Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 214 Independence Movement (Second Update!)

Even in his armor, Thor's slapping palms on Salomon's back were blunt force blows that nearly forced the air out of his lungs. Loki watched this scene with a smile on the side. He believed that Salomon could understand how he felt in the past 1,500 years. His brother Sol had always been so careless, even as a frost giant, he was not so capable. bearable.

"Salomon." The mystic finally got out of Sol's arms, and Nick Fury's voice came from the earphones, "You need to talk to Pierce...that's a Security Council official, he's taking the elevator to Go to the top floor of Stark Tower. You don’t need to say too much, he is a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. and my old boss. Although he is extremely dissatisfied with my concealment of your information, I think you can communicate with him.”

"No." Salomon rejected Nick Fury's request without hesitation, and he greeted Pegasus to come down from the balcony. "When did you think I had the patience to deal with bureaucrats?" he said. "And, I haven't settled with you about launching the nuclear bomb."

"Speaking of nuclear bombs," Nick Fury asked, "where did you hide that missile? The World Security Council lost the signal of that missile, and you don't know how panicked they are. I know you There's a portal, but the satellites haven't picked up any signs of a nuke, not even a seismic wave."

"It has exploded." Salomon took the golden rein and pulled Pegasus away from Natasha. This stupid horse always wanted to lick beautiful women. Although Natasha didn't mind and was even a little happy, Salomon thought it was time for him to learn a lesson.

"I don't believe your nonsense, but the nuclear bomb can be put aside first, you have never made a mistake." Nick Fury said, "Pierce just wanted to talk to you, he knew nothing about you, and I And because your contract can't disclose your information. So, you can tell him some basic information, that's all, just tell him whether you have family members or something like that."

"I can only tell him that I don't know who my father is, and my mother died after giving birth to me." Salomon's topic aroused Natasha's interest, and she touched Salomon's new Hair cut short. Before that, she couldn't imagine Salomon's life experience at all, but now she understands him somewhat. The mystic shook his head, rejecting Natasha's touch because he had already found a family for himself. He said to Nick Fury, "I do have a nanny, and I think Pierce would be interested in getting to know her."

"You still have family members alive?" Nick Fury seemed a little overjoyed, "Very well, let's just say this."

"Of course, my nurse has a beard, and I just fed her a bundle of grass this morning."

"That's a goddamn goat! Little bastard!"

"I can only say this. If your boss is still interested in knowing, I can teach him how to milk goats." Salomon quickly took off the earphones and threw them back to Agent Romanov. Fury growled. Then he put on his armor again, reverting to the unkind knight. But Natasha is not afraid of this, she said narrowly, "I have never seen anyone who can make Fury helpless, and you are the first."

"That's because you don't see much of it." Salomon shook his head, and his neck armor rubbed against each other to make a small sound.

"I think it's a lot to see."

"Very well, then I hope you will not reveal my information, ma'am." Salomon said, "I believe you can do it."

"I'm the best at keeping secrets." Natasha narrowed her eyes, "Then what do you get paid for?"

"Your wish." Thus, a secret alliance was formed. The mystic blinked, although others couldn't see it, "I hope Stark can hurry up, Pegasus is hungry, and I am hungry too. I only hope that the barbecue restaurant can let the horse go in."

Pegasus neighed happily in agreement.

"Then I'll see how the boys are doing," Agent Romanov said. "I hope I don't always have to clean up the mess."

After Natasha left, Salomon nodded to the people behind the bar, and then he also led the horse and left here to the stairwell.

His work is all done.


"From the camera, I'm so fucking handsome." Salomon sat on the sofa with a glass of iced Coke in his hand. He had already replaced all his armor, and he didn't even wear the mystical robes, only a very loose sheep pajamas. He took the remote control to change the TV channel at will, but as expected, all the TV stations were reporting the details of the Battle of New York, which was big news all over the world.

"You should be thankful that there are no more nuclear bombs, little guy, otherwise our home will be lost." Beunita sat beside Salomon, the mystic's nose was filled with the smell of her perfume, and she held fruit in her hand Bowls, spoonfuls and spoonfuls, casually eating kiwi and sweet oranges. Joan was sitting on the other side of the sofa, a little further away, and she didn't look very happy.

The affected areas of the Battle of New York were mainly in Manhattan, and Bayonetta's apartment was not affected much, let alone Mount Athena. The children in the orphanage could only see the blue beam of light in the sky, and the giant beast was no different from an ant in their eyes. This was why Joan was annoyed. She thought that Salomon had made her lose a chance to show her talents.

"You should be glad I didn't tell you to." Salomon opened his mouth, and Bayonetta stuffed a spoonful of sweet orange into his mouth. The mystic said vaguely, "You don't know how annoying some politicians are. Although I didn't have much magic power at the time, it was more than enough to kill a few annoying idiots... Ha, look, that bastard is on TV."

"I think those superheroes should be held accountable for this...the disaster they caused..."

"Look, this is why I hate constitutional democracy. Any idiot can talk, and the Supreme Mage really makes them too safe." Salomon threw away the remote control with disdain, "This idiot still He wants to rush up to question me. Maybe it’s because I’m holding a sword instead of a gun, or maybe the camera behind him gave him courage, and he wants to use this as capital for a show.”

On the TV, the knight in armor clenched his fist and punched the congressman in the face at a speed that ordinary people could not react to. I don't know if it was to ridicule the congressman or to reflect the brutality of Salomon. The news slowed down the camera so that the audience could see what happened to the congressman's face.

"Senator West has just been out of danger... A comminuted fracture of the cheekbone... The family of Senator West wants to sue the knight, but S.H.I.E.L.D. refuses to disclose the superhero's information..."

"I think I used too much force. But if it wasn't for the inability to show magic, he would have lost his life." The mystic looked at Joan, "I think you might shoot directly when you encounter this situation. "

Joan rolled her eyes and acquiesced to Salomon's words.

"Then, what did you encounter?" Bayonetta asked curiously.

"Next, I managed to get rid of the media. You know, how annoying they are. Then, I went to dinner... But let me say, the barbecue is really not good, only Sol can eat it. Big Part of the roast meat was eaten by Pegasus, and when I returned to Karma Taj, the Supreme Master had finished eating the roast beef and even drank the orange soda in my refrigerator!"

"According to experts' speculation, the true identity of this knight is likely to be King Arthur of ancient Britain. A large number of people from Northern Ireland and Scotland launched an independence parade...According to the initiators of the parade, they want to welcome the return of the real king...they Declare the House of Windsor as usurpers..."

"Do you want to be king?" The witch raised her eyebrows and put the fruit bowl aside.

"of course yes."

"The royal family can't do without an heir... Oh, you will blush, so cute!"

Ask for a ticket! ! ! !

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