Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 229 Questions Ten Years Ago (Part 1)

"Any periodic function can be regarded as the superposition of sine waves with different phases. The superposition of infinite sine waves will form a 90-degree rectangular wave. If you observe countless sine waves in a three-dimensional coordinate system, the superposition part is in It will appear as a line segment in the frequency domain image.” The female doctor has some headaches for students with different ideas, and the important thing is that she has more than one such student. Originally, for a postdoctoral doctor who produced a research that could win the Gruber Foundation Cosmology Award not long after leaving the station, Jane Foster would not be short of students, but one of the two people in front of him is related to her. An intern who turned from social science to a major at the turn of adversity, and a magician who has magic that spans space and is still in high school, Jane Foster can only suppress her irritability and try her best to explain these basics knowledge, because that's exactly what they were missing when they were learning astrophysics.

"This is the spectrum of the Fourier series. This is something you must learn. Salomon Damonette, stop telling Dacie a story! There is no god in this world, and mathematics is the only thing in this world." God!"

"Professor Foster, I'm just telling Darcy some fairy tales that haven't been recorded in books." Salomon pretended to point to the hot female college student sitting beside him. Darcy heard Jane Foss After Te's roar, he quickly pretended to have nothing to do with him, lowered his head and played with his hair. But what Salomon said next made Darcy Louise raise her head in shock, "I have already learned about Fourier transform, and I have also previewed the textbook given by you, I am just idle and bored." Just talk to Darcy."

"You actually betrayed me!" Daxi's eyes widened, and she wailed. She was a little relieved that she didn't understand this kind of basic course, because she thought Salomon, a high school student, probably couldn't understand it, and it didn't matter if she didn't understand it, because there were people like her anyway. But the words of the mystic mercilessly revealed the truth, that the only fool in this classroom was actually her.

"Sorry, Darcy, if you have a foster mother known for her wisdom, you will be forced to learn these things early." Salomon shrugged unapologetically, "I think what the professor said makes sense, but The Asgardians are not only aliens, but also have a blood relationship with the Creator, and that’s what I just told Daxi. In addition, I think there is some prejudice in the professor’s words, and the laws of mathematics are not static. I happen to have come into contact with a true god who can change the laws of mathematics. That god can make 1+1 not equal to 2, and can completely collapse the laws of mathematics that humans have discovered and have not discovered. I think they have mastered some kind of underlying logic of the universe or some kind of Only the existence of concepts can be called gods.”

"You have shown us magic, but I think it's just a technology that cannot be achieved by current technology. It is not something that technology cannot do by bending a spoon out of thin air. Guessing the ZENER card is not a big deal." Jane Foster sighed, "If the god you're talking about exists, it can indeed be called a god, but this has nothing to do with our courses. Sit down, Julie Knowlz ( Fifteen-year-old British girl who bends spoons out of thin air). And Darcy, pay attention."

"Okay~" Daxi elongated her tone weakly, she pulled the corner of the mystic's clothes with her hand under the table, and then made a "three" gesture. The mystic also stretched out his hand, and bent the other two fingers back. Darcy stubbornly stretched out a finger again, making a gesture of "two", and Salomon touched that hand lightly with his fist—— What Daxi meant was that it would take three meals to get this matter over, and the mystic thought that one meal would solve the problem. Darcy thinks one meal is not enough, at least two meals are needed, and Salomon agrees.

This is a weekend tutoring class, both Darcy and Salomon will attend. Darcy is because she switched from social science to astronomy (unless she wants to carry boxes all the time), so she needs to study a lot of basic knowledge, while Salomon is because of the approaching ALevel exam, and he has to work hard to get into Oxford. What he said to Jane Foster was true, both Yog-Sothoth and the Eternals were gods with powers beyond human comprehension, and both happened to be associated with him. After packing up his textbooks, the mystic mage thoughtfully rubbed the silver key on his chest—although this key has not yet given him power, it is enough for him to peek into the corner of some of the deepest black magic, Shadow, time, these fields that he initially explored also slowly strengthened after analyzing the silver key.

But don't rush. He was walking down a deserted hallway. Can't be in a hurry, can't be greedy, can't fall into madness, and steadily manipulate the power he can manipulate. Temperance, just like when facing Dormammu, Yog-Sothoth is more dangerous than Dormammu, and he must reject the temptation of this power from the bottom of his heart, just as he rejects his own power.

Snapped! The sudden pat on the shoulder startled him, but before he could react, Darcy Louise graciously wrapped his elbows around his neck and squeezed him into her arms. "Don't you try to sneak away!" she said, laughing. "I don't want chips! Decide where we'll have lunch! My decision is France, but I don't have a visa and I don't speak French."

"Daxi." Salomon broke free from Daxi's embrace helplessly. Although the embrace was very soft, he didn't want to stay for a second longer. "Not today," he said. "I've got another person to see later, maybe two. They're all in London."

"Who are you going to see? Your girlfriend and your girlfriend's girlfriend are in New York right now."

"How do you want me to describe the person I'm about to meet? That's the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D. and her boyfriend." Peggy Carter and Captain Rogers made an appointment to meet him after today's class

"Who?" Darcy frowned suspiciously.

"Peggy Carter and Captain America."

"Ah, oh..."

"You haven't been to the Captain America Museum, have you?"

"I usually go to the gym to see muscular guys... Can you get me an autographed photo? I want Captain America's, the one with no clothes on the upper body."

The time to meet Peggy Carter is slightly earlier than the time to meet Captain Rogers, but to see Peggy Carter, you need to go through several security checks, even if it is the invitation initiated by Peggy Carter—— These were all inspections in the dark, and did not affect Salomon's itinerary. The mystic just handed over a dagger to the agent in charge of security issues, and successfully entered and met the legendary woman.

"She doesn't have much waking time." The nanny (actually a retired female agent) responsible for taking care of Peggy Carter explained to Salomon, who was sitting by the bed and looking at the photo on the bedside, "She just took the medicine, Now is not the time to be sober, you can only come again next time."

"Just let me wait for a while." Salomon stretched out his hand after the nanny left in doubt, and took Peggy Carter's palm full of age spots. After he recited the incantation, Peggy Carter was still in a deep sleep lying on the bed, but after a while, she suddenly opened her eyes, as if waking up from a nightmare. Her eyes are no longer old and chaotic, but as bright as when she was young. This is magic that makes Peggy Carter's aging brain temporarily active. The fox's cunning spell has no side effects, and Salomon can cast it with confidence - he will not cast supernatural magic (maybe not now), let alone The shape-shaper (OA supernatural adventure hypnotist variant profession) who can shape the whole body can't really restore Peggy Carter's youth, he is just a little interested in what Nick Fury said.

"Now, it's time for you to solve my doubts." Salomon said softly, "Why did you want to instruct others to adopt me ten years ago, why do you want to see me now, Peggy Carter?"

At the end of the month, ask for tickets!

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