Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 25 Vampires Believe in God (seeking investment!)

Willie's words made the Collins family feel like an enemy. No one ever doubted the truth of what Willie said. He was a servant of the Corinthian family and had served the Corinthian family all his life. Although he was bald, drunk, and unkempt, he was still a good servant.

The Collins family had seen magic before. Barnabas Collins became a vampire because of the curse of a witch, and that witch once caused a lot of trouble for the Collins family. Barnabas Collins was leaning on a cane with a copper head, and his ten fingers with sharp nails couldn't help shaking.

"Okay, Willie," Barnabas said, "how about we invite that wizard in? Maybe he's just passing by. I think he might be friendly enough, otherwise an iron gate can't stop a wizard."

"Okay, Master Barnabas." Willie wiped the cold sweat from his brow, and walked out of the hall tremblingly. Don't get me wrong, he wasn't afraid of anything, it was just the aftereffect of alcoholism. Willie doesn't even have a good impression of people who can do magic. The last time a witch came to the house to make trouble, the Collingwood Manor was burnt down. Fortunately, with the support of Lord Barnabas and Mistress Elizabeth, the current Collingwood Manor is much better than the original one—at least the central air conditioner can be turned on.

"Come here quickly, children." Barnabas patted the sofa beside him, "We may have to receive an ancient guest, but we must not let others think that the Corinthians have lost their etiquette."

At the insistence of Barnabas, Caroline Stoddard and David Collins reluctantly sat on the sofa and waited for the guests. But when Willie brought the guests in, everyone in the Collins family breathed a sigh of relief...

"Ha!" Barnabas couldn't help laughing, David almost jumped up from the sofa in fright. Standing behind Willy was a boy with short black hair and wearing a dark red robe, "I remember it's not Halloween yet? Willy, why don't you give our little wizard some candy? I don't know you have such a sense of humor. It’s okay, though.”

He stood up, picked up his cane, walked towards the boy dressed like a wizard, held his head up and said, "Congratulations, little wizard, although you came at the wrong time, you still got a one-day tour of Colin Manor Voucher, including board and lodging, will be a memory you will never forget. Now, Willy, take our sweet little wizard to dinner and get him a guest room - he looks like he never slept well Feel the same."

Salomon didn't relax because of the words of the man with short black hair in front of him. He felt a little strange when he just stepped into Collingwood Manor - compared with other places, the lush bushes were at least Half withered and withered, and the branches are twisted and covered with thorns. Perhaps this only shows that the gardener is a drunkard, but as far as Salomon found, there were far more mice in the garden than in other places. According to his investigation, the Collins family is not happy, and the food thrown away every day cannot feed such a large group of mice.

And many of the phenomena he discovered would appear near the vampire's lair. Therefore, Salomon believed even more firmly that Barnabas Collins was staying in Colin Manor.

"I'm looking for someone." Salomon said. His words caused Barnabas, who had just turned his head and wanted to go back to the sofa, to look back. "This person knows the information I want."

The vampire looked at Salomon out of the corner of his eye. Now he knew that this strangely dressed little wizard was not some lost child, but had a purpose. Salomon's words also caught the attention of the rest of the Collins family. Caroline Stoddard, who was originally sitting on the sofa bored, suddenly leaned forward and let out a low whine from her throat.

Elizabeth put her hand on Caroline's shoulder, and she asked, "Who?"

"You are asking for the help of the Collins family." Barnabas came over again, he pushed Willy aside, and looked down into Salomon's eyes. Suddenly, his voice became extremely gentle, "Tell me... who sent you to Colin Manor..."

"Of course it's me." Salomon smiled, "Your magic is useless to me, but if you didn't cast spells on me, I really can't be sure of your identity, Mr. Barnabas Collins. "

The vampire jumped back suddenly, his eyes widened, and he pointed at Salomon with his cane, "You... are you really a wizard? How old are you?"

"Accurately, it's a occult mage." Salomon said, "I'm going to be thirteen soon... Cough cough, please be serious. I represent the master of the earth, and the mage hermit will ask you questions .”

Salomon snapped his fingers, and the Karma Taj logo appeared in front of him, which was enough to prove his identity.

When Barnabas heard about Salomon's age, he immediately relaxed. He nodded very relaxed, expressing that he would definitely cooperate with all his strength. As for what the Mage's Retreat was, he didn't understand at all. But how could it be possible to send a thirteen-year-old mage apprentice to exterminate a vampire? Whether this age can recognize all the characters is still a problem.

"First question." Salomon looked at the people sitting on the sofa, "Where is Angelique Bouchard?"

"Then I want to ask, what is her relationship with you?" Barnabas asked with doubts.

"It doesn't matter, it's just that she has something she shouldn't have." Salomon said, "For example, she cursed you to become a vampire... This kind of profound magic can only come from a very dangerous magic book. The congregation suspects that she has ever been in contact with that book, or in other words, with the knowledge handed down from that book."

"Didn't she sell her soul to Satan?" Barnabas opened his mouth in surprise.

"As long as you study the knowledge in that book, you will sell your soul to a terrible existence, but not Satan, but another one." Salomon sat on the sofa following Barnabas' guidance, and Opposite him, Caroline was looking at him maliciously. But Salomon didn't want to ignore her, his eyes were fixed on Barnabas until the vampire sat across from him.

"Who?" The vampire asked, and he kept gesticulating with the word M with one hand, "Isn't this a symbol of Satan?"

"I can't name the one who was the father of black magic. The one who created a book, and the knowledge in that book created the world's first vampire, Mr. Barnabas, you don't Not the first vampire. Sorry, I don't drink tea... Do you think an ordinary witch has the ability to create a queen vampire like you, with such a high personality, without paying any price?" Salomon Said, "I found the portraits of the Bouchard family...the portraits are all of the same person. Obviously, Angelique Bouchard obtained eternal life through that knowledge. That book is extremely dangerous, I must Recycling, even transcribed knowledge."

"Now, please tell me, where is Angelique Bouchard now? My magic can completely restrain her black magic, and she will not be my opponent."

"You mean, you can turn me into a human?" Barnabas Collins leaned forward sharply, "You said, you can restrain her magic, that is to say... you can lift my curse?"

"Yes, but this is related to my second question..."

"Thank God!" Barnabas obviously didn't have the patience to listen to the words behind him, "Thank God! I can finally stop drinking blood!"

How is this going? Salomon looked at Barnabas in a daze. He was extremely careful when talking. Not only did he refuse to take any food, but he was still pinching his hands, ready to cast spells at any time.

But now the vampire, the one who made him feel like an enemy, thanked God loudly in front of him? Kneel down and pray! Is there something wrong with him?

Why hasn't this vampire turned into ashes yet?

ps: Please invest!

Good morning.

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