Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 215 Sealed contract (first update!)

Alexander Pierce sat helplessly in his office, accepting questions from the five members of the World Security Council. Originally, this was just a discussion meeting on the distribution of the technology left by the Zeta Swiss soldiers. Although the directors were a little unhappy when discussing the distribution of alien technology, it was nothing to Alexander Pierce. He dealt with this kind of situation Much more, thinking that he can lead to the end result he wants.

However, Ms. Hawley, the British director, seems to be extremely dissatisfied with SHIELD's approach. The World Security Council has information on all the members of the Avengers, but only one is missing - the information on the knight who is said to be King Arthur, whether it is the World Security Council or S.H.I.E.L.D., the information on the knight is blank . In view of his performance in New York, all members of the council believe that he is a terrible weapon comparable to a nuclear bomb, and S.H.I.E.L.D. should fulfill its duty of supervision instead of letting an ignorant guy run around outside.

So when Ms Hawley confronted Alexander Pierce with this excuse, the council chairman couldn't even open his mouth to refute. Other directors also seemed to see the opportunity, and they all opened their mouths to reduce the share of alien weapons and research opportunities allocated by the United States. After Alexander Pierce managed to stabilize the situation, promised to give Ms. Hawley an explanation and delayed the meeting, he turned off the conference projector, sat down on the office chair in extreme depression, and poured himself a glass of wine.

It's not that S.H.I.E.L.D. does not have Salomon Damonette's information, but those materials are no different from those of ordinary people. It is just an ordinary citizen's file. No one knows that Salomon's ordinary file is What's the trick. However, S.H.I.E.L.D. believes that they know nothing about the name, abilities, personality, family situation, and assets of this superpower. Alexander Pierce believes that only Nick Fury in S.H.I.E.L.D. should know something, because according to the memory of Sylvester agent on the Helicarrier, Nick Fury communicated with the knight who took off his mask, but Pierce speculated that Nick Fury Rui may not know much, otherwise, with the relationship between the two of them for many years, it is impossible for Nick Fury not to tell him any basic information.

Suddenly, he thought of a possibility, which made his back suddenly straight: It is very likely that Nick Fury knew the knight very well, but he just didn't tell others. He used this information as a trump card, and he was hiding it. My own little secret—why would he do this?

Alexander Pierce decided to try it out.

In fact, the situation is not as bad as Pierce imagined. Nick Fury did want to tell him part of Salomon's information, but the information disappeared as soon as it reached his mouth, just like a glass of water poured into the desert. Some of the memories turned into water vapor and disappeared after the hissing sound, and they can only be recalled slowly afterwards. Nick Fury thought of the contract, he was sure it was the power of magic, he was being bound by the contract, he couldn't say anything - then he thought of his agents, except for the sacrificed Coulson agent, only Agent Romanov flew missions with Salomon Damonette.

But Agent Romanov said that she also signed a contract and could not help.

"Monther F*uck! This little bastard really won't leave a loophole for me to take advantage of!" Nick Fury patted the table angrily, then sighed, and fell on the chair. When Alexander Pierce called him, he still had a gloomy expression on his face.

The president of the World Security Council poured Nick Fury a glass of wine, and then casually mentioned the Insight Project to observe Nick Fury's reaction. The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. has no objection to this plan, and he even wants to speed up the progress. Nick Fury also believes that everything cannot be left to the Avengers, and S.H.I.E.L.D. must occupy a dominant position. But this is not what Alexander Pierce wants to see. He knows Nick Fury's ability as an agent, and lying is not difficult for him.

"You have to tell me something, Nick. The World Security Council is very dissatisfied with you for withholding information about an Avenger—let me call it an Avenger. Those directors say even worse things." Pierce said with a smile, "Give them It’s like throwing a bone without meat, making them feel like their power is being exercised, making them feel like their management is working. Say something, Nick, and don’t be mean.”

"I don't need to listen to know what they say, it's nothing more than 'thugs in strange clothes', 'disorganized and undisciplined armed groups', these words were mentioned by politicians when the Chitauri were wiped out. But so what , before our plan is completed, if there is another alien invasion, we still need the Avengers." Nick Fury avoided Pierce's metaphor, but began to mock those politicians, "I didn't see them Stand up when the aliens invade. Especially Director Malik, he has not been held accountable for launching the nuclear bomb."

"Soon, Nick. Have you found the missing nuclear bomb?" Alexander Pierce asked the question that the US government is most concerned about. No country can sleep peacefully after losing a nuclear weapon. In order to find the nuclear bomb, the US FBI, the US Central Intelligence Agency and the US National Security Agency have all moved - a nuclear bomb can never disappear in thin air, it is just a trick.

"Found it." Speaking of this, Nick Fury became even more dizzy. Salomon Damonette did return the nuclear bomb, but the handover location was a bit bad. The Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. never expected it. Salomon would actually hide the nuclear bomb in the basement of the Pentagon. In other words, if any director presses the nuclear bomb button more, the Pentagon will be blown up!

"Is the nuke safe and sound?"

"Yes." Nick Fury thought for a while, and he felt that the screwdriver scratches all over the warhead could be ignored, because those marks looked a lot like someone trying to disassemble the nuclear warhead. He can think of who that person is with his toes, Salomon Damonette doesn't reassure him at all, he doesn't feel the need to send this information to the council, otherwise the group of politicians will be like frightened hens Jump up the same way.

Thinking of this, Nick Fury sighed and took another sip of his drink.

"Very well, with that nuclear bomb, the impeachment of Director Malik can begin." Pierce nodded. If the nuclear bomb disappears, it means that this matter cannot be solved with a nuclear bomb, and Gideon Malik's judgment is not wrong. In this case, the responsibility for launching the nuclear bomb cannot be placed on Gideon Malik. Pierce has always looked down on these traditional Hydra families. He believes that these families have always been obsessed with ancient legends, and they should have been eliminated long ago. He is very happy to push Malik out of the council.

"But it's not enough, Nick," Pierce said. "The council won't stop there."

"What do you think the sudden disappearance of the nuclear bomb looks like?" Although Nick Fury could not directly tell the information about Salomon and magic, he could use words to guide others to think for themselves. For example, now, he can use language to guide his superiors to discover the truth.


Nick Fury shook his head.

"Since it's not a blindfold, is it a group hallucination?" Pierce asked.

"No." Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. denied again.

Pierce shrugged, "What else can it be? It can't be magic, right?"

Nick Fury was silent and did not respond.

"Okay." Alexander Pierce took a deep breath, "Are you sure?"

"One hundred percent, including those alien creatures that appeared in the police station attack in the small town of Oro Grande..."

"Why didn't you tell me in advance, Nick? You know how passive I would be before the council without this information!"

"Remember what the devil is good at, Pierce?"

"Cheating... a contract?"

"Yes, the contract, I signed it."

"Then can you say his name?"

"No, I tried. When you realize it's magic, the name can't be said."

Pierce asked anxiously, "Your agents have also fought alongside him, tell me, have they signed a contract?"


"Shit! Has everyone in this world signed a contract? How else can I know his information?"

"You can only talk to him, Pierce." Nick Fury drank the wine in his glass and stood up from his chair, "but you have to prepare a bundle of grass in advance."


"Because there's a good chance he'll turn you into a goat."

Ask for a ticket~

Thanks to GuNzom for the 100 point reward.

Thanks to Black Muppet for the 1500 point reward.

Thanks to GGsbada for the 1500 point reward.

Weekend, overslept...

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