Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 223: Assembling Constructs (Part 1)

"Ha, you can't imagine how surprised the expression on Nick Fury's face is!" Tony Stark sat on the sofa and patted his thigh laughing wildly. Since Salomon killed the deformed alien, Stark I have been waiting for this day. When Nick Fury suddenly appeared at the Tricurve Wing headquarters three days after his disappearance, and found an excuse to fool Alexander Pierce, Tony Stark immediately put on the steel suit and rushed in front of him, killing Skrull Tell him about people.

At the moment when the astonishment flashed across Nick Fury's face, Tony Stark felt that he could forget about Nick Fury breaking into Stark Tower. As a result, he finally defeated Nick Fury in terms of intelligence - finding the second phase of the plan on the Helicarrier was nothing at all, but that was not enough. After Tony Stark returned to the villa, he couldn't wait to call Salomon. He really wanted to share his happiness with everyone.

Even the dogs on the side of the road have to know about it!

He had already said it to Pepper Potts, and when Salomon opened the portal and arrived at his residence, he took the trouble to say it again. Pepper Potts sits on a nearby couch, smiling resignedly—a story Tony Stark told his bodyguards before she returned to her residence after dealing with the Stark Tower remodeling plans Happy heard it, and Happy told her the story again. So when Tony Stark told the story excitedly again, in order to take care of Stark's childish self-esteem, she could only show appropriate surprise to set off the atmosphere. But when Salomon arrived, Tony Stark's mouth had no intention of stopping, and Pepper Potts decided not to waste time. She stood up and greeted Salomon with a big smile on her face. "I still have a job." She said, "I won't disturb you boys' party."

Immediately afterwards, Miss Potts turned around, the smile on her face quickly disappeared, and she threw the sofa pillow on Stark's face impatiently. "Woman." Stark took off the pillow from his face in astonishment. He looked at Pepper Potts running upstairs in high heels, and complained in a low voice to himself, "Woman It’s really hard to understand, why didn’t I have this feeling before?”

"I think this is a punishment for your past passion." The mystic mage said softly, "Women are extremely vengeful. Although they don't say it, it doesn't mean they don't remember."

"Why do you know so well?" Stark's eyes widened in surprise.

"Because..." Salomon took a deep breath, recalling what happened the night before. Last night, after Joan impulsively asked for a gift, she turned into anger and pulled out a gun, the atmosphere in the apartment was extremely embarrassing. The character of the witch is so aggressive and aggressive, but in front of Beunita, Joan of Arc can't always be strong. When she hesitated and didn't know what to say, she even wanted to shoot herself in embarrassment. But fortunately, Beunita hugged Joan in time, and the pair of witches who were both enemies and friends reached a consensus at that moment, and the innocent Salomon became the target of public criticism—of course, it was Beunita who signaled Salomon with her eyes. Lomon cooperated, and Salomon was always unable to refuse the witch's request. So last night he slept in Karma Taj's bedroom with the Cheshire cat and Phoenix in his arms.

There's nothing wrong with that, Phoenix can sing, he doesn't need a witch!

"Please be sure to skip this topic."

"Okay. According to the drawings you sent, I have already processed the parts, and those things are stored in the basement." Stark only brought up the business after telling the story. He looked behind the mystic, and found that there was nothing extra there, which made him extremely disappointed. "It was agreed that I could see the birth of the magic robot." He said, "After you brought the metal skeleton back, I haven't seen it. Why don't you bring it here, but let me Machine some grotesque gears and levers out of metal?"

"That alchemy skeleton needs to be filled with an alchemy soul. It's not a simple matter. It will be a real artificial intelligence. Have you heard of Holmon Crus? That is my artificial human, created by me The alchemy puppet created by giving a part of my own life is my assistant in alchemy, but the man-made human is not completely made of flesh and blood, but all kinds of magic materials." Salomon said Stark was very excited, he couldn't wait to see the finished mechanical maid, but the next words of the mystic shattered his fantasy. "Now is the time to put the alchemy skeleton into the petri dish. You will never see it. If possible, I also need you to help me customize some specific clothing-the ones you see on the blueprint. You must Make sure no one knows about it! Otherwise you'll never see my maid! Hell, Agent Romanov seems to know my little hobby like the back of his hand."

"Although I don't want to judge your hobbies, I suggest you...well, I promise, unless a spy steals those materials, others will never know those things." Stark quickly swore, he He asked again, "Then what are you here for this time? Those parts don't look like they can be assembled into a human-shaped machine. In fact, the machine constructed by those gears and springs can't move at all, or is it that your magic can Solve the problem?"

"You guessed it right, it is to use magic to solve the problem. The artificial man is used to protect myself, and other structures are needed to attack the enemy. I can't fight with weapons or fists every time, that is too much Off the job. I hope you didn't put those parts back together, or I'll have to take it apart and put it back together again."

"Can I watch?" Stark shrugged. "At least I hope to see you wind up those robots."

"The scientific name is Construct." The mystic stood up from the sofa. Assembling these constructs is much cheaper than making golems, although such constructs are not as powerful as the Flesh Golem (challenge rating is only 2), nor as smart as his alchemical artificial life form, the Mechanical Maid, who can only stiffen Execute orders quickly, but it is cheap and easy to use, and the manufacturing time is short (long rest or short rest period). As long as there are parts, Salomon can complete the assembly of two to three structures today and make them move.

After his alchemy soul is completed and stuffed into the body of the construct maid, these constructs will be under the unified command of his mechanical maid and serve as his army. At that time, he will be able to happily cast spells in the rear, and truly display the abilities that a spell caster should have.

"I didn't know you were so keen on steampunk culture, but your aesthetics are pretty good." Stark watched Salomon assemble the brass-colored parts, and kept talking while assembling chanting the mantra. After the assembly was completed, he didn't see Salomon installing energy sources for these robots. Those robots with exposed gears and a full height of 2.5 stood up by themselves, and followed Salomon's instructions and stood aside— ——Due to the personal taste of the mystic, this robot has no hands. There should be only two narrow and sharp blades in the position of the arms, and even the legs are sharp blades. And in order to save trouble, Salomon didn't put much effort into the face of the construct, but directly pulled out a few extremely bright light bulbs from Stark's inventory and installed them in the barrel-shaped head. A layer of circular glass was installed on the outside as a perfunctory.

Even though Jarvis recorded the spells that Salomon uttered, when Stark tried to say those spells to his steel suit, he couldn't speak the voice he had just memorized. "Is this the case?" he asked curiously. "Why do the robots move? Why can't I say the spell?"

"Because I injected magic (infused magic) when assembling." The mystic replied without raising his head. Thanks to his experience in assembling Bandai Gundam, his assembly speed is extremely fast, and he is now assembling the second construct. He casually explained, "And magic is not as simple as spells. If you don't understand magic, just chanting the correct spell will suffer the backlash of magic—you should be thankful that you don't have magic, otherwise, with your recklessness just now, I'm afraid All you can see is a pile of minced meat."

"Okay." Stark felt that Salomon might be bluffing, but he had no evidence, so he could only half-heartedly agree not to make random attempts. "One more question," he said, "does your robot run on electricity? I don't think it's possible to light up a light bulb with just magic. Shit! Can you make it stop turning its head, I can't keep my eyes open Please turn off the lights!"

"Of course it uses electricity, but the power supply may not be the same as yours." Salomon instructed the construct to turn off the lights, and then opened the construct's chest cavity, "This is the power supply."

"What is this?" Stark pointed to the small wooden stick, which he saw was located between two things that looked like electrodes. "Is this some kind of wooden battery?"

"This is the Lightning Beam (3-ring) wand, which absorbs the magic power and recharges by itself every day. The ability of this construct is not as simple as melee combat."

Ask for a ticket! ! !

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