Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 220: New Boat Ticket (Second Update)

The reason why Nick Fury handed over the Tahiti project to Salomon was entirely because of Natasha Romanoff's recommendation. As an agent who had been resurrected from the dead, Agent Romanov did not hide this fact from Nick Fury, and Salomon Damonette, who brought her back from the dead, became the most valuable member of the Tahiti plan. consultant.

Although Agent Romanov spoke unforgivingly, she did not stop working. She handed the thick folder to Salomon as she spoke. The mystic who received the files had no sense of confidentiality. He sat on a park bench and flipped through the files. The Tahiti plan was originally to rescue the seriously injured Avengers. It has been started before it was established, and it is part of Nick Fury's Avengers plan. It has saved the lives of many agents many times. The experiment, and after the end of the experiment, all of them broke out with extremely serious mental illness: delusions, mania, paranoia.

"I don't have these symptoms, it's because of you." Natasha blinked her eyes covered by sunglasses. She only knew about the Tahiti plan yesterday, but she was sure that the mystic in front of her must have known something in advance . "No one is eavesdropping now, so you can tell me why you insisted on leaving the Helicarrier at that time? Did you already know that Agent Coulson died? Or did you already know the content of the Tahiti plan?"

"I can predict, ma'am, and the accuracy rate is extremely high." Salomon flipped through the photos in the file. All agents who go through Project Tahiti's experiments go into a state of insanity where they draw some kind of regular pattern everywhere and never stop. After comparison, the patterns drawn by all the experimental agents are very similar, but no pattern can be found so far, and the researchers of this project have not spent their energy on this matter. "Prophecy, peeking at the corner of fate, I don't watch the future from tea leaves or flames, but directly through the root of this world." The mystic said, "It is very normal for me to know some things in the future, so I will be in a certain place." Get ready before something comes. Are you sure no one is bugging right now?"

"I'm pretty sure," Agent Romanov said. But Salomon would not listen to her one-sided words. The mystic stretched out his finger and chanted the spell, and a bright blue light swept across Agent Romanov's body-this is a ring of divination spells called "Detection Technology". The effect is similar to detection magic, which can detect technological items instead of magical auras. Salomon uses this magic to detect bugs.

"What's this?"

"Okay, no bugging devices. Now, I have a proposal for you, Natasha."

"It's the first time you've called me by my name so intimately, magician." Agent Romanov stroked his red hair, "You used to call me 'Agent Romanov' or 'Ms. Proposals can be bad, as can your inappropriate manners."

"This is a good thing for you." The mystic did not care about Natasha's sarcasm, "I have mentioned this proposal to Agent Victoria Hand, and I am now presenting it to you. I foresee the S.H.I.E.L.D. After the collapse, agents like you need a shelter, an organization that can shelter you. As it happens, I plan to establish an organization against mundane black magic creatures to make up for Kama Taj's short board in mundane power, I can't do this on my own. While I will provide magical technical assistance, I still need an executive officer, an agent with strong coordinating capabilities - for the latter I have selected Agent Victoria Hand , and the former is none other than you. This is a salvation organization in the true sense. In my eyes, human beings are one and will not have any political orientation. Riots in any area have nothing to do with this organization. The only enemy of this organization is black magic creatures and aliens."

"Since when did you have this idea?" Natasha was not shaken by Salomon's words. Although those words were a bit bluffing, they were just prophecies after all. Agent Romanov would not even say an ordinary sentence on weekdays. After thinking about it again and again, it is impossible for her to directly predict Salomon's prophecy. But the current situation has already shown the accuracy of Salomon's prophecy, so she will take it seriously while remaining skeptical.

"It's very early. To be honest, I had this idea when I took the long-distance bus for the first time. After sitting on the long-distance bus for a long time, my butt hurts. I think the Quin-jet fighter may be better." The mystic smiled. Said, "So I've started recruiting—you should know how bad you're going to be if S.H.I.E.L.D. goes down."

"How did Agent Hand reply?"

"Oh, she told Nick Fury about that." Salomon said nonchalantly, "And Nick Fury thought I was just trying to scare him. He thought there was something to be learned about how to manage and coordinate. I Never studied those - I really didn't, but I can find someone who has. I don't mind Agent Hand's whistleblowing, it's her responsibility, I also foresee her end, she will accept me when the time comes proposal. You are different, Agent Romanov..."

"Say my name."

"Well, Heisenberg (Breaking Bad meme)," the mystic said, "I don't want you telling Nick Fury about this, and I don't want him to get serious about it, let him It's good to keep that disdainful attitude. You're on a big leaking boat and I'm giving you the chance to jump on to another boat - you can choose to throw away the new boat ticket and go down with the old one , or choose to become the chief mate of another ship. Although this ship may be a little smaller, it is extremely safe. I don’t ask you to give an answer now, I want you to think carefully and then give an answer.”

"So the way you get revenge on Nick Fury is to train a bunch of Van Helsings inside S.H.I.E.L.D.? Do you want to give them crossbows?" Agent Romanov tilted his head, "I promise you, but I need to know this How long is the ticket valid for?"

"For you, it has always worked."

"Oh, you have such a sweet mouth, that's the most romantic love talk I've ever heard. You know what, you just said that like a nerdy high school kid in love."

"F*uck off. Now, you can tell Nick Fury I accept the Tahiti plan."

"Tell me, why did you take over the Tahiti project? Don't look at me that way. Director Fury will definitely think so. You have to tell me a good reason."

"Because of the prophecy." Salomon said, "Because in the prophecy, Agent Coulson will save the world, so I will save him. I think this reason should be enough to fool Nick Fury. Remember my proposal , this job also has the benefit of avoiding hell."


"So the little bastard accepted the Tahiti plan because Coulson's union will save the world? What's the reason!" Nick Fury suddenly reacted, "Is he treating me like that because I can't save the world? Snobby brat!"

"Sir, I think he has a point." Agent Romanov sat in a nearby chair with a thick layer of concrete above her head. This is a secret base of Nick Fury. It has been two days since the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. disappeared. Nick Fury made calls here non-stop to contact and investigate. When Agent Romanov returned here, I saw that Nick Fury's eyes were bloodshot, and Salomon's reason added fuel to the fire.

"Little bastard, little bastard..." Nick Fury muttered, and continued to look down at the paper documents. Seeing this scene, Agent Romanov felt that what Salomon said was indeed reasonable, and that there was really a problem within S.H.I.E.L.D. She began to seriously consider the mystic's proposal.

"I have to show up tomorrow." The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. sighed, "That little bastard completely messed up my plans! Damn it! I could have done a long investigation!"

"So what's the problem you found? You should know that S.H.I.E.L.D. is my shelter, and I have the right to know." Agent Romanov concealed part of the information, and she was seriously thinking about Salomon's proposal.

"You're starting to look like a soldier, not a spy, Agent Romanov." Nick Fury picked up the document in his hand and shook it, "I found a lot of clues, but none of these clues can point to the same person—God There is a disobedient faction within SHIELD, and I have to dig them out and get rid of them without affecting the normal operation of SHIELD. At best it's just a small faction, at worst it's The infiltration of CIA, FIB, or other intelligence agencies. As for why the United States? Of course, it is because the United States gives the most funding."

ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket!

Book friend group: 1044867564, answer: Yennefer is number one in the world

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