Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 209 Painful Choice (Part 1!)

The mystic accepted the photo request from the cafe waiter next to him, which was expected, and walking around the street in armor was curious enough. Thanks to his skin color, otherwise the police would have stopped him based on the fact that he was carrying a sword. Salomon's eyes did not look at the camera, but looked out frequently, and what he looked at were not pedestrians, but two crows - Odin, the father of the gods, certainly could not casually throw his heir When it comes to Earth, it makes perfect sense to send the two crows on the throne as eyes.

But what puzzled Salomon was, why did these two crows stay near Stark Tower? Did the All-Father predict the outcome of this matter? Or is it that the father of the gods knows that there will be travelers in parallel universes, so he intends to get some information from the travelers? Salomon carefully recalled the whole thing—according to the supreme mage, the queen Frigga was very sad because Loki fell into the world tree, so she used magic to search for Loki's whereabouts, and got the scepter and Loki's perception Arrived in Tianhou's investigation, but refused to communicate. When the queen told Odin about this incident, Odin thought it was an illusion caused by the queen's excessive sadness, until Heimdall saw Loki appearing on the earth with the scepter and took away the Rubik's Cube. The All-Father sent Thor to Earth to settle the matter.

There are so many doubts about this matter, Salomon thought as he stuffed a piece of sausage into his mouth. It's too deliberate, the father of the gods is too deliberate-the queen of heaven, Frigg, is a highly skilled spellcaster, and Frigg once sat on the throne that the father of the gods claimed to be able to understand the past and the future. Odin is absolutely There is no doubt about the accuracy of the prophecies made by Queen Frigg. But it wasn't until Heimdall saw Loki appeared on Earth that Odin took action, as if he could let the matter develop. Thinking of this, Salomon felt that he had found the culprit, and that was the Supreme Mage: If Frigga's magic was just a prophecy, then the Supreme Mage's magic was to observe the future. The mage must have communicated with the All-Father.

In this way, the father of the gods is also aware of the fact that the travelers from the multiverse will appear, and the venerable may have informed Odin of the location of the travelers and their purpose. The case was solved, and Salomon took a bite of the sausage. The Supreme Mage was called a riddle in the magic world, and even this kind of thing required Salomon to think for a long time before he could solve it.

After enjoying the hot tea and snacks, Salomon walked out of the cafe and sat down on a bench near Stark Tower. This is where he speculates that the multiverse traveler might appear, and he can't wait to see the thing that can travel through parallel universes. The technical content of that thing is unrealistically high, and the parallel world shuttle is very attractive to him. That is the ultimate subject he has set for himself. Now the opportunity to explore the multiverse is in front of him. Salo Meng will never let it go.

He believes that the Supreme Master will support his actions, because the Supreme Master has stated that his fate is no longer at the mercy of certain existences. Although part of his future has been determined, he still chooses the desired ending. So Salomon chose this day-to complete his ultimate project and travel freely in various parallel universes.

"I've already helped you, Nick Fury." Salomon pinched the phone and said, "It's no longer my business."

"Did you already know what Agent Coulson would encounter?" Nick Fury seemed a little emotional, "Agent Romanov told me about your magic...if you..."

"GH325, Kree corpse. Come on, shut up, you can't act that sad feeling. Get down to business or I'll hang up."

"Tsk, little bastard, how much do you know!" After complaining a few words, the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. also gave up the performance and started talking about the business. "Captain Stark and Rogers went to your side, as well as Saul and my two most powerful agents. Yes, I know where you are, and the camera caught you." Nick Fury said, "St Tucker thinks there's a good chance Loki's going to Stark Tower, you're there before them, why don't you check it out? If you see Eric Savig... that's Jane Foster's mentor, remember Stop him, only with his help will Loki be able to open the portal. Please stop him."

"No." The mystic narrowed his eyes and raised his head to look at the bright blue sky. Immediately afterwards, he disappeared from the sight of ordinary people. Invisibility magic made Nick Fury completely lose his track, and he could only roughly guess his location by relying on communication signals. "No," he repeated, "I'm not some hero, don't you understand?"

"But if this continues, many innocent people will die! We don't even know if we can resist the alien army!"

"You can't, and your party can't, but this thing will work out."

"Your to open the portal, right? Why?"

"It's just to make you ants who are picking up biscuit crumbs look up, Nick Fury." Salomon leaned on the bench, enjoying the hard-won direct sunlight in the high-rise Manhattan, "Don't pretend to be innocent. I asked my reporter friend to report the news of the arrival of the Asgardians without your suppression? Apart from the senior officials of the Wuchang, which other country knows about the Asgardians? Nick Fury, I know what you think. You want to keep those anomalies away from the lives of ordinary people, but the situation is different now. The existence of aliens is not something you can hide if you want to. Do you want to make humans ignorant? Do you know how to die in swaddling clothes?"

"In any case, this matter has nothing to do with those ordinary people."

"This can only be said to be self-inflicted. If there is no push, human society will usher in the final outcome in internal friction. At that time, it will be irreversible." Salomon half-closed his eyes and stretched his waist. He watched a jet of flame propelling Tony Stark to the top of the building, and said slowly, "We are running out of time, Nick Fury. Greater danger is approaching from the universe, this is just an appetizer , we must be prepared.”

"Is this what you think?" Nick Fury was silent for a while. He said, "Use the blood of ordinary people to sound the alarm for the world?"

"It's not just the blood of ordinary people. Before that, my attitude has been very clear. I know what those chaebols and government officials will think, but anyone who hinders the unity of mankind will die in my hands. You Also, Nick Fury, if you decline future invitations too, you're on the death list."

"I understand." The director of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s tone was cold, just like Salomon's attitude.

"But don't worry." The mystic said, "I will try my best to minimize casualties, because these are not the damned people. I will find the damned ones one by one later."

"How are you going to solve this?"

"Well..." The azure blue energy soared into the sky, smashing through the clouds. This majestic sight made all passers-by stop and look up, thinking it might be another invention of playboy Tony Stark. However, what happened next shocked them, because the blue energy tore a big hole out of thin air at 50,000 feet above Manhattan, and the deep universe appeared at the other end of the hole, and countless Chitauri who were just about to move... People flew down from the air with small aircraft—dozens at first, and then hundreds. People standing on the street could only see small black dots like ants falling down like snowflakes. People are prepared, everything is so sudden.

Salomon hung up the phone and stood up. The shoulder armor and breastplate of the silver armor on his body began to deform. The neck armor made of magic metal was close to the throat, and the continuously extending steel plate wrapped the chin and face. A helmet shaped like a dragon's face covered His head was covered, and the eye slit was similar to a dragon's mouth. This armor even contained Salomon's long black curly hair-this is the armor of the Supreme Mage, which is now worn on Salomon.

He stretched out his hand, and the Chitauri who flew at ordinary people in the flying machine hit the huge orange-red spark shield that suddenly appeared and disappeared in a flash. When they got up from the ground dizzily, standing The extremely abrupt Salomon in the center of the road has also become the target of their attention.

"Of course I let the beast out, that guy is not at all restless." Salomon muttered and pulled out his long sword, holding a sword flower beside him. He held the sword in both hands, his knees were slightly bent, and he said silently in his heart: I am a knight now, but I must not let others find out that I am a mystic!

"Okay, now it's your turn, reptiles."

Ask for tickets~

I hope you are having some fun on your painful commute.

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