Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 221 Tahiti Project (Part 1)

Salomon held his pen with a displeased face. A small wooden folding desk was placed on his lap, and several thick textbooks were placed beside his seat. The bright light shone from overhead, making him He was able to read the text on the exercise book clearly, and he still had a pair of wired headphones in his ears. This is the appearance of an ordinary high school student who studies hard. Except for the seat belt on his chair, everything else is extremely normal, so ordinary that it cannot be more ordinary.

Suddenly, the small desk on his chair shook violently, and the black gel pen drew a long streak of ink flying off the paper, just like the ugly scars on this page. There will be black viscous blood slowly flowing out from this chasm. The muscles on Salomon's face twitched unnaturally due to anger. He bent down and slowly groped his fingers on the metal floor, picking up the pen cap on the ground. "My patience is exhausted." He covered the gel pen, and stacked the textbooks and exercise books on the small desk neatly, and finally took off the earphones, and the earphone cables were neatly rolled into a bundle.

"When will we get there, Natasha. That bastard Nick Fury only sent me a connection location. When will I know the location of the base?"

"He's busy, and you've caused him quite a mess. Also, if you change to a more tasteful song, maybe the time will go faster, little boy." Natasha didn't look back, but closed the The communication system on the Quin-jet fighter jet, because the place to go next is a top-secret location, and it is the kind that not many people know inside the S.H.I.E.L.D. This Quin-jet fighter has a stealth system, otherwise it would be impossible to be selected as a means of travel.

Natasha rushed directly into the school to pick up Salomon. The scene was exactly the same as in the fantasies of countless sophomores—a beautiful red-haired female spy in a tight leather jacket, driving a luxury car into the campus, accompanied by I got out of the car under the warm wind and the lawn, broke through the silent air of the classroom that was dyed warm red by the setting sun, and rescued myself who was bored counting the fallen leaves outside the window from the cage that I could not escape. Salomon admitted that he did have this idea, but when this scene actually happened, he just wanted to cover his face and pretend that he didn't know Natasha who broke into the classroom. It was so embarrassing, he felt like all his social connections disappeared in that moment. "Little boy." He clearly remembered Natasha leaning against the door frame, pressing her sunglasses to her lips, and she said in a hoarse and sexy voice, "Come with me."

Then he lowered his head and obediently packed his schoolbag. He couldn't recall how embarrassed he was at that moment.

"You are not allowed to slander! This is a beautiful girl's school idol!" Salomon's reaction was extremely fierce.

"I know, I am in charge of your investigation, I know that you go to Akihabara, Japan every week to buy, I know that you forged your passport to buy doujinshi that cannot be purchased by minors, I even know the T you wear under your shirt The T-shirt pattern is an anime girl, I know..."

"Stop, stop!" Salomon thumped the table. He felt his heart was broken. This was his biggest secret!

"Shouldn't a boy your age be obsessed with sports that can release unlimited energy? Why don't you have pimples? Could it be that you use some magical skin care products?" Natasha smiled and raised her eyebrows, "What's so good Worried, is it because of the school? I have already asked for leave for you. SHIELD can still do this. The name is to participate in the research and development of high-tech devices. There are many children like you in SHIELD Academy. Don’t worry about others finding out.”

"My fencing score is the first, I can also play football, and my sports score is also perfect, so..."

"You are normal, I understand, people with the same hobbies as you say that about yourself." Agent Romanov mercilessly grabbed the sore foot of the mystic and slammed, "But I think you should learn from your peers. I didn't expect the atmosphere in British public schools to be so dull."

Salomon glanced at his tuxedo and white shirt, which were his school uniforms. "I don't think there's anything good about high school boys wearing basketball jerseys and smelling like sweat. If there are women my age who think that's handsome, I have nothing to say. You can find a large number of such people in American public schools. I Such people are rare people. Well, without further ado, how much do you know about the Tahiti Project?"

"Not much. But no one but me knows that Nick Fury arranged for Agent Coulson's resurrection."

"Very well, then you will be surprised."

"It is said that the key medicine needs to be produced immediately." Natasha turned her head and left from the driver's seat. She had already started the autopilot and just waited to reach the destination. Before that, she didn't mind getting to know Salomon better. "Do you know something?" She sat on the chair next to Salomon, "That's the way you act like you know everything."

"In fact, Nick Fury had contact with aliens before the New York incident, and the Cree and Skrull entered the earth at that time. But after that, the Kree left the earth, and the Skrull People also left the earth to find a new home. I didn't expect that there would be Skrulls on the earth who didn't leave, and Nick Fury would cooperate with these alien races."

"You seem to know those aliens very well."

"I know some, but my professional knowledge is about magical creatures rather than aliens. I only know a few relatively large races in the universe, and I don't know much about some strange races. But even so, Skuru I have heard of people’s notoriety. There is a saying about the origin of this race. It is said that the Skrulls are also related to the ancient earth. I don’t know what the truth is. Gods walked on the land at that time, and everything It could happen."

"You mean, aliens like Thor..."

"Asgard has the lineage of gods. It is not unreasonable for the Asgar gods to call themselves gods, but if you really want to explore the theological genealogy, the rulers of the nine worlds cannot be regarded as true gods, because gods represent the concept of the universe-time , space, death, entropy, etc., or the origin of a certain power. The Asa pantheon only possesses a certain power and does not represent a certain rule."

"It was an eye-opener for me."

After a period of discussion (popular science) to pass the time, the Quin-jet fighter finally arrived at its destination. Natasha took Salomon out of the cabin. This is a cliff near the coast. This base is built on the cliff. The entrance and exit is a tunnel made of concrete, and the thick steel plate door is tightly closed.

"Did the drive from Istanbul go smoothly?" Natasha pressed the button marked with the biochemical logo at the entrance, and a sentence rang through the intercom. This is the password, and Nick Fury has already told Agent Romanov the password. She led Salomon into a dark downward slope. The lighting devices on both sides of the passage were far apart, and could barely illuminate the ground under her feet. The sound bounced off the walls, and if you didn't count the sizzle from the lighting fixtures, it was the only sound in the silent passage. Neither Natasha nor Salomon spoke. This channel would unconsciously suppress people's desire to speak, and spies and mystics were no exception. Natasha led Salomon into the elevator with only a few buttons to go deep underground, through a bulletproof glass door, and arrived at the research room.

Many scientific researchers gathered here, and an elderly male doctor with light brown skin and white stubble came over to greet Natasha. "Hello, Agent Romanov." He looked at Salomon, "I've already regretted taking this mission, does Director Fury have any other ideas? This is not a science and technology exhibition for high school students, and minors Shouldn't have seen those things."

"I'm probably just here to keep Agent Coulson fresh." Salomon shrugged, "Simply put, this project is now under my supervision. Don't worry, I won't change things I don't understand, I just want to ensure that this plan can go smoothly, because I still have some experience in things like resurrection from the dead."

"You?" The doctor questioned Agent Romanov with his eyes, and Natasha nodded to show that Salomon was telling the truth.

"Well, high school students these days are monsters."

"Tell me, is Agent Coulson defrosted now? I hope you didn't put him in the microwave." The mystic asked Natasha to lead the way, and walked behind her.

"Of course we won't be so uncommon-sense, he was naturally thawed." The doctor and the mystic walked side by side, "This is the seventh operation now, and the first six operations have all failed. If you can recover, we can only repeat the operation non-stop. If you need, you can retrieve the information here, including the information of all GH series drugs. Before that, the Tahiti plan was only used on seriously injured agents. This is the first time that such a thing has come back from the dead. Have you come into contact with the GH series of drugs? Or did you participate in the development of the Tahiti project?"

"No, none of them, but I have been exposed to the raw materials of the GH series. If you think the raw materials are not fresh enough, I can grab them now, and it's okay to ask for a few."

ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket!

The group number is in the previous chapter.

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