Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 216 Alexander Pierce's plan (second update!)

Things after the war were not as easy as Salomon said. He just habitually said some light things in front of the witch. What he did was not just opening the portal and moving the nuclear bomb to the basement of the Pentagon. He has done these things, and he also confessed to his act of trying to pry open the warhead of a nuclear weapon with a screwdriver, but this is for the truth-radioactive substances are classified as "tianjin" in magic, another common kind of heavenly metal It is fine gold, and both of these substances are heavy metals. Some ancient techniques can even use radioactive substances to power golems. Salomon thought he could not buy radioactive substances, so he planned to dismantle nuclear warheads to obtain uranium.

He failed, however, a nuclear warhead is not something that can be pried off with a screwdriver.

Of course, he did more than that, and he did a lot of things before he punched the ungrateful congressman unconscious. Including but not limited to finding a piece of clothing for Bruce Banner, feeding an apple to Pegasus, and helping Tony Stark remove his deformed armor, but these things are not as good as he gave the parallel world assistance provided by visitors. No one knew about this except the Supreme Mage, and others didn't even know that their future self had been here. Salomon used invisibility to protect them, and the dimensional anchor he placed on Loki even made him Loki couldn't escape, and he made sure that everything was going according to what he knew.

"Your punch was really hard." On the second day after the Battle of New York, Joan raised her head from the newspaper and said to the mystic, "The US government is putting pressure on S.H.I.E.L.D. The White House wants to take advantage of this incident to intervene in S.H.I.E.L.D. Heh, it’s a boring trick, but this kind of trick will never become obsolete no matter how long you play, how long do you think you can keep your secret?”

"Maybe a long time." Salomon nonchalantly stirred the cream in the bowl, which was the dessert to eat tonight. Bayonetta likes sweet things, Joan is not so sweet, so he has to strike a balance. He subconsciously flicked his hair, only to find that he had short hair now. "I signed a contract with the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.." Salomon lowered his head again, and hand-whipped the cream, "He can't sell my information—maybe he can do something, but I have another way to deal with people who know my information. Set up a method."

"I hope you can do it." Joan curled her lips to express her disdain, "Ceresa likes a quiet life, and so do I, so I don't want anyone to disturb us. Do you know? You took us to see your mentor has already That's too much, why should we pay attention to ordinary people who don't know anything? Or, you like Darcie Lewis' figure? I didn't know you liked that figure, does her ass look good?"

"Please stop slandering me, Joan." Salomon rolled his eyes, "You are always like this, why do you always dislike me?"

"You are the mystic of Karma Taj, need I say more?"

"You are biased. Karma Taj is just here to maintain order. The Witch Clan is not a small character." Salomon felt the phone in his pocket vibrate a few times, and he wiped his hands on the apron. Picked up the phone and connected the call. Joan saw that he didn't say a word, just listened to the person on the other end of the phone, and then hung up.

"What's up?"

"It's not a big deal." Salomon shrugged his shoulders, with a nonchalant expression on his face, "Tony Stark and the others want to hold a dinner party. The last barbecue restaurant dinner was really bad. Even Pegasus also took it." Take it with a grain of salt. Stark wanted to have a good enough party, and because Thor was returning to Asgard, he came to ask me if I would attend—actually, it was more of an announcement, as he seemed sure I would Will go the same."

"But your dessert isn't ready yet, and Celesa hasn't returned from Athena's place yet. I don't understand why you want Celesa and Athena to meet? They are simply two people who are incompatible, you Aren't you afraid that they will fight?" Joan picked up the teacup and took a sip of the hot black tea made by Salomon. She now felt sorry for Teresa's missed afternoon tea.

"Athena is my adoptive mother, and I can't refuse her proposal. Besides, I think it's a family, and it's okay to quarrel all the time."

"So you handed over this terrible thing to Celesa? Then you really don't look like a man!"

"Except for the first time, the meeting with Athena was proposed by Beunita herself. Her character is so stubborn." Salomon shook his head. When we first met, Beunita's personality was playful, and she often took pleasure in molesting Salomon. Athena's meeting is not so much about mutual understanding, but rather because she wants to control the family's dominance, which will weaken the influence of Athena on Salomon. Therefore, the witch also refused to let Salomon know the details of these matters. This was a battle between the two lionesses for the territory, and no one else was allowed to intervene.

His phone vibrated again, and Salomon picked up the constant call after putting the cake in the oven. "I'll go, you don't need to say any more." He said impatiently, and then his voice turned into surprise and anger, "Are you sure? Are you sure there will be no unacceptable consequences for you to do so? Understand? I Can't understand, Nick Fury, don't you understand why I refuse to disclose my information? Human greed is endless, and it is wrong for S.H.I.E.L.D. to put its abacus on it. Prepare to bear the consequences, Nick Fury."

Salomon hung up the phone, ignoring Nick Fury's defense on the other end of the phone. He refused to talk to Nick Fury's boss. This guy couldn't force him, but Salomon knew that Alexander Pierce would try his best to find out information. He must have asked some information about him from Nick Fury. . He's not Bruce Banner, running away from the world because he can't control himself, and he's not Saul, far away in Asgard who can't interfere in this world, and he knows that someone in the World Security Council must be against him in the battle of New York The performance in Zhong is still fresh in his memory, and many people want to control him—but unfortunately, he can kill people.

"He refused." Nick Fury shook his head and sat back on the chair. "His reaction was very violent, like a cat whose tail was stepped on."

"We can get your agent to get in touch with him. I remember Agent Romanov fighting alongside him, how about having her approach the magician? The magician in armor. Funny how the press thinks he's King Arthur. "

He had rejected Agent Romanov a long time ago. Nick Fury did not express his thoughts. He thought that this might comfort his old boss, because even he himself could not grasp Salomon's weakness. The second phase of the plan failed completely, and he didn't think that the insight plan could deal with the mystic. "Perhaps he is King Arthur?" he said, "or Arthur's heir, who always has a claim to Britain."

"Even if he really is, the claims of more than a thousand years ago have long been counted, and no one will care about it except those idiots who want to be independent. You see, Wales is so quiet, and Camelot is located in Wales Yes." Alexander Pierce said with a smile, "If the magician in armor wants to take back Britain, then the Prince of Wales will be the first to die. Charles is not dead yet, let the British have a headache, it has nothing to do with us .Nick, you are the one who can communicate with him. I want you to help me ask if you can help S.H.I.E.L.D. to cultivate magic talents——when we know that there is a magic world, we can’t let the safety of that world go It doesn't matter, does it?"

"It's useless to do this, Pierce, I mentioned this idea." Nick Fury shook his head, "But in the magical world, there is a huge gap between the upper and lower limits of personal force, no amount of S.H.I.E.L.D. A highly skilled spell caster. I already told you that bullets are useless against them. They also possess unmatched mobility. If he wants to kill the president, he can reach out and do it. Your proposal has already angered him. He obeyed not the social order, but their own ancient laws."

"We will always find a way, but you have to let him calm down first."

Ask for tickets~~ I really need a recommendation ticket! !

The weekend is really cool, woohoo!

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