Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 237 The Alcoholic Knight (Part 1)

The matter of Beunita and Joan of Arc's help is finalized. Salomon only needs to report this matter to the Supreme Master, and the Supreme Master will guarantee it. He feels that the Supreme Master will not refuse such a thing. Although the enemies of the witches are generally creatures from the upper planes, if the demonic Madame Butterfly and Madame Styx have no opinion on fighting the devil, especially if this matter is related to Mephisto, As long as it can hit that old devil hard in the face, no devil will have a problem.

After eating and drinking, the witches and Salomon huddled together on the sofa as usual, but this time it was Bayonetta sitting in the middle. The witch used spells to cover up their private conversation, and Salomon couldn't hear anything. He could only hold Beunita's soft feet covered in black stockings, and rubbed them once and for all until the witch He kicked hard on the arm before he stopped. "You're hurting me, idiot!" Bayonetta rolled her eyes at him, "Are you still thinking about your female spy?"

"I'm just waiting for a call from S.H.I.E.L.D. This has nothing to do with female spies." Salomon was very helpless. He didn't expect Bayonetta to be so hostile to Natasha. Somehow, Joan of Arc joined in the glaring, which was not the same as in the past. "Hmm, but it's a female spy who called you." Joan of Arc said, "And you bought her a gift, fourteen hundred dollars!"

"This topic is hard to pass, right?" The mystic bent down, buried his face in the cat's stomach, and took a deep breath. His voice was dull, "That is a necessity in interpersonal communication, but the gift for everyone is different. The pair of shoes are suitable for Agent Romanov (he deliberately did not name him)."

"What about my gift?" Joan's eyes widened. "Last time you only brought a gift for Beunita."

"Omniscient Agamotto!" Salomon closed his eyes in pain, covered his face, and moaned continuously from his throat. Bellunita collapsed on Joan's lap laughing. "Who the hell can tell me what's wrong with this woman's brain?!"

"This is a woman, Boya." Beunita pulled Salomon so that the mystic could lean on her, "You'll have to bear it later. You know, I'm not easy to mess with."

"Okay, okay." Even though the Cheshire cat that fell on the carpet kept meowing, the mystic was unwilling to open his eyes, but fortunately, the artificial human Dinah quickly picked up the cat. Only then did the demon pet's bad mood be appeased. Salomon said, "I lost to you, witches, it seems that this is my lifetime responsibility. Oh! The call is coming!" The mystic couldn't wait to bounce up from the sofa and picked up the mobile phone on the table. He pressed the connect button, listened in silence for a while, and then hung up.

"What's the matter? Did you find it?" Jeanne stroked Beunita's long hair, pretending to raise her head casually and asked.

"Johnny Blazer was caught on camera buying whiskey, bread and a big jar of peanut butter in a small supermarket in Eastern Europe. Don't know how he communicates with people, no English is spoken there - probably." Salo He shook the phone in his hand, because what he heard from the earpiece just now was only a simplified version, and the detailed clues were organized into a file and sent over, "The exact location of Johnny Blazer has not been determined yet, after all, the location of that place There are not many cameras. But according to the frequency of his buying alcohol, I think he may live in a bit of a remote place, otherwise no one has not found him for so long."

The camera is still better than the planetary defense system in this case, because this thing is a bit weird from beginning to end. You know, the planetary defense system paired with the Eye of Agamotto is extremely sensitive, even the little magic of vampires can be detected, not to mention the vengeful spirit on Ghost Rider. And every night, Johnny Blazer would transform into Ghost Rider, either because he really controlled the urge to transform, or someone was covering his tracks so that Kama Taj couldn't find him— Either way, just ask him.

"Are you going now?" Bayonetta poked Salomon's thigh lightly with her toes, because she saw that the mystic was already sorting out the things in the dimension bag, and the artificial man seemed to have received instructions. Regardless of the demon pet's protest, he was putting on the assassin cat costume on the growing and fatter Cheshire cat. "It's still daytime," said the witch.

"Although it's easier to find shiny things after dark, I think I'll go local first. At least Johnny Blaze is better at communicating when he's sober, and I can ask who's helping him."

"I don't think he will be sober during the day, Mystic." Joan of Arc pointed to the text on Salomon's phone and said, "A case of whiskey is bought once every three days. I don't think people who drink too much will When he is sober, maybe he has already lost his brain due to alcoholism, and when you find him, he may be picking up wine bottles on the side of the road to drink the wine in it."

"Then burn him down to the bones and drag him out into the sun. Bones don't hold alcohol, I guarantee he'll come to his senses, I think I can tell by the flames how much whiskey he's drunk , the more you burn, the more you drink, this is definitely a good idea. Hey, dear, if I encounter an enemy that I can't beat, I will call you."

"Okay." Beunita waved her hand, "I will definitely protect my dear little guy, as long as he remembers to bring gifts for me and Jeanne. Remember to ask Dinah to bring that sword, it's you The one that oils it every day."


"I don't know what language Romania speaks, dear Dinah." Salomon scratched his face. The autumn in the northeast of the Balkan Peninsula is dry and cool, but for Salomon, which was still in northern Europe, it was a bit too dry here. He didn't know how Johnny Blazer got here, and he didn't know if S.H.I.E.L.D. had any action—S.H.I.E.L.D. had information about Ghost Rider, which was the price for his clues—but he Kama Taj has been informed of this news, and the witch has been reported to the Supreme Mage. So, as long as Kama Taj acted quickly, they still hoped to find the demon (Tiefling) through the ghost knight.

Salomon hoped that he would be recognizable with a pair of big horns on his head.

This is Slobozia, a border city in Romania close to Bulgaria. This is not a good place to travel. All the buildings are very old. The costumes of him and the artificial man have attracted some attention here. But never mind, the person who might have come to make trouble has disappeared. There are people without eyes everywhere, this is simply the underlying logic of the world, so the only trace they left in the world is a little bit of blood left on the giant sword on the back of the artificial man.

Oh, and a few pistols and some bullets, but Salomon dropped those too.

"Master, I don't know either."

"Then tell me, how did Johnny Blazer come to the European continent?"

The cyborg tilted his head and thought for a while, "Perhaps riding a motorcycle? Master, you mentioned his magical motorcycle."

"Crossing the Atlantic Ocean on a motorcycle? It's a good idea, but the problem is that he will sink during the day and have to wait until night to float again-if he brings enough plastic bottles." Xiaodi made a joke, but the artificial man didn't seem to understand this sense of humor, so Salomon's joke fell through. He could only roll his eyes and gesture to the nearby supermarket with his chin.

"Let's go in and see," he said. "If Johnny Blazer doesn't run out of wine here, he's sure to show up again."

Ask for a ticket! ! ! ! ! !

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