Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 242 Child Protection Law (Second Change)

"Master," the artificial man asked Salomon who had just landed on the ground, "what are we going to do with this boy? And those mercenaries, they didn't all die."

"Then send them to hell." The mystic sitting on horseback waved impatiently, "We'll pick up the boy's mother and Johnny Blazer later, and hand them over to the priest. Anyway Mephisto needs this boy, so we just need to guard them—just don’t let the priest perform any purification rituals before the devil’s incarnation appears. I want you to follow this boy at all times, after all, how can you catch big fish without bait? fish."

"Master, I mean, how are we going to bring this boy and his mother back? Pegasus is unwilling to bring so many people." Hearing this, the mystic quickly looked down at Pegasus. The big moist round eyes revealed a look of contempt, and Salomon seemed to hear Pegasus questioning him, "Why don't you buy a car?". The scene was a bit funny, and Salomon hurriedly bribed Pegasus with the candies on his body, so that he would not intentionally throw the passenger down later-this kind of thing Pegasus did, and it did it more than once. So Salomon can only use snacks to bribe Pegasus in time to keep the horse a good mood.

"Move them aside, including that Ghost Rider with tar marks all over his body." Salomon took out his mobile phone. After thinking for a while, he first dialed the number of Karma Taj London Temple and explained that he was here. situation, and then sent his coordinates to Nick Fury. He thought about it again, and felt that he was too careless, so he took out two handcuffs from the dimension bag and asked the artificial man to handcuff the boy's mother and the ghost rider.

After an unknown amount of time, a Kun-type fighter plane landed in front of the Mystic and Pegasus. "Very good." Salomon said tauntingly to Nick Fury who got off the Quinjet fighter plane, "Did you see those two bright lights? The hospital ambulances in the border cities came faster than you .Are you really sure the Quinjet is worth the price?"

"Little bastard." Nick Freeby drew a middle finger, "Is that devil's son with you?"

Salomon shook his finger, and the man-made man came out of the shadows with the boy in his arms. She was so elusive that several of the agents following Nick Fury were nearly shot. "It's the boy," Salomon said, "and Ghost Rider and the boy's mother. Don't look at me like that. If it wasn't for you to be porters, I wouldn't have stayed here for so long."

"What should we do next?" Director Fury glanced at the boy who was picked up by Agent Melinda, and the medical staff on the Quinjet fighter plane were checking his physical condition. "Are you sure it's the boy? He doesn't look like he has horns either," he said. "I thought the devil's son would have wings."

"Now he is too young to accept the gift of the devil's blood. But that day is not far away. If we don't deal with him, sooner or later he will pull up Mephisto's body."

Agent Melinda was very dissatisfied with Salomon's answer. "Process?" She asked the mystic, "What process?"

"That's the priest's business." Salomon spread his hands, "It's just that I won't agree to the purification ceremony before the child's father appears, no matter if it's a prayer or something. Nick Fury, If you want to gain something, you should agree with me and wait for the group of arms dealers, drug dealers, mercenaries, and devil worship cults gathered by the incarnation of Mephisto to catch this child, and then you can get What you want."

"Very good." Nick Fury nodded, "Father Molu gave me an address, where the purification ceremony will take place. He is on the Quinjet now, do you want to go with us?"

"Of course." The mystic nodded, "If it wasn't for laziness, do you think I would wait for you?"

Salomon took a nap on the Quinjet fighter plane, and now he is very thankful that he has applied his research on necromancy to the artificial human. The hard airplane seat is not comparable to the soft thighs of the artificial human. Opposite him, Father Molu also collapsed on the seat, apparently too drunk, Salomon didn't even know how he got the drink on the Quinjet (Nick Fury from the Airbus took).

The mystic didn't care about the various physical examinations performed by the medical staff of SHIELD on the Devil's Son and the Ghost Rider. Anyway, they couldn't find anything. He was a little concerned about the boy's mother. Shortly after the Quinjet took off, the boy's mother woke up, panicked, scratching and biting, but was subdued by agents. After that, she slowly calmed down. Father Molu, who was not completely drunk at the time, explained the ins and outs to her, and Agent Melinda also informed her of the fate of the mercenaries—the Quin-type fighter jets. The space is not that big, the corpses of those mercenaries can only be thrown there.

"Thank God," Nadya said tearfully, "I'm finally free from them."

The Quin-jet fighter suddenly shook slightly, and then the rear hatch slowly opened, and the medical staff and agents took Ghost Rider, the boy and his mother off the plane. When the boy's mother asked what this place was, Agent Melinda replied "airbus".

"Master, what kind of purification ritual do you think will be?" After the people in the Quinjet fighter plane had almost left, the artificial man asked Salomon, who had just woken up and tried to sleep on the artificial man's lap. , "Do you think it will be a baptism ceremony? I read in the book that the baptism ceremony is a very important ceremony in the Abrahamic pantheon."

"No, that boy has already been baptized, and the Catholic Church is not Baptist, so it won't repeat baptisms." The mystic couldn't pretend to be asleep anymore. He sat up straight and stretched, listening to the crackle of his joints. "To me, the safest way is to kill the boy directly, lest he be acquired by Mephisto after we miss. Of course, many people will not agree with this method—especially that Agent Melinda May, when When I said I was going to 'deal with' the boy, she literally rushed up and tore me to pieces like she was the kid's mother."

"We are going to rest now." Agent Melinda May walked into the Quinjet fighter plane with a cold face, and gave an ultimatum to Salomon and Father Moru who were trying to stay on the plane, "Then the action team will follow you The place where the ceremony takes place."

"Very good." The mystic nodded, and then pointed to the priest lying opposite him, "Then please hide the wine in the bar first, I didn't expect that alcoholic to completely lose consciousness by then, we still need him Woolen cloth."

Agent Melinda didn't answer, but got off the Quinjet and returned to Airbus Command.

"Look, this woman is still holding a grudge." Salomon also stood up, walked towards the priest, and then slapped him, "Get up, drunkard."

"We're here?" Father Molu opened his eyes and yawned big, "I'm so thirsty..."

"There's no alcohol here, you have to stay sober." The mystic led the artificial man down, "Hurry up, we're going to face a bunch of Mephisto's lackeys next."

Ask for a ticket!

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