Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 208 Multiverse Fishing Plan (Second Update!)

"Agent Romanov is in danger!" Nick Fury grabbed Salomon's shoulder armor and pulled him to the bottom of the steps. Although bullets can't cause damage to the mystic, Nick Fury doesn't want to take this risk. Salomon Damonette is too important, and he must ensure the safety of the mystic. "Tell me..." he said, "You have a way to stop the Hulk! I know you have!"

"You guessed it right. Tell me, which one do you want?" Salomon reached out secretly, took the book that fell under the table and held it in his arms. As for how to deal with the Hulk, Salomon has already prepared a plan, and he has many ways to deal with this kind of guy who only has muscles in his head. For example, use enchantment spells to control his emotions and force Bruce Banner to calm down. Without anger as an energy source, Hulk will be forced to transform back; another way is to use transfiguration to turn Hulk into some kind of harmless Small animals. It's just that Salomon is not sure whether these spells can take effect, because Hulk's physique is too strong, and his endless anger and beast-like intuition may even resist the spell's effect (will save).

"Which kind? I want both! Hurry up!" Nick Fury rolled his eyes, and then he saw Salomon sitting there, and he just gestured with his hands to indicate that he had completed the task. "I asked you to rescue Agent Romanov." The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. said angrily, "I know you have a portal! Go and save her! She is with Hulk now!"

"I said, I'm done." Salomon blinked, "Hulk is in free fall now. Don't worry, this is my specialty."

"Sir...Dr. Banner disappeared." Agent Romanov's voice came from the headset, "But here...a lot of broken glass appeared out of thin air..."

Facing Nick Fury's gaze, Salomon shrugged. There are indeed many ways to deal with the Hulk, but he will use the easiest and safest one - why not throw the brainless guy into the mirror dimension, where things are not afraid of destruction, and he can wait until the Hulk gets bored Just let it out again.

"I just don't understand your trick." The Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. muttered dissatisfiedly, "When I figure it out, I'll show you, little bastard."

"Actually, my first part of the work has been completed. Negotiating with the Asgardians is my first part of my work. I think it's time to leave." The mystic picked up a deformed bullet from the ground and gently threw it on the ground. To Nick Fury's head, "I don't want those renegade agents ruining my homework."

"I'll ask for leave for you, and I'll let the agent do your homework for you!"

"I refuse, I'm a student." Salomon shook his head, and stood up with his sword and books in his arms, not paying attention to the bullets that were impolite and rampant. Two spells of protective arrows and reflective arrows have been arranged on his body. At least until he is hit by a few bullets head-on, the effects of these spells will not disappear. Wanted to see which unlucky person would be hit by the reflected bullet.

"No!" Nick Fury was anxious, "I need you!"

"It's the first time I've heard this sentence from a man's mouth, and I have to say, it's a bit disgusting." The mystic shook his head, and he said in a comforting tone, "Don't worry, the matter will be resolved, and you won't die In a place like this."

"This kind of place? This is a Helicarrier! Is it shabby here?" Nick Fury didn't know how to complain for a while, "Then you can help! Agent Hill is injured, go and help her heal. Or you can help me clean up those armed men, can you?"

"But it's not my job."


Salomon glared at Nick Fury, and then stuffed a bottle of potion for minor injuries into the mouth of Agent Hill, who was dazed by the grenade. He doesn't mind helping out with this little favor, he just wants to hear Nick Fury's humble pleading, it's very interesting, and this is something he can't hear from the witch's mouth, otherwise his trembling S mentality will soon be caught by Bei Unita corrected with a small whip. After carrying the sword behind his back and putting the books in the dimensional bag around his waist, the mystic walked out of the bridge swaggeringly. When the armed men coming from the corner were about to shoot, two entangled bright white lines The light beam was like a heavy hammer, hitting him hard against the wall. (Magic Energy Explosion)

The mystic picked up the rifle, checked it pretendingly, and then walked down the stairs with the rifle in hand. He was going to fetch Agent Romanov back. The operation went smoothly, and none of the armed personnel he met was his opponent. When he walked into the engine room on the lower floor, he found Agent Romanov dragging a person and was about to go up.

"This is the flying monkey?" Salomon raised his eyebrows. This is a Nick Fury analogy, and Salomon happened to have seen this 1939 version of "The Wizard of Oz", which is a classic movie.

"It's not a flying monkey, it's Legolas." Agent Romanov said with a smile, "This is Clint. It's a pity that he can't greet you now."

"I don't know about your "Lord of the Rings" fans yet," the mystic was amused, "I'm here to pick you up. To be honest, I don't know how to use a gun at all. All the bullets hit the wall. The bullets that came back still hit the armor. In the end, it was not as good as a fist. Let me see your injury. I heard that you fell from the upper floor. The side effects of SHIELD's quick-healing bones are too great ( From "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., the kind of medicine Daisy took), or my alchemy potion is better."

"I'm fine." Agent Romanov shook his head, "I want to ask, do you have a way to remove mind control?"

"what have you done?"

"I hit him hard on the head."

"The enchantment spells used by Loki are very simple and rude, so the solution is also simple and rude." Salomon handed her a small glass bottle with a brass bottle mouth, "This is smelling salt, if you think he still If you're under mind control, put this thing under his should know how to use it."

"I do know, and I suspect that letting Clint smell the smelling salts was a prank on your part, he has suffered enough." Agent Romanov looked at Salomon suspiciously, "Do you have other things to do? "

"It's time for me to go. Loki has left here, and I'm off to the next mission."

"So anxious?"

"It's too late if you don't go. Don't hate me, Nick Fury is hiding a lot of things from you, and you will know later."

Not long after Salomon opened the portal and left, Agent Romanoff received a message from Nick Fury in his headset. "Agent Romanov, where is Salomon Damonette?" Nick Fury asked anxiously, "We need him."

"He's gone, sir. He said he's off to the next mission."

"Get him back quickly! Agent Coulson died, we need him!"

Agent Romanov was taken aback. She suspected that Salomon had known about this in advance. But what she couldn't figure out was that Salomon obviously had such an ability, and even tried it on himself, why did he refuse to do so? Isn't Agent Coulson his friend? And what does the phrase "don't hate me" mean? Does Nick Fury have some kind of plan?

"See you next time, Agent Coulson." Salomon was sitting in a street cafe enjoying black tea and desserts. He raised his teacup and gestured towards the sky. He needs Agent Coulson to go underground, which coincides with Nick Fury's plan, but Salomon knows better. He needs Agent Coulson to experience the great adventure of traveling through time and space, which is of great significance to Salomon's research on the multiverse.

But that's in the future, and now he's planning to catch some travelers from other parallel universes.

This is a good opportunity to travel to other parallel universes.

Thanks to GGsbada for the 1500 point reward!

Thanks to Zhuo Ne FLY for the 500 point reward!

Thank you Soap♂zao♂jun for your 300 point reward!

Thanks to book friend 20190819161732971 for the 150 point reward!

Thanks to Kersey for the 100 point reward!

Ask for a ticket! ! ! Super need tickets! !

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