Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 205 Human Bills (First update!)

Salomon hastily moved away the skeleton of the construct that he made only after he broke his fortune. Fine gold, mithril, cold iron, rubies, sapphires, diamonds, some things can be bought on the main material plane with only worthless pieces of paper, while others can only be obtained through smuggling channels in the lower planes , after Salomon sold several of his spell scrolls at the transition point of the dimension, he got together the gold to buy these things.

If Jarvis dared to touch this thing casually, he would give the artificial intelligence a good beating, he promised!

When he carried the metal skeleton and pushed the bionic flesh cultivation tank back to the headquarters of Karma Taj, many mystics appeared here. The supreme mage issued a series of orders, including but not limited to maintaining the detection of heaven and hell, dimension protection, hunting of extradimensional creatures, and deep-dimension gaps to detect intelligence. Now the planetary defense system has been severely tested, and almost all of them have not left The mystics and apprentices in the temple and headquarters were all on the move, and no one was idle—except Salomon, because only his mission was on the main material plane.

"Are you done with your work?" His Holiness asked taking the time, "I saw your work. That thing is not finished yet, is it?"

"It's still far away. I can't use mutton to cultivate bionic flesh, that's too stupid." Salomon said, "And I haven't gone to Athena yet, and the children in the orphanage haven't been hidden yet, so I'm worried Their situation, so I moved them a few boxes of Lego... Stark paid for it, and I thought I'd go buy some bread later. There might be a problem with the food supply in New York after this."

"It seems that you have foreseen those situations, and the silver key will help you a lot." The Supreme Mage nodded and calmed Salomon's worries with words, "Don't worry about the food, Athena is very smart, she Those children will not be hungry, and you let the witch go there, no one can threaten them. Also, don't underestimate those children, little Lorna's spear-throwing skills are not much different from yours, They have the ability to protect themselves. I can't help but remind you, kid, don't get too caught up in that stuff, you're still a high school kid!"

What His Holiness did not say was: In fact, goats are also good. But that was too heavy taste, His Holiness didn't want to pollute his disciples' thoughts.

"Very good. Also, that thing is just my exploration in the application field." Salomon felt relieved. Since the supreme mage said it, then the fact must be the case, and he can concentrate on preparing for the battle. Of course, the weather in New York City is still just as good. Summer has just entered, and the temperature is just right. People can put on a jacket or just a shirt, enjoy delicious coffee on the street, add sugar and milk at will, as long as you don’t worry about your weight. As for the frost and snow that can freeze people to death, they will not suddenly appear at night, and the homeless people who freeze to death and their cardboard boxes have long been cleaned up.

New York City today is exceptionally clean, warm, and busy.

Salomon leads Pegasus to the orphanage, where he will cook lunch for these children, and then wait for the alarm bell that can wake up all mankind to ring. He hoped that by that time, no matter whether it is a politician who is running around like a dog or an ordinary person who is oppressed by heavy work, he can look up and see the threat that is close at hand-the supreme mage keeps them in a comfortable environment , and their results did not satisfy the Venerable, so the Supreme Master let this matter develop naturally, and let human beings use their own blood to remind themselves-be careful, your situation is very dangerous, not from The bank statement at the end of the month is not the noisy neighbor across the door, but the alien you feared as a child hiding under the bed and in the closet.

The mystic ignored Pegasus who was being touched by a group of children, but walked into the kitchen on his own. Here, the two witches are not tired of helping, while little Lorna is jumping in anger, her short dark green hair is stuck to her forehead with sweat, and the corners of her raised eyes reveal dissatisfaction. But when little Lorna found Salomon to accuse the two witches, the mystic could only spread his hands and signaled that he was helpless—what could he do? It seems that the witches have taken a liking to mistreating beef and pork, and they will not spare potatoes and carrots, insisting on burning them to charcoal.

Athena is one of the insiders. Is there anything in the world that can be hidden from the goddess of wisdom? Her wisdom will give her omens about the future, and she has rushed to the orphanage before the witch arrives, and she trains the children as usual, as if nothing will happen. "The Sorcerer High is like a crow," she said. "A crow always brings bad news, and you are a little crow now."

"Bad things are happening, and the crow is just the one delivering the news." Salomon shook his head, looking at the Cheshire cat and Phoenix on the horse, which were also very popular with children. "You don't do it justice," he said. "Bad news is sometimes delivered by owls, too. Owls and crows are no better."

"What are you doing here?" Athena changed the subject, "Shouldn't you be involved in the incident now?"

"I'm making preparations." Salomon handed a basket of vegetables at his feet to little Lorna. The child gave the mystic a reproachful look, and then went into the kitchen without looking back. "Weapons, magic, I'm all ready." He said, "But His Holiness said that what happened on the battlefield is something I couldn't think of, and he asked me to be mentally prepared. And after this incident, I may have to kill again." Several people."

"This is your first time on the battlefield, nervousness is inevitable." Athena pointed to the long sword on Salomon's back, "I have seen people who go crazy on the battlefield. Aim at anyone who passes by. Whether that person is friend or foe, only the blood of those close to them can calm them down. I just hope you don't go crazy on the battlefield, your weapons are enough to destroy cities, I want you Remember who you are fighting for."

"Of course for human beings." Salomon replied without hesitation, but he didn't have any real feeling for this answer.

"No, that's too heavy, child, the responsibility given to you by the Supreme Mage is too heavy." Athena touched Salomon's curly and thick long hair, "You are a person with a warm soul, and I have always resisted the Supreme Master. The shackles that the mage put on you, you should know what you are fighting for—for us, for your loved ones."

"I..." The mystic hesitated for a moment, and then, under Athena's gaze, he nodded and swore. "I will," he said, "for you."

"Good boy, we love you."


"Level 7, Salomon, war is coming." Nick Fury's voice came from the receiver.

"I know." Salomon put the marinated beef on the hot iron plate while holding the phone. Beside him, both the witch and the children from the orphanage were holding plates, waiting for the mystic to finish this delicacy—cooking can calm Salomon down, which is his hobby.

"You don't understand me, Salomon, I need help."

"I know." Salomon put down the clamp, the beef sizzled on the iron plate, and the butter slowly flowed out along the lines of the iron plate. He pushed away the little greedy cat who was trying to fish the meat out of the pot, and took the phone with the other hand, "I also know what your troubles are. In fact, you haven't blown up the earth until now, which is beyond my reach." Expected."

"Don't speak sarcastic words." Nick Fury took a deep breath on the other end of the phone, "Our enemy is the Asgardians, it's a god! It's a fucking god! He traveled through the Rubik's Cube and came to our world! You must tell me that Karma Taj has dealt with this, that Earth is the domain of the Supreme Sorcerer."

"Don't use this method again, I've already been fooled once." Salomon was like teasing a dog, holding up the food Nick Fury wanted, no matter how much he jumped, he couldn't reach it. "In fact, the Supreme Sorcerer has anticipated this, because your foolish deeds are not the only ones who have come to Earth. The mystics of Kama Taj are all dealing with monsters from outer dimensions."

"What's the sound over there?"

"The sound of fresh onions cooking in butter, sweet when ripe."

"Damn! I need help right now, not buttered onions."

"Then I will tell you some good news." Salomon finally threw out the bait, "My mission is on the main material plane. That is to say, I will solve this matter."

"Then help me solve this matter quickly! Help me capture Loki, I don't want Asgard to go to war with the earth!"

"You may not understand what I mean, Nick Fury." Salomon hugged the cat attracted by the scent, he put the fat cat in Bayonetta's arms, and then kissed the witch's lips. After finishing these things, he picked up the phone again, and said to the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. on the other end of the phone, "But Karma Taj's method is something you definitely don't want to see."

"what do you mean?"

"This is a blood sacrifice that humans should pay for the stupidity of the past. You can't stop it, Nick Fury, we can only reduce the number of sacrifices and choose who to put on the altar-neither you nor nor Let ordinary people die, so it's time for you to choose - start with the President, or the World Security Council?"

Ask for tickets~~~~

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