Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 26 The Witch's Tale (seeking investment!)

"Mr. Barnabas..."

"Lord Jesus, please reveal my heart of prayer, touch me with your hand, make me strong and courageous in all things..."

"Mr. Barnabas..."

"You are the source of my life and save my life. I am full of joy and hope in you. Even when I walk in darkness, your light always shines..."

Salomon breathed a sigh of relief.

He gave up. He felt that the vampire in front of him might have some brain problems. If the local legends and the facts he investigated were correct, this vampire might be locked in a coffin and buried in the ground for two hundred years. It is reasonable to have some mental problems in the matter. He looked at the Collins family sitting on the opposite sofa. They didn't respond to the vampire's behavior. Instead, they served Salomon biscuits. Even Caroline, who was very wild, relaxed and fiddled with the vampire. nail.

Only David Collins tried to stop Barnabas, but he too was pulled into prayer.

"Master David," said the vampire, "I have sold my soul to the devil, and now I can go to heaven only by praying."

"Does he... do this often?" Salomon refused the desserts offered by the Collins family. He pointed to his brain and asked the Collins family.

"Very often. As long as Victoria is not around, he will." The silver-haired Elizabeth didn't mind Salomon's refusal of food. She said to Salomon solemnly, "Before you came, there was Many people have come to our house, claiming to help us lift the curse, and when the ancestors appeared in front of us, we knew that the curse was real."

"The black magic in that book can only be deciphered in the "Book of Visander." Salomon shook his head, "But, Ms. Elizabeth, my purpose is to find that book, or , transcribed those papers or books of knowledge. This is my purpose."

"I can help you." Barnabas jumped up from the ground, and he sat beside Salomon in the air-conditioning, his movements were amazingly fast, "An Qi's collections have become relics and are kept in the museum. But this is Corinth Port, established by the Corinth family, I can help you get those things, but..."

"The relic?" Salomon asked, "This is my first question, where is Angelique Bouchard?"

"She died." Barnabas pursed his lips, his eyes were down, his hands rested on the cane, and his fingers moved restlessly. "He died here, under his own curse."

Seeing the puzzlement on Salomon's face, Barnabas talked about his past, "It's my fault," said the vampire.

This matter has to start from 1750. At that time, Joshua Collins and Naomi Collins brought their young son, Barnabas Collins (the vampire pointed to himself) all the way from England to the United States. They wanted to pursue a better life. A small town on the coast of Maine established its own fishing kingdom and named it after itself-Port Corinth.

"Colin Manor was also established at that time." The vampire pointed around, "But it's not the current one, it was renovated later, I think you should know about it. The original Colin Manor took fifteen years to build. built, and twenty years later, I have grown up."

Barnabas Collins is rich and powerful, but he's also an obsessive playboy until one day, he makes a mistake that he never regrets. Having said this, the vampire stood up, and he raised one hand, as if beating something.

"I fell in love with a beautiful woman named Josette Duples," said Barnabas mournfully, "but I broke Angelique Bouchard's heart because I can't marry her."

Barnabas still remembers the gloomy weather that day and the biting cold wind blowing from the sea. On that day, Angie controlled Josette to jump off the cliff and fell on the reef by the sea. . Barnabas was distraught, and also jumped down.

"But she cursed me and wanted me to experience a fate worse than death!" The vampire waved his arms excitedly. He walked up and down the living room with hurried steps, and the sound of leather shoes colliding on the marble floor kept ringing, "until The cold sea woke me up, and when I woke up from the reef, I found Josette lying next to me, her body had become cold, and my fingers were sharpened, and my eyes were bleeding , like the devil from hell came to the world, I saw the witch standing on the top of the mountain, she cursed me loudly! I am extremely thirsty, no matter how much water I drink, I can't suppress this desire, I can never appear in the sun .Angelie can curse me to become a vampire, so that my pain will never end."

"I think you know what happened next. Angelique led the villagers holding torches to Colin Manor. She identified me as a devil, and the villagers sealed me in a coffin and buried me in the ground." Vampire His tone became slow, "Two hundred years later, I was dug out and returned here."

"At that time, only Elizabeth believed in my identity. Of course, it wasn't because my portrait was hanging in the living room." The vampire pointed to the wall, where his portrait was hanging. It was one of the rare people who escaped the fire. Stuff, "until one day a governess named Victoria Winters came to Colin Manor."

According to Barnabas, this Victoria looks exactly like Josette. After he returned to the family, he sold the family's treasures, allowing the Corinthian family to develop again. At the same time, he also had an affair with Victoria. Everything was so beautiful.

"But what you said is that it's the most fertile buttock you've ever seen." Caroline didn't show any face to her ancestors. But Barnabas ignored her.

"But! That witch! Angelique Bouchard knew the fact that I woke up!" The vampire became emotional again, "The Angel Bay she created controls most of the fishing industry in Corinth Port, making the Corinth family unable to make ends meet! She spread her hatred to the Collins family, she wanted to let the blood of the Collins family spill into the streets! I can't stand it! When I woke up, she wanted to do to Victoria what she did in Josette What happened! That vicious woman!"

"All in all, we had a fight when she tried to confuse the residents and the police to arrest me by using the methods she used to do. Her skin shattered like glass, and the Collingwood Manor was on fire because of this. The Collins family The most important properties were burned."

"She's dead," said Salomon, "and you're standing here."

"Yes, she took out her heart, a heart like pink glass, covered with cracks." Barnabas said in a low voice, "I saw her heart shatter into pieces with my own eyes, and she was like Like a puppet, motionless."

"It's an interesting story, Mr. Barnabas." Salomon raised his vigilance secretly, and took out a few pieces of printing paper from the pouch on his waist. Tell me, which murders did you commit?"

ps: Recommended tickets! invest! I want it all! The collection has increased, and the investment has also increased!

Good morning!

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