Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 210 Future Visitors (Second Update!)

The mystic whistled, but nothing happened. So Salomon blew harder, the whistle was sharp and loud, and this time, the whistle responded. A bright white arc descended from the sky of New York City to Salomon. Here was Pegasus, who let the horse roam about before he acted, and return when he needed it. Obviously, it wasn't a wise choice, because he had never seen a horse with a bag of Skittles in its mouth.

Stupid horse, I don't know which store it was snatched from. Salomon only hoped that the clerks in that store would not be too frightened. There were not many Marcos who would open the door and pick out snacks by themselves, and Pegasus didn't seem to be able to pay the bill either.

But now is not the time to pursue the fault of this gluttonous horse. Salomon sat on the back of Pegasus, holding the golden rein in his hand. He lightly clamped the horse's belly, and Pegasus galloped forward on four legs. The huge white wings flapped continuously, and finally turned into a ray of light, walking along the street, stepping on the stalled cars and emergency landing Quinjet fighter planes Jump to the sky, fly to the sky above the Stark Tower - the alien invasion has attracted the attention of the world, the goal of the venerable has been achieved, and now it is time for Salomon to keep his promise.

"Is that..." Captain Rogers hesitated, "Is that Salomon Damonette? Have we given him communication equipment?"

"No." Agent Romanov shrugged, unbuckled his seat belt, and got out of the driver's seat with Clint. "He knows a lot," she said, "but he just doesn't want to share it with us."

"This kid has more personality than Stark." Captain Rogers picked up the shield that had fallen on the ground before. The word personality is not a good word in his mouth, it is just a euphemistic expression of dissatisfaction with wayward people who "do not follow orders".

"He was never with us, Captain." Agent Romanov didn't care about Salomon's attitude. Ever since she came into contact with Salomon, she has been deeply impressed by the mystic mage's going her own way. She feels that she will never guess what the mystic mage will do next.

"Then we can only do what we should do." Captain Rogers narrowed his eyes and looked up. Even though he was enhanced with the super soldier serum, the dust from the Chitauri crashing the building and the smoke from the burning cars made it hard for him to keep his eyes open. But even so, the roar coming from behind the deep hole above New York still made him notice the huge beast that was about to pass through the hole and come into this world—it was a giant beast hundreds of feet long, with its mouth open It has a big mouth, a metal tail that swings up and down, and its body is full of metal fins and bone spurs. It slowly drills out like a huge metal fishbone floating in the air. It is like the giant Leviathan in myths and legends. Beside this giant beast, there are almost countless Zeta Swiss soldiers swooping down in aircraft.

It shuttles between the high-rise buildings in Manhattan, metal fins and bone spurs scrape those concrete buildings, and the strong reinforced concrete is no different from a biscuit in front of this huge kinetic energy. When the gigantic beast let out a low cry like thunder again, the hatches beside it opened one after another, and a large number of Zeta Swiss soldiers jumped out from them. They hung on the wall of the building with their sharp claws, and then Smashed the window and jumped in. But before the giant beast released more soldiers again, a bright white light galloped past it, accompanied by a tooth-piercing metal twisting sound, Captain Rogers saw the giant beast as if it was a piece of Butter is generally cut in half from the end to the end.

Immediately afterwards, there was the fall and explosion, dust and ash, and the shrill wail of the Zeta Swiss soldiers being burned alive came from the belly of the giant beast. For the first time, Captain Rogers felt that the enemy's wailing was so sweet. "Isn't he a magician?" he asked. "Why use a sword?"

"Maybe he thought it would save a little effort." Clint shook his head.

"Stark, do you see this?" the captain asked.

"I saw it, it's unbelievable." Stark said, "Who killed this big guy? Our magic boy? He really has a hand. But, did any of you see Banner?"

"Dr. Banner is here." Nick Fury picked up the words. "That damned bastard didn't tell me after he got him out. The agents found Dr. Banner in the engine room, and he was on his way to New York. "

"It's great, Dr. Banner has met his opponent." Stark adjusted the thruster to kill more Zeta Swiss soldiers, "But only Magic Kid is not enough, we have to give him a communicator, and there are many others. Citizens are trapped..."

The Zeta Swiss Soldiers seem to have received some kind of instruction, they ride the flying vehicle and sweep the streets with laser weapons. Violent explosions spread from one side of the street to the other. Screams and wailing were the main theme at this time. "These people need help." As soon as Steve Rogers finished speaking, some Zeta Swiss soldiers jumped near them with weapons. Agents Romanov and Clint were tasked with stopping the Zeta Swiss so Captain Rogers could have time to save the common man.

More behemoths entered New York City through the portal, but Salomon stopped Pegasus on top of Stark Tower after killing the Zeta Swiss soldiers along the way. "Where is Loki?" he asked Thor. "I think you also saw Loki's choice. What are you going to do, Thor? He is now taking the reign of another king."

"He is my brother." Thor's hammer twirled in his hand. "He can only be judged by Asgard."

"I hope Asgard can afford this ransom, otherwise you'd better start protecting him now." The voice from the mask was a bit dull, Pegasus seemed to have noticed something, it snorted lightly , and then a mass of flame exploded beside Salomon out of thin air. Phoenix appeared next to the mystic with the shield and the lance. Salomon put the sword back into the scabbard and took over the shield of Aegis and a gorgeous white lance. The twisted and painful snake hair on the shield The banshee made Thor even take a step back.

If the power of the holy sword is not released, it will be difficult to deal with huge targets with the long sword alone. In contrast, the lance is the most suitable weapon. Now is not the decisive moment, Salomon will not release the Holy Sword until the gathered superheroes are disappointed with the United States, and before that, he needs to hunt as many monsters as possible. And Aegis, who can petrify Kraken, is also Salomon's choice. He doesn't know if those half-mechanical, half-flesh behemoths have eyes, but it's worth a try—before that, he needs to make sure that no ordinary person sees the shield otherwise Aegis could only be a shield.

"You still have a chance, Sol. I hope you can catch Loki before I kill all the Chitauri." After speaking, Salomon signaled Pegasus to jump off the building, and Phoenix accompanied the mystic They flew towards the sky together, and rushed towards a giant beast that had just drilled out of the portal. Just like during the training, the mystic did not ride his horse upright and ram into the giant beast, but turned slightly sideways, aiming the tip of his spear at the head of the giant beast. Although he didn't know the name of the lance, Salomon knew how strong this weapon was - now he was holding the lance, and the tip of the lance was pierced into the head of the giant beast. With the help of Pegasus , he pulled the dead giant beast to an open space.

It hurts, really hurts. Although he has the protection of the armor and the power provided by the stigmata, Salomon still feels his shoulders and arms are shaking slightly. The impact just now almost dislocated his arm, and his ribs are also hurting. , he had to push harder, he suspected that the skin under the armor had been bruised. He raised his shield, blocked the attack of the Zeta Swiss soldiers, and then rode forward, allowing Pegasus to trample the blind guy to death.

Phoenix let out a loud cry, and the rest of the Zeta Swiss soldiers who climbed out of the behemoth hatch lost their minds before they had time to react. Salomon didn't waste any time. He endured the pain and shot the aliens with his lance. The creatures were nailed to the ground in a string, and the cold blue blood flowed down the gun body, piling up into a small lake.

"I shouldn't...I should have appeared here." Four people wearing special battle uniforms appeared on the street abruptly, and one of the biggest guys hesitated, "Is the time we came at the right time? Embarrassing, but I should be messing around here now."

"There must be something different in the multiverse, otherwise there would be no need to be a multiverse." Salomon's visor shrank and deformed, a gust of heat came out from his head and neck, and his black forehead hair was stuck to his face with sweat , her fair face flushed. Panting for breath, he moved his aching shoulder lightly, then lowered his head to search for the potion from the dimensional bag.

"Did we see you? I don't remember you showing up at the Battle of New York? Or did you show up and nobody knew?"

"You haven't seen me, but I have seen in this time and space." Salomon didn't lift his head, but poured a bottle of potion into his mouth. This is only a minor injury, and he still has enough potions. "I said, this is the multiverse." After taking the medicine, he finally looked up and looked at the future Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner and Ant-Man (what is the name of this guy? Salomon recalled with difficulty), "My teacher is the Supreme Sorcerer...not Strange, that guy is a is the Supreme Sorcerer, for you, the previous Supreme Sorcerer."

"You are..." Steve Rogers was a little surprised, "Do you know where we come from?"

"Of course, I also know where you are going." Salomon rode forward slowly, staring at Tony Stark, and then took out a piece of parchment from the scroll case hanging on Pegasus. "But I don't care about the life and death of your universe, not at all." He said deadpan, "but I'd love to explore the possibility of fate. So, Tony Stark, give this scroll to Strange , he knows what to do."

"He's dead," said Tony Stark from the future. "He turned to ashes in front of me. You know what I mean, ashes, without a sound."

"I know, but he will come back to life." The mystic bent down and slapped the scroll on Tony Stark's chest, "I want to make a deal with you, a deal you will never regret."

Ask for a ticket! ! ! No one can say I'm lazy! Super super need a recommendation ticket!

Fragmentation is becoming more and more proficient...

This is the third time I've watched American Gods and it's such a classic.

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