Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 207 Outsider (first update!)

Nick Fury had a headache, but the person who gave him a headache was not Salomon. On the contrary, the mystic turned into a good baby after saying those words, and the annoying guy became someone else. Although Salomon was still wearing armor and had a gorgeous long sword with a scabbard slanted beside him, he was the most disciplined among those summoned.

While other people were arguing endlessly, Salomon was reading the book quietly, showing no intention of participating in the topic at all. Except for asking Dr. Bruce Banner with his homework from time to time, he hardly did any action.

Compared to Stark, he doesn't seem to care about the phase two plan at all. When he saw the weapons developed by S.H.I.E.L.D. based on the Rubik's Cube, he didn't show the same disgust as Captain Rogers. This made Nick Fury very relieved, he could guess what Salomon was thinking: as long as it was the preparations made by humans to arm themselves, the mystics quite agreed. Regardless of whether the prototypes of these weapons come from Hydra, as long as these weapons are used to deal with alien enemies-this is what a guardian standing in the human camp should think about. Nick Fury likes this With a pragmatic way of thinking, he felt that he and Salomon Damonette were fellow travelers.

Why would a minor behave more maturely than these adults?

Nick Fury believes this may be due to the way Salomon was educated. He knew about the Colin Town incident, the two incidents in Salem Township, and the Sun Island incident that S.H.I.E.L.D. did not know much about until now. No minor had ever experienced such cruel things while growing up. He never asked how many people Salomon had killed, and the attitude shown by the mystic this time was exactly what he wanted. Although this attitude defied all social rules, he believed that Salomon Damon Nate would understand him as he understood Salomon Damonette.

They are staunch guardians of humanity.

Stark had no intention of involving Salomon in the discussion, he left Jarvis to tutor Salomon to complete his homework, so that the mystic would stay in the conference room—no matter what Salomon's identity was, he After all, he is a minor, so it is better to leave it to adults to protect the earth. They have billionaires, playboys, genius inventors, fat green guys who swell up when they get angry, legendary warriors who wake up from the ice, and even the most powerful spies in the world. Keep minors like Salomon out of their lives instead of involving them.

Steve Rogers did not ask Salomon about his plans. Although he had seen Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Salomon wrestling together like punks fighting, in his opinion it was just a joke, just like that ridiculous tickling curse. But now after those horrific remarks, Captain Rogers is even more confused about Salomon's way. Although the mystic revealed many unbearable facts to him, Captain Rogers did not trust Salomon very much, because Captain Rogers knew that Nick Fury and Salomon Damonette had many things to hide from him, but Now is not the time to get to the bottom of it.

As for Agent Romanov, she had other things to attend to. Compared with other people, she can understand Salomon's cold-blooded ruthlessness better. The warmth in this person's heart has long been reserved for those around her, and others can't share it. In fact, Agent Romanov believed that if someone close to Salomon violated the rules, the mystic would kill him too, because he was a tool made only for the rules.

Agent Coulson sat across from Salomon, silent and embarrassed. It's not that he has nothing to do, he is here to accompany Salomon, and keeping him from running around is the task given to him by Nick Fury. Stark and Salomon Damonette are the two objects that Nick Fury focuses on. Both of them are people who will pose a threat to the secret intelligence of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Keeping an eye on them and keeping them from knowing what they shouldn't know is Agent Coulson's job.

"Why are you still doing your homework?" Coulson tried to find a topic, "We have captured the evil god Loki, you should provide some information for interrogation now. Except for Thor, no one here knows Aspen better than you Gad."

"Loki is very cunning, just like the devil. But worse than the devil, he is a capricious person without the slightest spirit of contract." Salomon raised his head from the notebook and glanced at Agent Coulson, " Loki is smarter than most of the people on this helicarrier because he is a spellcaster. For a spellcaster, knowledge is power, and the stronger the spellcaster, the smarter. In fact, I am very impressed with Loki It's very curious to be caught by you, because no one can catch him if he doesn't want to."

Agent Coulson's face changed, and he left in a hurry. He was going to report the situation to the director. The director was right, this guy Salomon was like a tube of toothpaste, he wouldn't reveal information at all without trying to squeeze it. Agent Coulson is now only grateful for the director's foresight. Salomon Damonette does know certain things. Whether these things are obtained through divination or just speculation, the information provided by the mystic is very important—— SHIELD has an entire database and analysis team to study Salomon, but this person is still wrapped in fog, and SHIELD cannot know anything that Salomon is unwilling to disclose.

Salomon didn't care about what S.H.I.E.L.D. was going to do. He just wanted to let the situation develop according to the original law. What he wants to do is to reduce the casualties of ordinary people while achieving the supreme mage to alert the world, for which he must be prepared. And this plan needs the permission of the supreme mage to start, but until he set off, the venerable did not give a clear answer-he used seventy-two demon gods, each of which had an extremely large legion, and these legions were his. the power of. If necessary, he will summon Phoenix, let it summon the army, and lead the army to face the Chitauri army in the universe.

But this kind of behavior is tantamount to breaking the ban on extra-dimensional creatures made by the supreme mage-summoning spells and summoning spells are different, one can only summon the avatar, but the other can summon the main body. There is a difference in power between the avatar and the main body, and the time they stay on the main material plane is also different. The former can only stay for a fixed time, while the latter can stay on the main material plane for a long time. The avatar is just an avatar, but the main body can pull Come to allies, and allies can also bring in allies, endlessly. The witch's spells are all summoning spells, which can only summon avatars, so the Supreme Sorcerer will allow them to live.

The Phoenix called by Salomon is the main body. Under his restraint, Phoenix did not bring the Abyss Legion. It is a violation of the rules that these armies can stay on the earth for a long time, so only the Supreme Mage can make a decision, and even Salomon cannot intervene.

He took a pen to write and draw in his homework book, then shut down the chattering Jarvis, and sighed helplessly. He couldn't understand why these aliens and extradimensional creatures didn't come on weekends? The supreme mage has asked for leave for him many times, even the royal family is not as busy as him, he still has class tomorrow! After all this, he still needs to work out the jet lag so he doesn't fall asleep during class!

Damn it! There is one more reason for killing Thanos, and he needs to write it down in a small notebook so as not to forget it later.

Why is the Helicarrier shaking so much? what happened? Why is the bullet flying past me? How did this grenade get under my feet? Why are they so flustered?

Salomon yawned lazily, and continued to catch up with his homework with a pen, seemingly indifferent to everything happening around him. "Little bastard!" Nick Fury pulled Salomon and the chair aside, "Are you dying?"

"Don't worry, those weapons pose no threat to me." The mystic waved his hand impatiently. He still has a lot of homework to do. Everyone has to bear the consequences for their own actions. Asking for leave is not free. He is now paying the price for his own behavior of asking for leave.

"Did you know there was going to be an attack?" Nick Fury asked loudly, hiding under the table.

"Hmm~" the mystic raised his eyebrows.

"Did you already know Loki's purpose!"


"Then why didn't you say it?"

"You didn't ask. And...some of the things Loki does are what I do."

"Monther F*uck! We're going to crash!"

"Don't worry, I can fly."

"Monther F*ck!"

Ask for tickets~~

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