Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 212 Excalibur (Second update!)

Compared with Captain America who focused on rescue—the Captain America in this time and space, Salomon focused more on hunting large animals, for which he even gave up those Zeta Swiss soldiers flying around. If he happened to meet him, he wouldn't mind running over him on his horse, but if he passed by, Salomon would not turn around and chase after him. The effect of this is very good. Although Salomon can't kill the giant beast with a single shot every time, a few collisions are enough to change the flight trajectory of the giant beast, whether it is a constantly swinging fishbone tail or a spine covered with artificial metal armor. , he can bring pain to the giant beast every time, and his constantly twisting body creates good opportunities for him to kill.

Before he saw Hulk jumping into the top floor of the Stark Tower, he followed him in, and blocked Loki's spellcasting ability with the special handcuffs in Karma Taj Prison—but he couldn't kill him, Although the agreement with the Asgardians has not yet been reached, in the name of the father of the gods and the supreme mage, this matter has become a foregone conclusion, and it cannot be changed by Salomon.

The sound of an explosion in the distance called Salomon's attention back. He raised his head and saw lightning jumping up into the portal above New York from bottom to top. The powerful electric energy clings to the metal surface of the giant beast that has not yet fully drilled out, giving the half-mechanical, half-flesh creature a great shock. pain. The engines and various machines inside it exploded into sparks under the high-voltage current, and then it exploded into scorched metal and flesh, and even the other giant beast was blown into two pieces. Half of the wreckage was scattered in the dark and deep universe, and the other half fell from a height of 50,000 feet under the pull of gravity, and smashed hard on the buildings near the Stark Tower. Bricks, rocks and steel bars were shattered and twisted one after another, stirring up a large cloud of smoke and dust, as if a blast had just been carried out.

"I've been looking for you, Magic Kid." Stark landed in front of Salomon, his armor had obvious scratches, even more scratches than Salomon's armor. As soon as the mystic master heard the tone, he knew that the Stark in front of him belonged to the younger Stark in this time and space, the light-hearted Stark, and the carefree Stark now. "Why don't you enter the communication channel?" Stark lifted his mask and couldn't help complaining, "Or, do you want to be lazy? Then I can understand, after all, you are underage."

"No, Stark." The mystic's tone was low, and he was almost overwhelmed by the explosion from the next block and the humming of the giant beast farther away. "No, Stark." Salomon cleared his throat. After a long time of hunting, his mouth was dry, but he just didn't want to show his weakness in front of people he didn't know well. I'll be lazy, I just don't have headphones."

"Poor kid," Stark said jokingly, as if he too wanted to take a break. Due to Thor and Salomon's hunting of the behemoth, the situation on the battlefield was much better, and Stark allowed himself a thirty-second rest. "You did a good job." He saw Salomon's efforts, and even when the monster fell downwards, the mystic would build a shield to protect the people below. Salomon was also said to be cutting off the heads of his enemies as trophies, but it made Stark a little happier that he didn't now.

That was just too barbaric.


"No." Salomon didn't turn his head, but looked at the surrounding battlefield through the slit of his helmet. He saw that the Hulk who was one size smaller was the future Bruce Banner, and he was pretending to be smashing around. Where is the future Stark and the future Captain Rogers? Salomon couldn't see them.

"Then hurry up and act... see that big guy? Help, Okay?"

The mystic nodded silently, and Stark took off quickly, drawing the behemoth's attention with a heat flare. Salomon also drove Pegasus forward, he first flew upwards, and then Pegasus retracted his wings, leading the mystic to dive rapidly. "Nice job, little guy." Stark whistled. He saw the giant beast was nailed to the ground and was dying. The Zeta Swiss Soldier said to Salomon, "Super power is really convenient. If you don't mind, can you help me get rid of these ugly guys?"

"I don't have time, Stark." The mystic raised his head frequently, looking up at the skyline of New York City, "The time is coming."

"What time?"

"It's time for politicians to betray. Stark, do you have turnips growing on your shoulders? How could politicians not take action on such a big matter?" Salomon carelessly drove Pegasus to trample to death and ran over The Zeta Swiss Soldier, his attention is on the horizon.

"What are they going to do?"

"Nuke," said the mystic. "They want to launch a nuke."

"Shit! How did you know about this?"

"I won't tell you."

"Furry, tell me that the news about the magic boy is wrong."

"He's telling the truth, Stark. The council just passed a resolution to send nuclear weapons to New York—but don't worry, I won't agree to this stupid proposal." Nick Fury's voice always It can be reassuring, only this time it's different, Stark wants Nick Fury to reassure. The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. did as he said, but Stark just couldn't let go.

Bureaucrats, he knows what bureaucrats are like. They will try their best to play with the power in their hands, prolong the work process as much as possible, and make a simple thing extremely complicated. The important things are often missed, and the bureaucratic decisions are often passed quickly. Bureaucrats cannot be trusted, this is Stark's experience.

"What are you going to do?" he asked Salomon. "Nick Fury's a smart guy, but he's not enough."

"I have a solution." Salomon waved his hand, "Give me a headset, and I will make those bureaucrats regret it forever."

"What are you going to do?" Stark asked repeatedly.

"I'm going to open a portal and put the nuclear bomb in the basement of the White House." The mystic blinked. "Or the Pentagon, you can choose."

"No! Don't joke, Salomon Damonette!"

"Well, I'm going to put the nuke in the mirror dimension. There's no signal there, and the nuke won't detonate."

"That's pretty good news."

The communication channel was rattling, and the portal seriously affected the signal transmission. "I'm can close the portal." Fortunately, the transmission path of S.H.I.E.L.D. was still guaranteed, and Agent Romanov's voice came out of the headset.

"Stark, bad news." Nick Fury's voice also came from the earphones, "A plane took off without permission..."

"Awesome." Stark started the propeller, his tone was helpless, "What are you going to do?"

"Close the portal." Salomon turned Pegasus's head, and began to trot all the way in the direction of Stark Tower, "The Zeta Swiss soldiers are modified creatures. Even if the portal is closed, they can move. Only Destroy their mothership and the Zeta Swiss will cease operations."

"Then we need that nuke."

Pegasus began to flap his wings to accelerate, and Stark followed closely behind Salomon, his voice reaching the mystic through a loudspeaker. "No need," Salomon said, "I have something better than nuclear bombs."

When the mystic parked Pegasus on top of Stark Tower, the gusts of wind nearly knocked Agent Romanov down, but the lady magnanimously forgave the minutiae. In her hand was the Mind Gem Scepter, the tip of which had just penetrated the protective energy field of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

"Can you?" she asked. Eric Shavig, who was standing aside, was very nervous, and he desperately wanted to atone for his actions. "This is the back door I left behind," he said. "It's something I left subconsciously. I didn't expect it to work."

"Don't worry, Professor Savage, you are still my mentor's mentor." Salomon jumped off the horse and stood beside the device that opened the portal. He scrutinized this high-end-looking thing—forgive him for using such a rude term, because he really didn't understand thermonuclear physics.

"I heard the nuke." Agent Romanov asked, "What are you going to do?

"I have to get rid of the things on the other side of the portal before I can solve the nuclear bomb issue." Salomon handed the lance and shield to Professor Shavig. These heavy weapons and protective gear almost made him fall . "Remember to step back later and close your eyes. I have asked Stark to track down the plane that took off without permission." The mystic put away his visor, revealing his long black curly hair again. His face was covered with sweat, but his expression was relaxed, because this was the last task assigned by the supreme mage. Although this task was not easy, he could be lazy after finishing it.

Agent Romanov and Professor Shavig backed away as promised, Salomon drew out his long sword, held the long sword with both hands, and recited the oath for the first time. Immediately afterwards, Agent Romanov and Professor Shavig saw the most brilliant light they had ever seen in their life.

"Liberate the thirteen seals, and the Round Table Council begins!"


Countless golden light spots erupted from around Salomon's body, and they saw twelve golden beams of light surrounding Salomon. This momentum was even stronger than when Sol triggered the thunder, and the gale was so violent that it set off Salomon's heavy skirt armor. Agent Romanov and Professor Shavig tightly hugged the lance stuck in the ground, so they were not blown away.

"I declare here!"

"This is not a war against humanity"


"This is not a war with elves"


"This is the battle against evil"

"Mordred - confirmed -"

"This is not a fight for selfish desires"

"Galahad - confirmed -"

"This is a fight for survival"


"This is the battle for truth"


The voice from somewhere rang in the ears of everyone in New York City. Everyone heard the resolution of the Round Table Council. They raised their heads and saw the brilliance overflowing from the top floor of Stark Tower. The radiance overflowing from the sword gradually became stronger and stronger, and when Salomon recited the last sentence of the oath, the radiance even surpassed the sunlight for an instant.

"This is the battle to save the world"

"Arthur—ahem, it's started? Confirm!"

Except for the strangeness when the final seal was released, the other parts were extremely solemn and majestic, and Salomon didn't care about this small mistake. After all, the supreme mage is eating roast beef now, he has to go back quickly, maybe he can still eat a portion.

"This is the battle for the revival of Camelot!"


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