Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 244 Treasures are everywhere (second update!)

Melinda May's piloting skills are very high, but the Airbus is not an unarmed transport plane, and not all the agents on this plane are internal staff. Salomon only heard a dull explosion sound from outside, and then the air bus shook violently several times, even Father Molu woke up. In the end, it was Agent Melinda May who walked in with a blank expression and reported the result of the battle just now.

The overly complicated information was directly filtered by Salomon. He couldn't understand the military terms at all, and he couldn't understand the words about investigating drone manufacturers. Taking advantage of that time, he slipped out of the office and walked towards the medical room in the cabin below. The artificial man was staring at the boy and the ghost rider to ensure that they would not suddenly disappear—no one knew the devil's tricks What it is, surveillance is better than no surveillance. The boy's mother, Nadya, was handcuffed to the hospital bed after being injected with a sedative because she was too emotional. Salomon asked the artificial man to loosen one handcuff and forcefully released Nadya, "Good morning, ma'am. This is breakfast for you."

But his behavior was not appreciated. "What do you want to know?" See my child." The black eye shadow under her eyes has been blurred a lot, "I only want him!"

"Calm down, ma'am." Salomon moved a chair and sat next to the hospital bed. "What I want to ask is the process of your conception. Is it through a normal way or through a dream?"

"I've said that too!" Najia patted the bed rail hard, her voice hoarse, "I said it! Can you tell me how Danny is doing now?" The mystic looked at the artificial man. "Master." The cyborg said while holding the medical record on the bedside. "This lady's sedative has long since expired, and the medical staff didn't inject her with too much medicine."

"This is still good news, at least let me have someone sober to ask." Salomon put the plate aside, "Are you really unwilling to talk to me about this? I am very curious, sorry, this is my personal matter, I need to know the details."

"Unless I see Danny." Nadya seemed to think that Salomon could communicate, so she calmed down slowly, "Let me see him."

"Ma'am, he needs a good rest. There is no such thing as a 'good rest' in your way of life. He is in the room opposite you. When he wakes up, you can see him." Salomon pointed out. Jian said, "Can we talk now? I still have a lot of questions about how you conceived."

"This is it?" Salomon slowly walked down the rear hatch of the transport plane. Just like a sailor who has been at sea for a long time, the feeling of being down-to-earth is always different from that on the plane, especially after a long non-stop flight, this feeling is more obvious-when he puts this feeling When I told the others, they thought Salomon was just overly sensitive, and that he could write a prescription if needed, including illegal drugs.

After getting off the plane, the first thing that catches your eyes is a large barren desert, and then there are groups of agents wearing black tactical uniforms and armed with live ammunition, as well as a large number of ordnance and one or two howitzers with desert camouflage. "I didn't expect it to be like this." The mystic asked Nick Fury, "Although it is not as good as that in Old Bridge Town (Thor 1), but using such armed forces to deal with some mercenaries and arms dealers, don't you think Is it an exaggeration?"

"These are not enough." Nick Fury walked forward with the mystic, this is the address given by Father Molu, and the agents have searched this place. This is a monastery dug on the rock wall, and the monks who practice here are some flogging monks of the Catholic Monastery. This is also the place where priest Molu said that purification rituals can be performed-Salomon believes that, In the case that this demon is about to lose its effect, it is impossible for the incarnation of Mephisto not to be in a hurry. So he thought the devil's attack was not far away.

"You also saw that we were attacked." Nick Fury and Salomon walked towards the monastery together, Father Molu and Agent Melinda walked in front, "The two drones are extended Predator-C UAV, the manufacturer is General Atomics Space Systems, if you don't know, I can tell you, this company is owned by General Dynamics, which is an American business. That is, the devil The forces have spread to the US government. I can't guarantee that the next enemy will be the US military or even some other messy forces, do you understand? I must create a situation suitable for you to deal with supernatural creatures."

"Or you plan to blast the devil's secular and supernatural forces into pieces." The mystic looked at the boy and his mother following them, as well as the artificial man who was at the end to watch them. He had already gotten the answer he wanted from Nadia, and he had also gotten the expected result for some of the questions that had been bothering him.

"As long as the supernatural powers you mentioned are not as powerful as Thor." Nick Fury pointed to a military tent ahead, "Captain Rogers is here too, and he will help you."

"Where's Stark?"

"He is busy developing a new type of steel suit, you should know about it, after all, you have worked with him." Nick Fury greeted Captain Rogers who got out of the tent. After the Battle of New York, Captain Rogers' uniform has undergone an improvement, and the sleek cartoon style of the 1920s and 1930s has disappeared.

Captain Rogers also greeted them after seeing them. "I went to see Stark." He took up the topic, "He looks very tired, so I think it's better for him not to participate in this operation."

"I don't want him to participate either, he will only cause trouble. You have already read the mission briefing, Captain, I will not introduce these people one by one." Nick Fury said, "How is it inside?"

"After being persuaded by Agent Romanov, those monks have given up their resistance." Captain Rogers said, "But they still refused to let us search the sacristy, because there are many easily damaged cultural relics. In addition, we are still in the cellar Discovered a whole host of wines.”

"The monastery has a history of 2,000 years and the monks have been making wine since then," said Father Molu. "They are all my brothers and I hope they have not been treated roughly."

"We won't do that, as long as they don't resist." Nick Fury waved his hand, motioning to Agent Melinda and Captain Rogers to take the boy and his mother, "Prepare for the purification ceremony, and let the action team do it." Get ready, we may face some unexpected enemies. Where is Salomon? Has anyone seen him?"

"Visandi! Dinah, take a look at what this is?" Salomon carefully held a piece of curled and yellowed parchment with both hands. In the dimly lit sacristy, the words on the parchment were somewhat blurred, but the mystic could still make out what was on it. "You can't believe the existence of this thing. This is the original "Golden Legend" written by the 13th century Dominican priest and Archbishop Jacobs Davalagini of Genoa, Italy! It records that Martha After the death of Jesus, she and her younger brother left Judea by boat to tame the dragon. And this one, the martial arts used by the Iron Fist Maiden were created by Jacob wrestling with the angel, enough to bombard angels Martial arts: Brother Jacob! And this..."

The mystic let the man-made take over the parchment that recorded the martial arts, and turned around to pick up another thing.

"This is it, Kabbalah."

"Why are you here!?" Agent Romanov broke in suddenly, "Many people saw you sneaking in. Come out with me quickly, the attack has begun, we need you!"

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