Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 222: The Riot Caused by a Jewelry (Second Change)

In the legends, the alchemist is always busy in front of a big steamer with curly hair, all kinds of strange materials are always placed around him, and he takes them out of the experimental equipment with a pungent smell. Various precious metals. However, legends are often far from facts. No alchemist in the world has ever been so serious about the robot toy in front of him, and no alchemist has ever carefully polished the parts of the assembled toy with various tools.

Natasha couldn't tell what Salomon was doing for a while, although Nick Fury promised to help Salomon collect a full range of Japanese robot animation toys in addition to the agreed remuneration, and even agreed to go to the The base, and specifically asked Natasha to place the toys in the base. But now it was working hours, and Coulson's body was still lying on the operating table below!

As soon as Agent Romanov wanted to remind him, he found that Salomon suddenly became irritable. The reason was that the breastplate of the limited edition Bandai Unicorn Gundam he was assembling could not be pressed down, and he did not dare to use brute force. The mystic master let out a long breath, as if he wanted to spit out his soul - he was not just playing, although he had a soft spot for collecting Gundams, but the task was in front of him, he just took advantage of the surgery before it started It's time to practice construct assembly. Well, this is a good excuse for fishing, and it can be used next time.

"Don't be so nervous." The mystic noticed Agent Romanov's expression, "Agent Coulson hasn't grown maggots yet, it's still too late."

"That's not what you said at that time, you said I was dead for only a minute." Natasha's eyes hung up, looking very dissatisfied, "When did you become as annoying as Stark, I just I want you to be serious. Agent Coulson has been undergoing surgery for several days, and the medical records are in your hand but you haven't read them!"

Salomon suspected that it was because Natasha still remembered his revenge for killing her in Salem, otherwise he would not be so harsh at this time. The mystic felt that he was in the wrong. If Natasha still remembered that he gave up her soul so neatly, then Salomon couldn't guarantee that she would give him a kick.

"The doctor did a great job. The heart surgery went perfectly." Salomon put down the assembling toy in his hand, picked up the medical records and flipped through them. It wrote Coleson's medication and symptoms during the first six operations. It was not so much a medical record as an operation record. It was a full six inches thick, and the mystic couldn't bear to read it from beginning to end. He only looked at the most important part, that is, the symptoms that occurred when the GH325 series of drugs were used by Agent Coulson - due to Nick Fury's preservation measures, Agent Coulson's body did not change at all, even the blood No spoilage. But as the operation time prolongs, if Agent Coulson cannot recover his vital signs, even if GH325 can save him, the temperature in the operating room is low enough, and the blood clot will kill him.

"Okay~" The mystic stood up from the chair, stretched out his hand helplessly, and asked Agent Romanov to help him take off his tuxedo, dark blue vest, and leather shoes, and put on the slippers used in the operating room. She took Salomon to wash his hands in strict accordance with the surgical regulations, and changed Salomon into a sterile surgical gown and plastic gloves after entering the operating room. "Your smell is not bad." Natasha winked at the mystic when his hands could not touch sterile items, she said with a smile, "There is no smell of sweat, but there is a scent of green grass .”

Natasha's skill is still too shallow, and Salomon has been tempted by too many witches, so this flirting is nothing. Salomon rolled his eyes and walked towards the operating table on his own, where Agent Coulson was lying. "Have you all signed the contract I gave you?" He asked the two doctors beside the operating table, one of whom came out to greet Natasha and Salomon. After seeing them nodding, Salomon pressed his plastic gloved hand on Agent Coulson's chest.

"Then you should know that the next thing should not be said." He stretched out his other hand to the briefcase that Natasha took into the operating room. The briefcase was open, filled with handfuls of powder that reflected various colors of light. The mystic reached out and grabbed some diamond powder. Behind him emerged a huge white spirit that almost filled the operating room. The shield of the Shandi logo is clearly visible.

This is the spirit guard summoned by him to protect his safety during his spellcasting. Any hostile creature will be attacked when it approaches him.

"Now, it's magic time."


"Is that why you came home tonight? I can smell the disinfectant on your body, the smell of sea water, and even a little smell of a red-haired woman!" Bayunita played with the ancient Egyptian in her hand. Queen Nachtep's beaded bracelet, which is a national treasure in the museum, but what everyone in this room is concerned about is not the historical value of this jewelry, but its beauty. For witches and mystics, this is the most important thing. They have a lot of historical relics at hand, and things from ancient Egypt are not uncommon.

It doesn't make any difference whether this piece of jewelry was stolen by Nick Fury from a museum or an imitation, anyway, it's not a magic item, and Salomon can enchant it after making the alchemy maid.

"Well, I've always got to support my family, dear. Karma Taj's money and my living expenses are two different things. I've always got to have my own property—Byron's house is for sale recently, and if you want it, we'll You can go and see. Why don't we go find the Irish Leprechaun's treasure next weekend? It's a whole storehouse of gold coins! Or we go to Avalon for a picnic? I'll ask the Venerable for the address." Full of Salomon Sitting next to Bayonetta with a smile on his face, he changed the subject, and he picked up the bracelet and put it on for Bayonetta.

When he finished his work and Natasha handed him the jewelry made of pure gold, lapis lazuli, lapis lazuli and stained glass, the surprised expression on his face was still fresh in the memory of the mystic. Agent Romanov did not expect that Salomon worked so hard to complete the spell just to get an ancient Egyptian jewelry for his lover, especially this jewelry is likely to be genuine. On the one hand, she was surprised by Nick Fury's generosity, and on the other hand, she was surprised by Salomon's absurd values. This person doesn't seem to care about money at all. He only wants gold, equivalent cultural relics or gems.

"Not bad." The witch gave the mystic a kiss, and Joan of Arc looked at Salomon directly, as if she wanted to wait for the mystic to show her something. She didn't want to get any jewelry, but wanted Salomon to prove that he treated the witches equally, and wanted Salomon to show that he was just a normal friendship with Celesa... Well, she made up I can't go down.

As a family in a certain sense, Salomon had to give her something. She had to make sure that the mystic did not give these things to other women, otherwise Joan would kill those women with knives and pistols. Snatching back what belongs to Seresa, this is some kind of act of being responsible to Theresa, not that she wants those things, you must distinguish the situation clearly!

"Where's my stuff?" After a long time, Joan didn't see Salomon take out anything again, she saw him just laying on the sofa with Bayonetta and telling some silly jokes . Under such circumstances, Joan could not resist asking the crucial question.

"Oh?" Bayonetta pushed her glasses, the reflection of the lens made it difficult to see her eyes clearly, "Honey, you seem to have forgotten the gift for Joan."

"Gift? What gift?" Salomon didn't react for a while.

Immediately afterwards he saw Joan's flushed face.

"I'm not asking for gifts! I'm just checking to see if you've given gifts to other women, that's all!"

"Oh? Is it true?" Bayonetta raised the corners of her mouth and said in a teasing tone, "Is it really not what you want?"

"Absolutely not, Teresa, you have to trust me!"

"But that's not what you said last night~"

"Theresa!" Joan of Arc took out a pistol angrily.

Hurry up and throw the recommendation ticket over~

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