Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 240 Ghost Rider's Small Plane (Second Change)

"No, Casilios, I'm seventeen years old. I haven't passed my birthday yet, but I'm already an adult... Don't follow the American law, but follow the adult standard of Kama Taj." Salomon found a piece In a place that was not so dirty, he called Casilios after he sat down, and wanted to ask why the temple deacons hadn’t shown up until now—for Kama Taj, a person who could track It's not enough to see the devil's ghost knight, the focus is on Mephisto. Before finding Mephisto, the temple deacons will not act rashly, so as to scare the snake and let the cunning devil escape.

But these are minor problems, and the more serious problem is that Casilios refused to let Salomon go deep into the mission, because this mission, like the last one, is to face the incarnation of Mephisto. Casilios worried that Salomon was tricked by Mephisto, signed a contract, and sold his soul to the devil, so he only wanted Salomon to do marginal work-such a request Salomon was naturally Could not agree. He argued hard, and finally won the request to act with the temple deacon—it was better than not being able to add tasks. Before Father Molu could laugh at Salomon, the roar of the plane's engine interrupted the mystic's thinking. After a while, the dilapidated iron door was opened, and Nick Fury, who was always wearing a black leather jacket, broke in.

"Where is Ghost Rider?" This was his first sentence, so he received the middle finger from Salomon.

"F*uck off, Nick Fury." Salomon jumped to the ground and walked over, and the man-made man also picked up the giant sword and followed behind him, "Get your people back. I'm not kidding you, I'm now Ghost Rider is needed, he is important. How important? Important enough that I will kill you. Don't make trouble, get out of here."

Nick Fury looked Salomon in the eye. He knew that Salomon knew the future, so the mystic did not kill him. Since the mystic mage is so relentless in this matter that if he affects the incident, he will be killed, which means that the threat level of this incident is extremely high. The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. is responsible for doing things, but he is not a bureaucrat. He knows what is the most important thing, so he left the action team on the air bus, and he and several agents landed on the ground in a Quinjet fighter.

"Talk?" he asked.

"No." Salomon waved his hand, pointing to the black priest behind who had become a little drunk. He always had a bottle of wine in his dimensional bag, and now that bottle of wine had been drunk by the black priest. While drinking, that guy complained that Salomon didn't know how to appreciate the blood of Jesus. "Talk to him." Salomon planned to throw Nick Fury to the black priest, "I just need to complete my task."

Nick Fury glanced at Salomon and walked over. It seemed that he also wanted to find a target to communicate with.

Now that winter is approaching, the sky is getting dark very quickly. In addition, it has been rainy for the past two days. Before dinner time, Salomon can hardly see his fingers clearly. In addition, the moisture evaporated from the building took away the heat. You don't need a cold wind to make you shiver. "I heard that you saved Coulson?" A voice much lower than the temperature sounded behind Salomon, "I'm Melinda. Thank you for saving him."

"I just did a little favor." The mystic didn't bother to turn around, and the artificial man didn't respond, because Agent Melinda didn't enter the security range. The cyborg has low-light vision and dark vision. Dinah can see everything in the dark, including anyone who wants to attack Salomon. Agent Melinda has no intention of attacking, otherwise the cyborg will attack immediately. fight back.

"I have read your information. Agent Coulson approached me with your information many years ago." Agent Melinda stepped forward again, "He thinks you were adopted by an organization that collects ability enhancers. Helping them as a thug. He came to me with your information to save you. At that time, I had just experienced a (Bahrain incident)... All in all, he is a good person and should not be treated like that .But I want you to keep his resurrection secret, which is what Director Fury means, Coulson should not know what he went through, it is too painful for him."

"Of course." Salomon agreed without looking back, it was just a trivial matter for him. As the sky darkened, his attention was focused on the low warehouse opposite. "What are you looking at?" Under the guard of the artificial man, Agent Melinda walked slowly to Salomon's side, and looked at the gloomy sky outside the window with him.

"Waiting for rain?" she asked.

"Waiting for something you will encounter later, it may not be beneficial to see it now." A series of deals between Salomon and the priest have a premise, that is, the ghost knight can find the son of Mephisto , if you can't find it, then there is no need to talk about it at all. Johnny Blazer is very happy that he can get rid of the spirit of revenge, and for this opportunity, he will do his best. At the moment when the sunlight disappeared completely, there was a horrific howl of pain. Agent Melinda pulled out her pistol in stress, but was grabbed by the artificial man's wrist.

"What's going on here?" The wailing not only aroused the reaction of Agent Melinda, Nick Fury and Father Molu also ran out in a hurry—it's just that the priest's footsteps were not so stable, God knows he was How much wine he drank before, the wine Salomon gave was nothing at all.

The fire that erupted in the opposite warehouse told them the answer.

The rusted iron door was knocked open suddenly, and a burning skeleton walked out from inside. Perhaps Johnny Blazer suppressed Ghost Rider for so long that the Vengeful Spirit was only cheering and venting his anger when he reemerged. Thankfully Johnny Blazer remembers his mission, eyeing the S.H.I.E.L.D. Quinjet parked nearby—"Not that, on your own motorcycle, you bastard!"—in Nick Fury Amidst the yelling, Ghost Rider drove his motorcycle onto the top of the Quin-type fighter, and then linked the motorcycle and the Quin-type fighter with an iron chain.

The fire of hell spread down the iron chain, and the metal was constantly twisted and deformed, adding many scary-looking skeleton decorations. Before Nick Fury ran over to stop him angrily, Ghost Rider activated the Quinjet fighter on his own, and let the fighter fly him in one direction.

"That's it?" Nick Fury jumped up angrily, "Did he just drive away my Quinjet without even asking?"

"The devil is there." Salomon looked towards the direction where the Quinjet fighter disappeared, then looked at Nick Fury, "I hope you know what you are facing."

"Of course I know!" Nick Fury nodded. With the help of alcohol, he has learned the cause and result of the incident from the black priest, and he knows what he should do. Just like before, all he needs to do is cooperate and stay out of trouble. "Father Molu has told me the things, but I can't guarantee that they are all correct, because he drank too much alcohol."

"I'm going to track Ghost Rider's movements now." The mystic lowered his head and sent a text message to someone. Johnny Blazer's answer did not satisfy him. It was very important whether someone helped the Ghost Rider, and he had to verify it.

"Take me!" Father Molu leaned against the wall and said forcefully, "I promise to redeem him!"

"Who made him drink so much? Isn't a bottle of wine enough?"

"I shared a little whiskey with him." Nick Fury shook his stainless steel flagon.

"Uh, Americans!" the mystic rolled his eyes, "I'll go by myself."

Salomon didn't care about the winks of the other agents, but jumped directly from the window. Before Nick Fury could react, a white meteor flashed across the sky and disappeared with the mystic and the artificial man.

"Sir, is he the one..." Melinda asked suspiciously, "Isn't that a knight?"

"That's just the role that little bastard used to deceive people." Nick Fury waved his hand and motioned Melinda to contact the Airbus command, "We must keep up and let SHIELD Eastern Europe base send another Kun Type fighters are coming. We can't let the next thing go."

Ask for a ticket! !

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