Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 230 Educational issues (second update)

As a cautious person, Salomon likes to put forward a general result when encountering any problem, and then act according to this speculation. This is the living habit brought to him by the stigmata (the result of the spell slot mechanism), and it is also very effective. Salomon can always come up with suitable scrolls and spells to solve various problems. He left Peggy Carter's residence with a satisfied expression. Out of respect, he did not tell anyone the answer, otherwise Captain Rogers would not be the only one who was drawn blood for research.

The next meeting place was not far from here, and Salomon walked about 300 meters to get there, bypassing the narrow and wet alleys unique to London. Since Captain Rogers cannot get drunk, and Salomon is not allowed to drink underage, Captain Rogers chose a cafe not far from Peggy Carter's residence (it may also be that Captain Rogers doesn't like modern Starbucks. Cafe), Salomon smelled the aroma of butter and bread when he opened the door, and then walked towards the target seat - Captain Rogers is very conspicuous no matter where he is, the woman in the cafe hovering beside him The waiter is an eye-catching logo.

"Add sugar to black tea, and another French toast." The mystic dismissed the waitress a little bit, regardless of the waitress's resentful gaze. He sat down opposite Captain Rogers, unbuttoned his suit, and stretched out his hand to pull his tie. For Salomon, a suit is a casual attire when going out, and a tuxedo is a school uniform. Stark also introduced him to several good suit customization shops, and now he has more black suits in his wardrobe. "Cheers to you." Salomon said, "This is something I just found out."

"What?" Captain Rogers was at a loss, "What does Carter want from you?"

"To put it simply, everything is a cycle. Your future is someone else's past. But it is also because of this that I understand a concept, that is: whether we know it or not, whether we interfere or not, the multiverse exists, and the observer effect does not exist." It must be right." Salomon took the hot black tea with a smile, and his smile caused the dissatisfied waitress to throw some complaints out of the window. No one can resist the charm of a clean adolescent boy. Maybe he lacks some adult male hormones, but whether it is short black mane hair, a straight nose, calm eyes or lips carved like Greek stones It is an extremely perfect work of art. Not to mention his shiny white complexion against his deep black hair, when the sun is right, he looks like a god descending from the world.

"Stop." Captain Rogers reached out to stop all of this, "Stop the magic."

"Okay, I just want to create an environment suitable for conversation." Salomon canceled the magic, and the dazzling beauty disappeared. Although his appearance has not changed, he has changed from a god to an ordinary person. Exaggerated charm no longer works. Originally, Salomon wanted to order other people in the cafe to leave with his own charm, but Captain Rogers stopped him.

Captain Rogers also has a big head. After he woke up from the ice and officially came back after the Battle of New York incident (Ghost Rider is not counted, it is just a small TV station report), he has cooperated with the education department to shoot many films, just like the situation seventy years ago Same. Just look at what he's made of PE classes, detentions, opening speeches, final exam speeches, and just because he's made them doesn't mean he's an expert on teen psychology.

But it's better than Stark, the damn guy who even makes teenagers drink alcohol, be it champagne or whiskey, out of negligence!

"Ahem." Captain Rogers took a sip of his cold coffee, "You haven't explained what you said yet."

"You'll know when the time comes." Salomon cut off a small piece of French toast and stuffed it into his mouth, then washed it down with sweet black tea. After swallowing the food, he asked back, "I'm more curious about what you are looking for me for. You and your girlfriend have such a tight schedule, and you don't understand me, a high school student who just finished tutoring, at all."

Classwork is a good topic, and Captain Rogers intends to use this topic as a breakthrough.

"What have you learned?" he asked in a very old-fashioned tone. Where can high school students' homework be difficult? He thought to himself, after waking up, I have made up my lessons well, this will not trouble me, I have to show the calmness of an adult.

"The spectral analysis of Fourier series and the law of constant speed of light, this is the pre-course for exploring four-dimensional space..."

Can't understand! Captain Rogers felt like he was chatting with another Stark who was one size smaller. He obviously spoke English, but why he couldn't understand! He tried to keep smiling. Well, change the subject! Captain Rogers waited until Salomon finished complaining about today's class, and then asked a question, "Do you have any hobbies, such as painting? I like painting."

"Oh, to tell you the truth, I am currently studying the engraving of the Italian sculptor Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini, as an early baroque artist, and not long ago I went to Rome to Santa Maria della Vittoria In a Cornaro chapel of the church, I visited the masterpiece called "The Indulgence of St. Teresa", St. Teresa's slightly raised toes, the desire and intoxication, sweetness and pain, the divine love Desire is not only reflected in the faces of the characters, but also in the flowing robes of Saint Teresa..."

Ok, still don't understand. Captain Rogers took a sip from his cup to hide his embarrassment. What is going on with children nowadays, how do they learn so many things? He didn't realize how special the courses for high school students were from the videos he shot. Shouldn't high school students learn the same things as they did seventy years ago?

If he raises this question to Salomon, the mystic will tell him about the decline of public education in the United States, and by the way mock the happy education system and class solidification in the United States. This country, which declares freedom and war, betrayed its original intention. Turning to offering blood sacrifices to the altar of commerce, these things are not understandable to soldiers who dropped out of school before the war.

Captain Rogers, who couldn't find an entry point, sighed. "Nick Fury asked me to talk to you." He said, "I also think you should correct your thinking. I don't know the environment you live in, but you are still young, and you should have a normal life."

"My teacher is the most powerful mystic in the universe, and my adoptive mother is a goddess of war known for her wisdom. Now you think it's because of age that you don't have the ability to distinguish right from wrong?" Salomon looked contemptuous . "Why?" he asked, "Why do you think so? Is it because of my alchemy artificial life form?"

"You are too mature, Salomon." Captain Rogers sighed, "Part of your information was told to me by Nick Fury, and I know that you signed a contract with him. Privacy and confidentiality, but if everyone, like you, disregards the law and ethics to carry out experiments..."

"Because we abide by different orders, it is understandable for you to think so. Besides, I am already very disciplined, but you have never seen the real black magic." Salomon knocked on it with a small spoon. Tapping on the rim of the teacup alerted Steve Rogers to what he said next. "We are in different environments, and we are destined not to understand each other. But like you, I have the courage to sacrifice for others. I once waved a long sword in front of the incarnation of the gods. I don't feel that a secular world that has nothing to do with me The rules set by society can bind me. The United States is very powerful, so what, magic is not the country of the United States."

"Do you want to trap yourself in the magical world for the rest of your life?"

"Oh, let me tell you. For this universe, the government of the secular society has no say at all. All aliens believe that the Supreme Mage is the ruler. Didn't you learn from me and the Asgardians?" Did you hear it in the conversation? That is, I’m the government guy, and the U.S. government is the noisy opposition party.”

Ask for a ticket!

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