Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 224 Injecting Soul (Second)

If the previous alchemy skeleton was a technology that confuses Stark, the structure assembled by Salomon this time is a field that Stark can understand. Although he still can't figure out why a small stick can supply power, this does not prevent him from using existing technology to imitate a better one, and also replaces the energy source with a new type of reactor, which increases the battery life.

However, Stark's show off only got the mystic's eyes. Salomon was only making the legion's miscellaneous fish constructs, and he didn't use much high-tech himself. The cost of one steel suit of Stark was enough to make dozens of constructs, excluding lightning beam spells. That kind - using the lightning beam wand was a whim of Salomon, he thought that putting a few special constructs in his miscellaneous fish constructs was a respect for the enemy. When the enemy thought that his construct could only play football like Boston Dynamics' robot dog, he suddenly fired a lightning beam spell. The feeling of surprise was self-evident, and Salomon felt envious.

He decides to name the two rogue fish constructs "Ancient Mechs" so that the next time he pulls the constructs into a fight, he can say it's "my turn"!

"I have recently developed many types of steel suits to deal with different situations." Stark clapped his hands and motioned Salomon to look to the other side, "Mark8 steel suits, based on Mark7 It has been optimized to strengthen the defense performance and weapon system; this is the Mark9 steel suit. While retaining the defense performance of the previous version, I have redesigned the flight system of this steel suit. A small problem found during the battle of New York, although the air flap brake replaced the propeller brake, but the flight speed has been reduced. Now this problem has been solved, it can be said that it is an enhanced version of the Mark7 during the New York battle; this is Mark10 steel suit, this is my attempt to explore the field of high-altitude combat; this is the Mark11 steel suit, this is my attempt in the field of modular design, because the steel suit has shortcomings in terms of portability, this one The suit is just an experiment. My subsequent steel suits will all try in a certain field."

He pointed to his head with the screwdriver. "I'm more than rich," he said. "I'm a super genius."

"Oh." Tony Stark's show off did not attract Salomon's envy. After watching those new steel suits, the mystic continued to lower his head and assembled the second construct on his own. . Stark was not angry because of Salomon's indifference, he jumped to the side of the mystic in small steps, hooked up on Salomon's shoulder familiarly, and didn't care about the expression of resistance on the mystic's face at all.

"How is it?" He asked, "Are you interested in working with me to develop a set of magic armor that is powerful enough..."

"Not interested." Salomon rolled his eyes again, "Armor will hinder my spellcasting, unless I record all the spellcasting gestures into the program. I don't know if that plan will work, but I personally think that No need at all, I already have a set of magic armor, the kind that can transform."

"Is that the one you wore that day? To be honest, I have always wanted to study the deformation principle of your armor."

"That's magic, you can change your mind. Also, what are you doing with so many steel suits? Isn't the Senate hearing enough for you?"

"Nobody knows these suits exist. And, you said, I'm going to have a daughter, and I don't want my daughter to live in an unsafe world. I don't know if you can understand that, but All I know is that this is my responsibility as a father. Well, it’s a bit hypocritical to say that, after all, my daughter hasn’t been born yet.”

"Then you'd better design a safety child seat for your steel suit from now on."

"Don't get excited, although I don't know why you want to be responsible for human beings, but I just want to keep my daughter safe. What's more, no one can stop my inspiration from bursting out, can't you?"

"Just don't let Miss Potts kick you out of bed, idiot."


When the mystic carried a large package and walked into the headquarters of Karma Taj with two constructs behind him, these two constructs full of steampunk style immediately attracted the attention of a large number of apprentices. When they saw Salomon standing in the middle of the two constructs, they were not surprised by the sight - Salomon was still young, so it was only natural to explore some inexplicable magic.

Salomon took the construct to the Supreme Master's meditation room. He ordered the construct to stop outside the door, and went up to knock on the door himself. After a while, the mystic in charge of the supreme mage's daily life opened the door. The mystic didn't ask the venerable if he wanted to see Salomon, but took him in directly—the supreme mage always said Meeting one's favorite disciple is a privilege bestowed by talent, which cannot be envied by others.

There is a huge glass jar in front of the low table of the supreme mage, which is filled with alchemy gel, and the alchemy skeleton made by Salomon lies in the gel. Under the supervision of the Supreme Mage, Salomon is steadily carrying out his own research and development work. Since this step involves necromancy, the Venerable specifically requires that the cultivation of bionic flesh and blood must be carried out under his nose.

Salomon this time is to see if the bionic flesh is compatible with the alchemy skeleton and the magic metal shell. If not, he has to replace the metal shell to achieve the purpose of making his alchemy artificial life body have soft skin. So far, the project is progressing very smoothly. While drinking tea, the supreme mage looked at the strands of bionic flesh and blood slowly climbing onto the metal shell in the glass jar with interest. Muscle fibers light up dimly when touched.

This is the framework, used to restrict the growth of bionic flesh and blood. Although this is not real flesh and blood, it has the same temperature as real flesh and blood. In some cases, the flesh also secretes sweat and mucus, which Salomon learned from the technique of making flesh golems.

"Teacher." Salomon put down the package and saluted pretendingly. Although when no one is around, the supreme mage will quickly evolve into a dead house eating snacks and soda, in front of other mystics, the rules of meeting the venerable still have to be observed.

"Sit down quickly." Seeing that the Venerable Master signaled the other mystic masters to leave the meditation room, Salomon took out a large bag of Skittles from his pocket and handed it to the Supreme Master. "Your research results are not bad." His Holiness said while eating candy, "at least you don't have to worry about your alchemy artificial life body suddenly peeling off, but if you don't have a maintenance plan, the scene will be scary enough. And I also I found that some of your runes are not right when guiding the growth of bionic flesh and blood, are you sure you want to set your alchemy artificial life body as a female?"

"Hmm, I think maids are safer." Salomon sat next to the Supreme Mage, "Because I'm going to implant the alchemy soul later, which involves my vitality, so I need your supervision, teacher. .Speaking of which, this construct is not a Holmon Crus, nor a purely mechanical construct. I think the term synthetic is suitable for her after all."

"You've started calling 'her' now. Tell me, does your knowledge tell you the consequences of doing so?"

"If I use my own vitality to construct it, this alchemy artificial life will have a feeling of extreme admiration for me. Although she has her own wisdom, she will always protect me and not betray me in terms of soul connection. And because Her soul is Holmon Crus, and she has quite high attainments in alchemy, maybe with her help, one day I will create a philosopher's stone." Salomon said, "This alchemy artificial life The body may make some fanatical behaviors, and in terms of moral judgments, my safety will be the main priority, but she will never betray, which is much better than Stark's artificial intelligence."

"Okay, then I will watch from the side. If there is a problem, I will interrupt your spellcasting. You have to be prepared. Also, what are those packages?"

"It's just some clothes." Salomon blushed. "I promise, it's just some clothes."

"Including that impossibly short dress?"

Ask for a ticket! !

Thanks for the reward of 10,000 points from Mingzhiguitu! grateful! ! !

Thanks to BlackStarSky for the 1000 point reward! ! grateful! !

Thanks to GGsbada for the 500 point reward! ! mua!!

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