Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 236 The Witch Goes to Battle (Second Change)

Beunita didn't ask anything, because after hearing the question, Joan became furious, grabbed the cat and threw it towards Salomon's face. It's just that the playfulness in Beunita's light gray eyes seems to have explained her thoughts, she always knew something, and asked questions just to enjoy Joan's embarrassing appearance. But when Salomon asked, Beunita said it was a little secret between girls and he had no right to know it.

"Okay." Salomon shrugged, and left here holding the Cheshire cat who was whining aggrievedly, followed by a series of laughter from Beunita. He has a deep understanding of the waywardness of the witch, and if he doesn't leave, Joan will shoot.

The process of finding the Son of Mephisto is very long, and the search for the Ghost Rider is the same. Whether it is Kama Taj or S.H.I.E.L.D., progress in this area is very slow. No one knows where the Ghost Rider is hiding. Gone, neither the cauldron of the universe nor the cameras saw him. Even though everyone knew that Johnny Blazer couldn't suppress his killing urges at night, no one could spot a flaming skull running around after dark.

The mystics did not rule out the possibility of someone helping Johnny Blazer, but this kind of thinking made Kama Taj even more nervous, because the only person who would help the Ghost Rider was Mephisto, and no one knew that this old and cunning What does the devil have in mind.

Salomon went to find Johnny Blazer's girlfriend Rose through the relationship of S.H.I.E.L.D. The hot beauty with light brown skin is still the host of the TV station. But she said that before Salomon came to her, the people from S.H.I.E.L.D. had asked her repeatedly. She really didn't know where Johnny went, and her boyfriend who left without saying goodbye didn't stay either. through any contact method.

Rose was extremely angry during the questioning process, and the mystic felt that even if the Ghost Rider suddenly appeared in front of her, he might take a few punches.

The thread breaks down, and Salomon hopes that S.H.I.E.L.D.'s facial recognition system will work. After all, Johnny Blazer's immortal body belongs to the Ghost Rider, and as a human being who carries the Ghost Rider, he still needs to eat. If you don't eat, you won't starve to death, but you will be tortured by the feeling of hunger. The mystic thinks that Johnny Blaze may not be able to bear both the pain of Ghost Rider and hunger at the same time, so he can only hope that Johnny Blazer The supermarket Ze often goes to has cameras.

But a few months passed, his ALevel course selection was over, and there was still no news about Ghost Rider from Karma Taj and S.H.I.E.L.D. As for the devils, let alone, the current devils are just ordinary people, and even the cauldron of the universe cannot screen one by one among the seven billion people in the world. Salomon felt that if he hadn't slowed down his progress until he went to university or even graduated from university, that damned devil and Johnny Blazer would probably still be hiding in some unknown place.

This is the embodiment of Karma Taj's weak power in the secular world. Salomon believes that SHIELD may not be so concerned about this matter, but just perfunctory, so he is more eager to form a secular world that belongs to Karma Taj. power up. But before SHIELD collapsed, he couldn't recruit any agents, so he could only wait patiently and throw out an olive branch at the right time.

Salomon was in charge of combat rather than search, and it was not his turn to work yet, so he took Joan of Arc, Belleunita, and the artificial man to the cabin in the Nordic countryside during the one-week vacation of the autumn semester. on vacation. Autumn and winter are a good time to eat salmon. In addition, various fungi in the forests in the countryside are also picking. Salomon had already made an appointment with his neighbors to pick chanterelles and smoke them the year before. Fish, he's got a full week to do it this year.

The lid of the pot was opened, and the foam was skimmed off. The mystic used a free-range rooster from a neighbor’s house to stew the soup with chanterelles. This soup was very delicious, he and the witches sat on the blue cloth sofa bought from Italy by the blazing fire, enjoying this delicious dish together. In addition, there are delicious smoked mackerel balls. It has been a year since the last time he and the witch ate this thing. The smoked mackerel balls and cheese sauce bought in the supermarket are always not as good as the country ones. Delicious - this is the authoritative evaluation of the famous fishball taster Cheshire Cat, and it is a comment that can be written in a gourmet magazine.

The witches agreed with Cheshire Cat, and then took away its fish balls and ate them.

"Woo~" Salomon stroked the round head of the pet in his arms helplessly, and stuffed a piece of salmon he smoked into the mouth of the aggrieved cat. Ever since they came to the Nordic countryside again, the witches' appetites have been astonishing. It seems that the coming winter is an excuse for them to taste delicious food - the witches don't have to worry about weight problems at all, no matter how much food they eat, it will be refined into magic power.

"You have been absent-minded, Boya, is there anything difficult for you?" Bayonetta forked a piece of pan-fried char and stuffed it into Salomon's mouth. The mystic bit off the fish and looked away from the The mobile phone was transferred to the witch. He's been waiting for the call, which is why he's going on vacation, because all troubles come when he's enjoying life, and he thinks it might be this time.

"It's nothing." Salomon replied, "I'm just a little restless. The winter solstice is coming soon, and it's time for all kinds of dark magic creatures on the earth to be active again. After my birthday this year, I will participate in Kamatei Ji organizes a hunting team every year."

"That's not a problem for you, is it? That's not what you think about." Bayonetta pointed to Salomon's current clothes. The red sacral cloth and the black mystic robes looked a little thin in the approaching winter of Northern Europe, but Salomon insisted on wearing them like this. The witch had already seen through his little thoughts.

"Okay." The mystic fed the half-bitten fish balls to the magic pet. The cat became more and more lazy, and even had to lie on its back to eat, too lazy to move its limbs. He stroked the cat's chubby belly and said, "Remember what I told you about the son of Mephisto? I always thought it was a bit weird because they hid it so well, Not even the cauldron of the universe can find them - so I think someone is helping them. Sons of Mephisto on one side and dark magic beings active on the solstice on the other, and I'm afraid something will happen when those two things come together A change that no one wants to see. Under the suppression of Kama Taj, there are not many black magic creatures on the earth, but they are not completely extinct. There is also a good chance that dark magic creatures will offer their souls to the devil in the hope of fighting Karma Taj. That said, there are a lot of big things that could happen on this year's solstice, and I could be too busy to get my head around it."

"It sounds like you need help." Jeanne squinted at the mystic, "You can just ask, Seresa and I will not refuse you. You have to remember, you are the most vulnerable person in this family." the one."

"Meow!" The Cheshire Cat didn't forget to help even when it was eating, and Salomon was so angry that he knocked it on the head hard.

"Shut up, stupid cat, you are the best one in this family." The mystic took a huge grilled deep-sea scallop from the artificial man and handed it to Bayonetta and Joan of Arc. After roasting, put it back into the shell and keep it warm on a charcoal fire without any seasoning. This is an extremely rare delicacy.

He let the artificial man sit down and taste the food. Although Dinah is a construct, part of his flesh and blood is composed of his vitality. The artificial man also has a sense of taste. Although he cannot gain energy through eating, he can digest a little food It's not difficult.

"Okay." Salomon blinked, "This time, it's up to our family to dispatch."

Ask for a ticket! !

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