Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 206 Solution (Second update!)

"I told you the coordinates and the location of the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters." Nick Fury took a deep breath, and he felt his anger spread from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head. The engines of the Helicarrier vibrate the most incredible vehicle in human history, which is a miracle of human science! Nick Fury wants Salomon to take this ship seriously instead of sitting at a fucking conference table with a plate!

On the plate there are fucking grilled crispy onions and beef slathered in sauce!

Nick Fury hadn't eaten all day. He was in no mood and couldn't eat. The accountability of the World Security Council made his head dizzy. He assured that the little bastard Salomon definitely knew about it, otherwise he wouldn't have come here with his lunch, he was definitely here to annoy him. But Salomon's attire made his swear words flow back into his stomach before he could say it, like a cow chewing its cud—why does a mystic wear silver armor? Why is he carrying a sword? What I want is a mystic, not a knight, and the sword is useless! What I want is knowledge!

"You are very curious." Salomon carelessly cut the beef on the plate. The steel claw gloves like dragon scales were very flexible and did not affect any finger movements at all—this set of armor was not Athena's training armor, but It is the private collection of the supreme mage, a set of armor that will not affect the interaction of spells, and there are few sets in the world.

This piece of beef was just out of the pan, and this was his lunch. Before that, he had been busy for a long time before finishing everyone's lunch. "Why?" the mystic said to himself, "Why use heavy swords and armor? What about your magic? You must think so, Nick Fury, I know your little thoughts."

"I invited you here to ask you to do me a favor, use your knowledge and magic. It doesn't matter how you joke on the phone, but here, I hope you are serious, little bastard." Nick Fury sighed Tone, "Tony Stark and Captain Rogers have already gone out on missions, and they will come back with harvest, at least I hope so. You need enough information, so I called Dr. Bruce Banner, and he sat down Across from you. You must know him, he is the Hulk (Dr. Bruce Banner smiles awkwardly). If you need anything, Agent Romanoff and Agent Coulson can help you, but they are not here now This... I want to ask you, will this incident affect the relationship between Asgard and Earth? What should we do with Loki? Why does Loki want to take the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and what is his plan?"

"Well, my cooking skills are still as good as ever." Salomon licked his lips. He thought for a while, and after deleting the news that Nick Fury could not know, he gave an answer. "Loki is a traitor, a traitor of Asgard," he said, "but the secular government has no right to judge. Even though Loki is a traitor, he was once the prince of Asgard, and Asgard exercised The law does not allow a gang of brigands to sentence a defecting prince."

Nick Fury endured Salomon's belittling and continued to listen.

"But I have it." The mystic patted the long sword, "This sword symbolizes the kingship of the earth. When I hold this sword, I can cut off Loki's head. After that, I will Return Loki's body to Asgard, and the All-Father will accept the result—unfortunately, I can't peel off his skin to make a belt, which is a good magic material. Dr. Banner, you Would you like some beef? This armor is too tight for me to eat so much."

Dr. Bruce Banner quickly shook his head, beheading and skinning are really scary. Is this a knight who came from the Middle Ages?

"You mean, the Asgardians don't care about Loki?"

"No, the All-Father will. Asgard must settle the matter before Kama Taj takes action, otherwise I am qualified to execute him, do you understand? He ran to another lord's land If there is an incident, then there are only two endings for him—the first is to pay the ransom, and the second is to send his head back.”

"Will someone be sent from Asgard? Who, Thor?"

"Hmm, only he has the right to negotiate on behalf of the father of the gods. So he must hurry, or I will do it."

"Then what if the final ending is the second? What will Asgard do after this?"

"Nothing can be done, the All-Father is a King, and the life of a non-Heir's adopted son is still at an affordable price. Unless another Heir is condemned to death--of course, if Thor is in battle If you die, then nothing will happen, and all soldiers have the awareness of death." The mystic mage sniffed, he always had a stuffy nose after eating a full meal, and he couldn't figure out why. "Where can I wash the dishes?" he asked. "I don't want to see dirty dishes."

"I have another question." Nick Fury finally couldn't hold back, "Why did you bring your lunch here?"

"Because you rushed too fast." The mystic mage threw away the scapegoat without hesitation, "I always want to eat after I finish making lunch? The beef won't taste good when it's cold."

"Huh..." The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. didn't know what to say. "I want you to go on a mission too, Salomon." He said, "Stark and Rogers have gone to capture Loki. I think if you join, the success rate will increase a lot. I know you can catch up, You have a portal."

"So what? The Sorcerer Supreme didn't ask me to capture Loki. That's not my mission. Be careful, don't try to use the tricks I used in New Mexico last time. It won't work this time. I have a clear order Yes." The mystic shook his fingers, "The current Loki is not as important to me as the dirty dishes in front of me. Tell me quickly, where I am going to wash the dishes... What's so strange about this, no matter how powerful it is People also have to eat and wash dishes.”


The people sitting at both ends of the table stared at each other, no one was willing to speak first, the air was a little stagnant. There was a hammer and a longsword in an ornate enamel scabbard on the table, but no one reached for their own weapons, it was not a good place to start a fight, and no one wanted the innocent to die—at least Don't let the person who sits at the table die with you.

And the cause of the quarrel is also very simple, that is, how to deal with Loki. Thor was very dissatisfied with the fact that Salomon had mastered Loki's execution power, but when he wanted to pick up the hammer, he remembered the entrustment of the father of the gods, so he had to put down the weapon angrily and use his own Its inarticulate mouth acts as a hammer to attack its enemies. In the past, this kind of thing was done by Loki, but now Loki is a prisoner, so Sol can only do it by himself.

"So..." Salomon spoke first, "What conditions does the father of the gods offer?"

"This is the atrium, the territory of the father of the gods." Thor said, "The nine worlds are the territory of the father of the gods."

"It's just a vassal, Sol, the matters of the earth are not for the father of the gods to decide." Salomon shook his head, "If you want to talk, you should not take the hammer, but Gungnir. Only then will we be on the same page.”

"My hammer is enough..."

"We should wait until Loki is interrogated before arguing about it!" Agent Romanov couldn't help interrupting the quarrel, "We don't even know Loki's purpose, now is not the time to argue."

"This is very important. It is related to the power of the atrium and the promise of the father of the gods." Salomon put his hand on the scabbard. He still had a smile on his face, but the muscles all over his body were ready to go, ready to draw his sword and slash at the opponent at any time. At the same time, his spell was also ready, and he could appear behind Sol in an instant ( lost step).

"Asgard must choose a solution: pay the ransom, or get his head back?"

"Asgard will pay the ransom." Thor glared at Salomon, "but he will also take the Rubik's Cube, which is the order of the father of the gods. As for Loki's purpose - he has a Chitauri Army, to conquer Earth—you may not know the Chitauri, they're a bunch of interstellar bandits."

"The Asgardians will solve the problems caused by the Asgardians." The mystic agreed, "That's why the father of the gods let you come. As for the ransom, it will be priced according to the losses caused by Loki. All sacrifices innocent people will receive a payment."

"The Rubik's Cube belongs to the earth!" Nick Fury said this immediately, but no one paid any attention to him.

"I accept the orders of the father of the gods on behalf of Kama Taj." The mystic nodded, regardless of Nick Fury's face.

"Why?" asked the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. "You don't have the authority to make this decision!".

"Because the Cosmic Rubik's Cube can only guarantee safety in Asgard. Moreover, I happen to have the power to make this decision. As I said, the SHIELD cannot represent human beings, nor can the secular government represent human beings. Only Kama Taj He is the lord of the earth. In the past, you couldn’t understand this matter, but now you can.” Salomon stood up and stretched out his hand towards Sol, “After this matter is over, there will be someone specially assigned for the specific ransom. Going to Asgard to negotiate - but I guess that might be me too."

"I thought you were a friend." Sol didn't reach out, he stared at Salomon and said, "You helped me in the courtyard."

"Yes, but that was out of Kama Taj's standpoint, not yours. It was official at that time, and it is official now." Seeing this, Salomon withdrew his hand. Since the Asgardians refused to reconcile, there was no need for him to put on a smile. He knew exactly what would happen next.

But Rocky is still very important at the moment, and he still needs to ring the alarm bell.

"Now, it's your problem." Salomon sat back in his seat and knocked on the table, "The Supreme Mage has foreseen what will happen next, so I will fight against the Chitauri. As for what you will do?" , then it is up to you to decide, I will not care about Loki's purpose and method, all I bring is death, including those who stop me."

"So what you said on the phone wasn't a joke? If the president blocks you, you're going to kill the president too?"

"Ha, congratulations, Nick Fury, you finally get what I mean. That's my order, no matter what politician it is, I want you to get the message out - of course they will Disdainful, but when death befalls them, they'll know I'm not joking."

Ask for a ticket! ! ! Ask for a recommendation ticket! ! ! !

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