Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 213 Short Hair (First Update!)

A huge golden beam of light shot up into the sky, and this dazzling light attracted the attention of countless people. The huge energy passing through the portal rushed into the portal without mercy, and even annihilated the portal for a short time. The beam of light continued upward, passed through the atmosphere, and galloped toward the deep and boundless pitch-black universe. It wasn't until the golden light spots around Salomon's body gradually dissipated that the light passing through the universe gradually faded away. Those who were still looking up before only felt that there was nothing in front of them, and the too harsh light penetrated the thin eyelids, making them temporarily blind.

The attack of the shattered stars was not something the Chitauri could resist. The power of the Sword of Oath of Victory swept across the Chitauri soldiers and their ships floating in the void, leaving only a sea of ​​flames and wreckage. This power has also attracted the attention of many people in the universe. This is a small warning from Salomon, so that those aliens who are spying on the earth's resources should weigh it carefully.

The whole city fell silent, except for the slight crackling sound when the flames climbed the combustibles, even the wailing of the wounded hiding underground stopped, because no one could not feel the trembling power . After the eyesight of those who looked directly at the beam of light on the road gradually recovered, they realized that those almost endless Zeta Swiss soldiers fell to the ground at this moment, and those giant beasts that were floating in the air were completely paralyzed at this time. Falling to the ground or the top floor of the building, as if someone pressed the switch of these alien soldiers, they are not much different from toys that have run out of power.

Followed by cheers.

At first, there were only sporadic exclamations, and then the joy spread quickly. Almost all the people who were still alive raised their hands, hugged those around them, and shared the joy of survivors. This is the first time that Salomon has shown his power in front of everyone. In front of this kind of power, everyone has to sit down and think.

"This is?" Agent Romanov supported Professor Savig to get up from the ground. They are the people who are closest to the Sword of Vowed Victory except Salomon, and they are also the ones who can feel the power best.

"You are... King Arthur?!" Professor Savig asked tremblingly. Every Englishman is familiar with the romantic legend of King Arthur. It is said that when Great Britain is in danger, King Arthur will wake up from Avalon and save the world. Eric Shavig is an out-and-out Englishman. Although he does not have red hair, he became interested in various myths and legends after experiencing the events of the Asgardians. The story of King Arthur Also one of them.

"I'm just the heir." Salomon shrugged his shoulders pretending to be relaxed, but due to the massive consumption of mana, he looked pale, and the sword of the oath of victory was also used as a cane, stuck on the ground, supporting his body . The magic power that supplies the sword of victory that unlocks the seal has been accumulated by Salomon since he was a child. After he released this attack, the lower half of his long black curly hair was already gray - the hair can accumulate magic power, Salomon In order to ensure his height in the future, Luo Meng deliberately grew long hair to ensure that his vitality would not be greatly affected after outputting a large amount of magic power.

His foresight helped.

Salomon exhaled a hot breath, then took out the scissors and started cutting his hair. He cuts off his long hair while signaling Agent Romanov to continue with his work. But before Agent Romanov poked the Rubik's Cube out of the portal generator, she pressed the earphones, as if receiving some information. "The nuke has been launched." She turned to the mystic. "How? Stark said he could send the nuke through the portal."

"Close the portal, now." Salomon put down the dagger, hooked his fingers, and magically took out Agent Romanov's earphones, and put them on his ears. "Stark," he said, "now, follow my command. All you have to do is guide the trajectory of the nuclear bomb, just come to me, don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

Natasha confirmed with the mystic again with her eyes, and then resolutely pushed the scepter in. Unexpectedly, Nick Fury on the other end of the headset had no objection to Salomon's decision, and Stark even agreed to Salomon's plan, although he didn't know what it was yet.

"I see you, Stark." The mystic took off his gauntlet and took out the hanging ring from the dimension bag, "Aim at me, can you do it? Maybe I shouldn't ask you, I should ask Jarvis , you're just the one who's holding back."

"I can do it, Mr. Damonette. After many rigorous calculations..."

"This is my job, Jarvis!" Stark interrupted the smart butler's clear and straightforward explanation in dissatisfaction. He flew under the Verrazano Bridge to catch the missile, "Okay, Jarvis , help me calculate the trajectory, and the time of the detonation of the nuclear bomb. You know, I just don’t want to compare the calculation speed with the computer.”

"Okay, sir." Jarvis calmly activated the thrusters on the steel suit, and Stark flew over Battery Park, the Financial District, Little Italy, Chinatown, Greenwich Village with the nuclear bomb, using the thrusters a little Correct the trajectory of the nuke bit by bit so that it is facing the top balcony of Stark Tower.

"In the name of Weishandi..." Salomon watched the nuclear bomb gradually fly in without the slightest fear. He was chanting mantras and making gestures with his hands. Through earphone communication, under the command of Salomon, Stark released the nuclear bomb early. He saw a broken glass mirror covering the top floor of the building. After touching the mirror, the nuclear bomb disappeared like jumping into the water. not see.

"Where did the nuclear bomb go?" Stark asked curiously.

"Hmm, you don't want to know." Salomon regained his lazy look, and when he picked up the scissors again and planned to continue cutting the lifeless long hair, his hand was held down. Natasha patted Salomon on the shoulder and motioned him to sit down.

"Leave it to me," she said. "That's the only thing I can do now."

Salomon sat down obediently, with his legs dangling in the air, and he sat lazily on the edge of the balcony overlooking the New York City that had been swept by the flames of war. The goal of the Supreme Mage has been achieved. Although the price paid is a bit high, no country will underestimate the threat of aliens in the coming time, although Salomon does not expect those secular countries to cooperate sincerely.

After Natasha trimmed off Salomon's white hair, the mystic already had short black hair. The other Avengers had already arrested Loki, who was restrained by the magic handcuffs, and Natasha also brought Professor Eric Shavig downstairs to receive treatment from the medical staff. Instead of going down to join in the fun, Salomon continued to sit on the edge of the balcony, sharing a bag of Skittles with his mount—the same bag of candies that Pegasus snatched from the store—he now needs to replenish his vitality and eat That's the best solution.

"Good job." Stark sat down beside Salomon, "But you made my life less worth bragging about. I really pity me in this parallel world."

"You should go get the Rubik's Cube now." Salomon gave this Stark a few candies, and Iron Man from the future stuffed the candies into his mouth without hesitation.

"I still have time." Although he said so, he stood up again. The future Stark patted the mystic on the shoulder, "I think, if you exist in this world, it might be easier."

"Let's go, that's my business." Salomon chewed the candy and waved his hands back without looking back.

After a while, Stark appeared behind Salomon again, but this time it was the Stark of this universe. Pegasus sniffed suspiciously, but he couldn't tell the difference between the two Starks. "Good job." This Stark sideways passed Pegasus's horse's head, and he also patted the shoulder of the mystic, "You know, I originally wanted to push the nuclear bomb to the portal. You Said I was going to have a daughter and Pepper wasn't pregnant so I thought maybe I wouldn't die... Anyway, you did a good job and you're young but we need you."

"Someone has already said that to me."

"Who? Which sentence?"

"'Good job,' and you said it."

"Ha! What kind of cold joke is this?" Stark shrugged, as if he felt sorry for not realizing Salomon's sense of humor, "Hurry up, the S.H.I.E.L.D. The scepter is here, the head of S.H.I.E.L.D., an officer older than Nick Fury is coming. Nick Fury said that he would hand over the Rubik's Cube to Asgard, but those bureaucrats are definitely not willing, I can't think of it What will he do. But that has nothing to do with us, the aftermath will be handed over to SHIELD, and Loki will also let SHIELD take care of it first, I will take you to eat barbecue, how about it?"

"Very good." Salomon put on the gauntlet again, he clapped his hands, Phoenix appeared out of thin air again, and disappeared out of thin air. After Phoenix no longer appeared, the shield and lance on the balcony had disappeared. Pegasus looked at Salomon with big wet eyes. It seemed to be interested in barbecue.

"It's really time for me to see those 'SHIELD' officials." The mask re-wrapped the mystic's face, he added the accent on the word SHIELD, and I don't know if Stark listened come out. When Salomon walked down the stairs, almost everyone was greeting him, and the mystics dealt with it one by one until he stood in front of Loki. "Hello." Salomon shook Loki's handcuffed hands, causing the evil god to roll his eyes.

"Come on, I actually like you. At least you're much smarter than most people."

Loki tilted his head, looking at the armored guy in front of him. Since he can't speak or cast spells, he can only convey information with his eyes. Salomon can guess Loki's thoughts with his toes, and he is now trying to escape. So a green ray ejected from Salomon's hand hit Loki, and Loki was immediately enveloped by a force field with an emerald green shimmer.

Loki rolled his eyes again, he understood the effect of this spell.

"What are you doing?" Thor asked anxiously, he hurried forward to check Loki's appearance, still twisting the hammer in his hand.

"Don't worry." The mystic glanced at the few people who just slipped past under the bar not far away, "This magic can guarantee that he won't escape, and now he can't teleport, it's enough for S.H.I.E.L.D. to transport him safely Go downstairs."

"Oh, thank you." Saul thanked him bluntly. He stepped forward and hugged Salomon vigorously. "You are also a warrior, Salomon Damonet." He said, "Although I don't know who your ancestors are, but one day, your glory will let you enjoy endless mead in Valhalla and feasting."

"Then I really thank you, let me down!"

Thanks to Mo Ran Ten Nights for the 100-point reward.

Thanks to book friend 20190819161732971 for the 150 point reward.

Thank you Soap♂zao♂jun for your 300 point reward.

Dimensional Anchor

School: Defense

Ring: Priest/Seer 4, Inquisitor 3, Warlock/Wizard 4, Summoner 3

Domain: Guardian Subdomain 4

Casting Time: Standard Action

Components: language, gesture

Distance: middle distance

Effect: Ray

Duration: 1 minute/level

Immunities: None

Spell Resistance: Yes (object)

A green ray shoots out from your hand. You must hit the target with a ranged touch attack. Any creature struck by the ray is enveloped in an emerald-green shimmering force field that completely prevents extradimensional travel. The forms of movement prevented by a dimensional anchor include the following and other similar spell-like abilities. 'Gate' and 'teleportation circle' cannot be used within the duration of the spell

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