Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 239 Population Distribution (First update!)

"I am the Messiah, I am a saint who walks the earth." Salomon opened his hands, imitating Raphael's famous painting "The Transfiguration", standing in front of the black priest, except that his feet were less Without the clouds, Moses and Elijah were missing from his side. But it doesn't matter, because he has already untied three stigmata, and also untied one silver buckle on the holy relic cloth, and his personality is constantly improving. He thinks that this priest who has some skills can find the ghost knight Personnel should be able to see something from him.

"Anyone who does not carry his own cross and follow me cannot be my disciple. Father, if you want to show your piety, you should salute now." Before birth, I was Harry Potter in real life. If you can find Johnny Blazer, then you have something to do with magic, so you should have heard about it."

"Sixteen years, and Christmas hasn't come yet." Father Molu raised his head and stared at Salomon, "Sixteen years ago, in New York, someone ascended to heaven. When we arrived there, that woman had already Gone, and the child is gone, all we see in the parking lot is gold and frankincense and myrrh, and someone greets that child as a king, priest and savior. We talked to that priest, and if you are That child, then you are the person we have been looking for. It seems that you were adopted by the wizard who snatched the holy relic, so you have not fully grasped the power you should have. Look at your current appearance, you Can water be turned into wine now? Can leprosy be cured? Storms can be calmed? Can water be walked?"

"It's not impossible to work hard. I have learned a lot from my father who abandoned me and killed my biological mother. I think I will be able to do this in the future-at least I can get water now." Turn it into wine." Salomon shrugged, and the sacred breath disappeared quickly - he would not open too many stigmata for a long time, since he was burnt and peeled off his skin after the age of eight, he had developed this habit, and then It's not good to be bald once.

However, his answer was spurned by Father Molu. "Not with magic, but with your own power! Look at you now, you stink of fucking magic! Now, get your men to let me go and come with me, and I'll Helping you, getting you on the right path. What the hell is this, a piece of printer paper?"

Salomon signaled the artificial man to let go of the black priest, Molu stood up and rubbed his shoulders. "This woman's strength is so damn strong." He took the paper that Salomon handed him dubiously, "What is this? A high school transcript?"

"My theological grades, although I read the 1611 King's Revised Version of the Bible, I think this is enough to explain the problem. Please forgive me, I didn't mean to show off my grades in front of the Sunday school students, just I was just on vacation before doing this." The mystic shook the photo in his hand, "Now, I'm looking for this boy. Or rather, I'm looking for a guy who needs this boy."

"Sorry, sorry, can I interject?" Johnny Blazer came over rubbing his eyes. When Salomon liberated the stigmata before, he saw a dazzling white light on Salomon's body, the spirit of revenge in his body completely calmed down, and the hatred lingering in his soul disappeared all of a sudden. But it was temporary, and after the light faded, the feeling slowly returned.

"What the hell are you trying to do?" he asked. "And what the hell am I going to do to get rid of that crazy soul?"

"I can help you." Father Molu signaled Salomon to stop talking for a while, "I can help you get rid of the devil in your body, but only if you help me find that boy. Where is the photo...Give me the photo... ...this boy is the child of the devil you traded with. You and the devil have intersected. Follow your instinct and you will find him. We will find the boy and save him, because the devil's body has rotted, He needs a new body to hold his evil spirit."

"This is also my purpose. This will not be the first incarnation of Mephisto I have encountered, nor is it the only incarnation that left an heir in the world. There is also a son of Mephisto in New York, He is now Karma Taj's economic and legal advisor, and is responsible for managing some of the assets." Salomon also joined in, "Kama Taj may not be against this tiefling, but our main target is Murphy Stowe, I know he has a lot of aliases, but that's how his real name is pronounced humanly."

"Are there other devil's sons in this world?"

"Hmm, there are still many things in the world that people who hide in the mountains and study the Bible don't know." Salomon mocked the black priest slightly, "This matter is not as serious as you think. Relax, if the incarnation of Mephisto transfers his soul into the body of his offspring, then he is the existence of the Trinity-I don’t need to say more about the Trinity? Unless you sell the "Bible" for wine, and then Or betray Catholicism and convert to the French Cathars or the Polish Brotherhood (both Protestant denominations), or you must have studied."

"Also, you haven't answered my question yet." Salomon pointed to Johnny Blazer again, "Is anyone helping you cover your tracks?"

"It's quite easy for me to find him. He's been wandering around here." The black priest said, "The magic is not working? Our organization has strong technological strength and money. Hacking a few cameras and facial recognition is not a problem." .Since he appeared on TV, our organization has been tracking him. We are the real Roman church, the inquisition in charge of the world. Ours is only responsible to the real pope, not the old man who was elected after taking bribes .Do you think your wizarding organization has this power?"

Salomon rolled his eyes, ignoring the priest's boasting.

"Oh, no, right?" Father Molu walked around the mystic with small dance steps, "You should go to our organization to study, that is your destiny. When this matter is over, you will Learn from me."

"Good idea, a bunch of fucking little boys." Salomon pushed the annoying guy away, and he said to the artificial man, "Dinah, the S.H.I.E.L.D. is coming soon. You communicate with Agent Romanov , let her see if she can hold back the action team."

"Okay, Master."

"No, I can't do it, Salomon." Natasha's helplessness could be heard through the receiver, "The action team has already started. The World Security Council wants a power enhancer—don't ask why it's called Stupid name, that's how they call it. Bruce Banner is at Stark's, Captain is protected by Nick Fury, Saul is an alien, so the World Security Council wants a alien that can be controlled Capable man. Johnny Blazedo is suitable, he has nostalgia, ability, is simply the perfect target, not to mention that this operation is led by Fury himself, I can't slow down the Airbus."

"But the targets I assigned to S.H.I.E.L.D. are those devil-worshiping churches and various arms dealers, not Ghost Riders. You can ask the World Security Council to find the abomination. He should still be refrigerated by S.H.I.E.L.D. Let's go." Salomon was idly grinding the plastic bags under the soles of his shoes, while Father Molu stood not far away, looking at him with a sarcastic expression, taking a sip of wine for himself from time to time.

"You and Dinah said you'd talk to me, and that's how it turned out."

"Your cyborg only has those few words over and over again. Talking to her can't solve the problem. In addition, the abomination is extremely uncontrollable, and the World Security Council doesn't trust the abomination."

The mystic curled his lips. He didn't know why Karma Taj's deacons didn't show up until now. Perhaps they've found an avatar of Mephisto? Salomon couldn't be sure, he could only confirm with the next phone call. "The same goes for Ghost Rider," he said. "If he insists on wanting Ghost Rider, then I can only wish him luck-trying to control something that is impossible to control, full of S.H.I.E.L.D. .”

"There is another way, and that is to announce your identity. Nick Fury has long expected you to say that."

"Then he also has two choices, that is to die by the sword or by the gun."

"Ha, he also guessed that you would say that. He wants you to rest assured that he has never revealed your identity."

"It's better." Salomon looked at the priest, and Father Molu waved his hand to indicate that he had heard something. The mystic gave back a middle finger, "Then please tell him that I need Ghost Rider now. Anyone who comes to make trouble before my work is done will end badly."

"How? What did S.H.I.E.L.D. say?" Seeing that Salomon hung up the phone, Father Molu jumped over from the box, "Is it unreliable?"

"how about you?"

"I said, I represent the church's attitude on this matter. What do you want, armed support? Or technical support?"

"I just need to find the avatar of Mephisto, and Karma Taj will deal with him."

"We're going to take the boy to a priory, where we'll purify him so that whatever the devil wants to do, he can't do it. We all need knights, don't we? Why can't we help each other in this matter?" "

"Deal, I want an adult, you want a child."

"Deal. In addition, none of the support I just mentioned."

"Flower Q!"

Thanks for the 100-point reward for today's autistic boy update!

Thanks for the 1600 point reward of the blind man who sees everything!

Thanks for the 100-point reward from Dumb Pikachu!

Ask for a ticket! !

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