Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 243 The War Begins (First Update!)

The Airbus command was reactivated as a temporary command for this operation. Since the Helicarrier of S.H.I.E.L.D. was activated before the Battle of New York, the Airbus has been temporarily decommissioned and began to wait for the next owner. Helicarriers cannot be used in this operation, and the use of helicarriers in the absence of a large-scale disaster is not what the World Security Council wants to see, and Nick Fury does not want to talk to the bureaucrats of the World Security Council anymore Talking nonsense, so he drove out the vertical take-off and landing transport plane parked in the warehouse again.

When Nick Fury returned to Airbus, he got to work. When faced with a large amount of paperwork, he remembered the good news of Agent Maria Hill, and now he regretted that he did not bring the right-hand man with him, but left her at the Tricurved Wing headquarters to deal with it. Question of the World Security Council. "How is it?" He asked the medical staff on the plane, "Have you found anything different?"

"No, sir." The doctor shook his head and took off his rubber gloves. "The devil's son doesn't have horns, a tail, or even an extra cecum. Johnny Blazer regained his flesh and blood after turning off the flame, but he He is still in a coma and I have heavily sedated him for safety reasons. As for the boy's mother, Nadya, she has no wounds other than a few scrapes, but her emotions It was very erratic and wanted to be with that boy all the time."

"If you think you can take away a good salary with that statement, go ahead."

"The blood test is a matter of the Science Department, and the samples have already been sent. I'm just an emergency doctor." The doctor rolled his eyes at his boss, "I'm only responsible for my professional part, sir, doctors are not omnipotent. It's just that I still have a bit of professional ethics, and I will never prescribe medical medication for you." After finishing speaking, this very individual doctor walked away on his own, leaving only Nick Fury alone People stay in the office.

"Damn." Nick Fury rubbed his eyes, thinking of Salomon Damonette. He thought that the mystic must know something, and the little bastard was expecting him to ask, and it would be the kind of humble plea, only then would Salomon Damonette confide the slightest bit of inadequacy. Useful news. Nasty bastard! Nick Fury shook his head, trying to stay awake, he stayed up all night in the Quinjet last night, just to be alert when Ghost Rider woke up - if he knew in advance that Johnny Blazer would sleep If it smells so good, he will also take a good rest.

Damn doctor, no prescriptions for him!

Damn alcoholic priest, can't do anything but give an address!

Fortunately, that little bastard reached an agreement with him in private. The power of the Tribunal behind that Father Molu is not so mysterious. SHIELD knows it, and so does Kama Taj, but everyone doesn't care much about the power of the church. ——Compared with the former, the Tribunal is not powerful enough in the secular society, and compared with the latter, the church's spells (or divine spells) are not yet on the table. So Salomon suggested to Nick Fury that it's better to make some preparations in that place to deal with the purification of tiefling. After the boy got on the Quin-jet fighter, Nick Fury sent a message to the nearby base. Now, a large number of troops have rushed to the location mentioned by Father Moru, and then controlled the ascetic monk there, and Start to set up positions.

That location was also chosen by the mystic for the duel with the devil. Nick Fury now just hopes the Mystic is as ready as he is.

He doesn't know what the so-called purification ceremony is. Although Nick Fury believes that professional matters can be handled by professional people, all supernatural behaviors must be carried out under the supervision of S.H.I.E.L.D. A cleansing ritual to make sure nothing would happen to the boy. This was requested by Agent Melinda May, who will oversee the purification ceremony.

In fact, Nick Fury also proposed to bring the boy back to the United States for protection in SHIELD or a US military base, so as to better deal with the devil's influence in the world, but Salomon only gave him a look . Nick Fury admitted that if the boy came to the United States, there would definitely be no good end. Although the mystic didn't care what the boy's outcome would be, Salomon wanted to purify the power in his blood so that he would not be able to summon the devil in the future. Yes, the U.S. Army will only continue to inspire the boy's strength, which runs counter to his ideas.

"Salomon Damonette awake?" Nick Fury asked Agent Melinda May as she entered the office to report. If he hasn't woken up, go and arrest him, and let him come to see me."

"He's woken up early, sir, and he's in the kitchen cooking breakfast," Agent Melinda May said. "Looks like he's going to take a long time."

"What?" Nick Fury didn't know why,

"Breakfast is Eggs Benedict and French toast. If you are not full, there is also spaghetti with meatballs." Agent Melinda thought for a while and concluded the comment, "It tastes good."

"You didn't call me for breakfast? Well, put aside those messy things, I need Salomon Damonette now, and I need to know who those devil's lackeys are." The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. clenched his fists , "I don't know anything! I don't know who our enemy is, I don't know what is where we are going, and I don't know what will happen if our operation fails...May, we are fighting a battle with nothing to lose." Unprepared fight and that little bastard thinks he has it all! F*uck! F*ck!"

Nick Fury pounded the table angrily.

"Your enemies are only those ordinary people," Salomon walked in with a large plate, "your enemies are only those. Other supernatural creatures are my enemies, Kama Taj's enemies, we can solve them, Because we have been dealing with it for more than a thousand years. It is not the first time that the devil king has messed up, but his end is doomed, because fate has already been determined. Want some spaghetti? This is the only one on your plane Carbs are a staple, and these meatballs are almost past their expiration date."

"Where's Eggs Benedict?"

"There are no more eggs." The mystic said, "I can only give you one piece of information, that is, the incarnation of Mephisto is an ordinary person. This incarnation has no power. He only has some authority of the king of hell. For example, signing a contract with others and opening the gate of hell. According to the records of the devil coming many times in history, the incarnation of Mephisto will always call his followers. He has summoned many dark creatures to fight against Kama Taj, This time is no exception—but I think ordinary people will participate in this operation after the vigorous development of human hot weapons lags behind."

"Thank you for the useless information, Salomon, you've become much wiser since you slept on girls' laps."

Salomon looked at the expressionless Agent Melinda May. "Is he always this jerk?" he asked. The question was not answered, Agent Melinda just gave him a cold look, and then left the office without looking back.

"I asked Agent May to find Father Molu, and he may have some information."

"Who is Molu?"

"That black priest! Damn it, don't you know his name by now?"

"Hmm, I didn't ask, and he didn't say anything, but I think he can find Johnny Blazer, which means he has some skills."


"Hell, do you have to drink in the morning?" The mystic looked at the priest pouring wine into his mouth in disbelief. When Father Molu picked up the cold meatballs in the spaghetti with his fingers, Salomon could take it no longer. "Here's a fork, and hot black tea." He looked disgusted, "Now is the time to wake up, and we need information about mortal enemies known to the Tribunal. Kama Taj is not responsible for this, that is your business. "

"There are a lot." Father Molu licked the tomato sauce in his hand, "It tastes good. Well, well, I'm talking about business - I know the group of armed groups that attacked us, but they were dead yesterday, dead In the hands of your girl, magician. But the devil's servants must be more than that, and although I am not responsible for recording those information, I still know some."

What Father Molu said next really opened the eyes of Nick Fury and Salomon, because Mephisto's influence in the world ranges from the Irish Rebels to Chechen militants, from African warlords to South American guerrillas, from the street From drug gangsters to gangster tycoons, Mephisto is not picky at all, he wants anyone who can cause trouble.

It's just that these are ordinary people, and they all belong to the range that S.H.I.E.L.D. can handle. "At least we can say that S.H.I.E.L.D. is fighting terrorism." Nick Fury shrugged, "This can still apply for funding."

The mystic nodded solemnly. He decided not to confess to the junk food supplier, because he also likes fried chicken.

"That's all?" Nick Fury looked at Salomon, "What do you know?"

"Vampires, werewolves, these dark creatures must be Mephisto's subordinates. Chicago is the largest vampire den in the United States, but we have taken it away there. There are also many vampires in Romania, but they hide in the mountains and rarely come out to bite People. Speaking of which, a few years ago, Karma Taj’s deacon also encountered a fight between a vampire and a werewolf, and the cause seemed to be a human girl. It’s a hell.” The mystic said, “There is also the Devil Worship Order—before we Karma Taj is clearing up another part of the cult group, and the devil worship group has dropped a lot, so I will ask later."

He also wanted to ask the supreme mage what he thought, the venerable seemed to have some kind of calculation, otherwise it would be impossible for the temple deacon not to show up until now, but he was still kept in the dark and knew nothing about the venerable's calculation. This is normal. When the Venerable and Mephisto signed the contract, the calculations began. He must at least be prepared to deal with emergencies—or in other words, the Supreme Mage has already made the calculations, and now it’s just It's biding its time.

"Sir!" Agent Melinda May hurried into the office, "There are two unmarked drones tracking us! It is possible that missiles are mounted!"

"F*uck! How is reception preparation going?"

"There are still more than a hundred kilometers, and the firepower of the Quinjet fighter is not enough to deal with two armed drones." Agent Melinda May glanced at the one-eyed dragons, the drunken alcoholics and the stubble just sprouting in the office. The corner of her mouth twitched, "I'll handle it."

"Order the fighter plane to escort, let me see who is looking for death."

Ask for a recommendation ticket~~

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