can take up weapons and fight. Of course, the premise is that you want to have a child, when will you and Bayonetta have one?"

Salomon didn't expect the Supreme Master to come up with the traditional performing arts, he blushed and stammered. This kind of thing is undoubtedly too early for him. Bayonetta tried to push him down several times, but he was always worried that his height would not be comparable to that of the witch, so he had perfected the skill of pressing the gun with one hand.

But before he could find an excuse, a temple deacon hurried in. The moment the deacon uttered the word "Universal Rubik's Cube", the Supreme Mage stood up from behind the table. The Venerable pulled him out of the room and stood on the training ground. She clapped her hands, and Pegasus, who was strolling on the training ground to lose weight, trotted over, his horseshoes clinking on the stone slabs. When Pegasus approached, the stupid horse licked Salomon's face with its tongue flatteringly - under Athena's order, it had eaten much less.

"Take the sword, put on the protection, and remember to feed the horse. It's time for you to come out." The venerable said, "You have escaped this time, but don't think that I will end this topic."


"It's time for you to announce the existence of Camelot to the world, child." As soon as the Venerable pushed his disciple, Salomon felt that he had fallen onto a soft object. This was his chamber, where the sword and shield of Aegis were kept, and he wrapped them in red silk.

"Get ready." The Venerable's voice still lingered in Salomon's ears, "This is the first time you have experienced war. And I, it's time to pay my price."


The scratches on Nick Fury's face have not yet healed, and he was tortured by Salomon's curse. In a short time, he didn't want to see that little bastard again. Although those curses weren't terrible, they were enough to make him uncomfortable for a whole day. Thinking about it now, he always felt that his skin was extremely itchy. However, he didn't have time to worry about these things. It stands to reason that he should be working in the Tricurved Wing headquarters or the Helicarrier now. The Phase 2 plan involved most of his energy. The backlog should be cleaned up.

However, he did not do so. As soon as he landed in the helicopter in the New Mexico desert, he was greeted by Agent Philip Coulson, followed by another agent, Maria Hill. As a supervisor sent by the World Security Council to S.H.I.E.L.D., she has the right and the obligation to know most of the secrets.

This is the Tianma base. Agent Maria Hill knows what plan is going on here. The Phase 2 plan is also a plan approved by the World Security Council. Endless energy is of great significance to the future of mankind, and the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube is to open the endless A key to energy. Before the success of this plan, the clean energy of the Osborne Group only existed on paper, and the clean energy business of the Stark Group was temporarily unshakable. In this plan, the Rockefeller Group also participated, although not directly (through investment ), but Maria Hill can guess the minds of these chaebols with her toes-they just want to hit the Stark Group's energy business.

But no matter what the chaebols think, endless energy is of great benefit to human beings, the difference is only in whose hands these energy are held. No matter how powerful those chaebols are, the World Security Council will not allow this thing to be controlled by the chaebols. This is not allowed-otherwise Nick Fury would not have proposed this project.

However, the project is now running into trouble.

Agent Hill only felt that the siren from the loudspeaker was filling her ears so much that if she didn't get close to Agent Nick Fury and Agent Coulson, she couldn't hear what they were saying at all. The roar was even worse, the sound waves hit the eardrums mercilessly, like rumbling drums.

"Attention all personnel, evacuation orders have been confirmed. This is not a drill."

Not a drill, certainly not a drill, this base has never been through a drill. Agent Hill can be sure that this is the first time such a broadcast has sounded, and she noticed this on the faces of the flustered scientific researchers passing by.

Why? Why has such an important base never been drilled? Where did the funds go? Maria Hill is keenly aware of this, but now is not the time to ask this question, because she has already felt the slight tremor of the ground under her feet.

She only hopes that Nick Fury can solve this matter before the US government is held accountable. She already has a lot of work and really doesn't want to do more.

She followed Nick Fury and Coulson to look at the entrance of the base, and took the elevator to the underground laboratory. Amidst the loud broadcast and the slight but dull sound of the shock, they couldn't help speeding up their pace. This facility can withstand an earthquake of magnitude 8. Agent Hill only hopes that this old base can really meet the indicators in the document, otherwise she will be buried tens of meters deep underground, interacting with the insects that might pass through here. with.


Salomon had already put on his robe, and he tied up the scabbard with a belt and carried it behind his back. But what he did next was not to go to the battlefield immediately, but to put on the hanging ring, open the portal, and pick them up from the witch's apartment—in New York now, only the temple is a safe place, and the Supreme Mage has already All the mystics were summoned and ordered to guard the temple.

"I know you can do it, and the next attack will be a piece of cake for you." Salomon took a deep breath, and he tried to persuade the witches to accept his suggestion, "But magic is not suitable for In front of ordinary people."

"Then why did the Supreme Master ask you to fight?" Joan raised her eyebrows and said rather dissatisfied.

"If I only use the sword, who would know that I am a spellcaster?" Salomon waved his hand, looking anxious, "Please."

"Are you only allowed to swing your sword, but not us to shoot? I can guarantee that the Supreme Mage never said that." Bayunita pushed her glasses, and she said with a smile, "Boya, it seems that you forgot In this family, who is the best at fighting?"

"Of course it's you, my dear." The mystic mage sighed, he had something to do and couldn't waste his time here. So he made a compromise proposal: protect Athena's orphanage. The witches accepted the offer. After Salomon sent them to the orphanage, he immediately opened another portal and went to the top floor of Stark Tower.

Tony Stark is not here, he may have received some news that he has gone to the sky carrier. And Salomon didn't come here to stop Loki, otherwise he wouldn't be here now, he came too early. His purpose is to recover the construct skeleton placed in Stark's workshop. After making this thing, he has no spare materials and gems on him, and he is already a veritable poor ghost.

"Hello, Mr. Salomon Damonette." Jarvis' voice came from the speaker, "Do you need me to inform Mr. Stark of your arrival?"

"No, Jarvis. Take me to the workshop. I'm taking my stuff. Now is not the time to continue making."

"Mr. Damonette, the artificial intelligence and materials you made are amazing. She can perform high-intensity fuzzy calculations. I want to know where her CPU is, and I really want to get in touch with her."

"Her? Why did you assume gender?"

"Yes, she," Jarvis said, "she already has a ignorant consciousness, like a newborn baby. As for the gender issue, I think this is your design."

"Okay, Jarvis, stop talking nonsense, my maid didn't ask you to be a sex machine." Salomon clapped his hands, "Take me there, the purpose of my coming here is to protect her."

Avengers 1 is about to start, please vote!

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