Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 245: The Big Ass Man (First update!)

After walking a few steps, bullets flew from nowhere and shattered the rock wall above his head, and a large handful of soil smashed down from mid-air, covering the head and face of the mystic, which made Salomon furious. Straight up. "How did these guys appear?" The agent pulled the mystic and ran forward, and the artificial man followed behind in a small step, helping him to clean up the khaki crumbs in his hair. It was difficult to clean up, so the mystic simply shook his head like a freshly bathed dog, trying to shake the stuff out. Salomon turned to Agent Romanov and asked, "Didn't S.H.I.E.L.D. do a good job in reconnaissance?"

"They just popped up out of nowhere, like the leprechauns in the story." Agent Romanov also crouched to avoid being hit by stray bullets. The appearance of these armed groups was indeed unexpected. If they had been ambushing nearby, it would be impossible for SHIELD's Quin-type fighter jets and other aerial reconnaissance methods to detect them, but they still popped up suddenly, just like the soil when spring comes. Like a rat.

And when they appeared, they immediately launched an attack on S.H.I.E.L.D. The goal is clear, the action is decisive, it seems that they already know who the enemy is. This monastery dug along the rock wall is located at the innermost side of the small U-shaped basin. SHIELD has already deployed fortifications around the basin. It is precisely because of these preparations that the armed groups did not immediately capture the monastery.

The exchange of fire lasted only a few minutes, and then the entire battlefield fell silent. Due to the distance between the two sides and the bunkers, there were no known casualties. The handful of soil that hit Salomon's head was probably the most violent firepower that an individual could suffer in the previous firefight.

According to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s observations, the other party's logos are varied, including notorious mercenaries, as well as private armaments of arms dealers. It is unknown who commanded this team that may not understand the language. When S.H.I.E.L.D. was preparing to counterattack and the opponent was also preparing heavy weapons, Salomon asked Agent Romanov to take him to find Father Moru and the boy—if the boy was purified at this time, Murphys It's even more unlikely that Thor will show up, and the boy can't be out of action until the devil shows up. Not far from the place where the monks held the ceremony, Agent Romanov led the mystic through a naturally formed, dark rock passage to the ceremony site.

The layout here is not as sacred as the agents imagined. There are only a few low stone piers in a circle. There are no crosses, stained glass windows, or altars. Even the priests are not dressed in black, but in tatters. An ascetic monk in a brown robe with a motto tattooed on his face. The artificial man obviously guessed wrong, there is no pool here, and the purification ceremony is definitely not a baptism ceremony - it doesn't look like there is water here.

Although there was no stray bullet attack here, the situation was just as bad. The mystic saw Agent Melinda May standing in front of the boy. She held a pistol and shouted at the monks not to let them approach. The boy's mother squatted beside her child and softly comforted him. Only Father Mauru stood between the two sides, waving his hands wildly and yelling something loudly, and the scene became a mess.

"Wait!" Agent Romanov called to stop the mystic who was about to go there. She also felt that the scene was a mess, and she wanted Salomon to help find out whether the method by which the armed groups appeared was magic or something, but Salomon focused on the boy. It's really bad. If the raid team led by Captain Rogers fails on the frontal battlefield, and Nick Fury can't contact support, the amount of ammunition transported here from the base may not be able to support this anti-terrorism operation.

"Wait!" Agent Romanov managed to stop Salomon before he caught the monk. Natasha quickly explained Nick Fury's thoughts, and the mystic nodded extremely perfunctorily, and then He stepped forward and stopped the monks. "Now is not the time." Salomon stood in front of the monk, pressing the leader's chest, "According to the agreement, according to my idea."

"No." The leading ascetic monk reached out and grabbed Salomon's palm, pressed the tiger's mouth and pressed down hard, trying to subdue the mystic. However, Salomon withdrew his hand. He measured his body, took half a step forward, and bumped his shoulder on the monk's chest, knocking him away a few steps. The monk's movement just now was the hand and foot movement of Jacob's brother. Salomon had seen it before, so he could handle it with ease.

The conflict broke out all of a sudden, and the man-made man suddenly raised the giant sword and stuck it on the neck of a monk. Father Molu hurried forward to stop them. He stood between Salomon and the monk and separated them with his hands. "The way they purify is to kill the boy," the priest said to Salomon. "We can't let this happen."

"I don't care what purification method you use." Salomon waved his hand, signaling the artificial man to be vigilant, "You can do nothing until the devil appears. The devil's son has to deal with it, but we also have to capture the devil. This is our That's right. If you continue, I'll cut off your heads first."

"I know, I know," cried Father Moreu, "I know what you want, I know what you want."

"You should check the situation on the battlefield..." Natasha also held Salomon back.

"They're trying to kill him..." the boy's mother wailed as Agent Melinda comforted her.

Irritable, Salomon was very irritable, and the joy of finding some treasures before disappeared. The boy and his mother spoke one language, the priest and the monk spoke another language, and Agent Romanov and Melinda kept repeating what they had just said in English. Salomon wanted to keep everyone's mouths shut if he could.

Suddenly, there was a sharp whistling sound, and several black spots quickly approached here from the dim yellow sky. In the blink of an eye, a violent explosion landed on the rock wall on the left, and a huge roar interrupted the quarrel. For a moment, dust and gravel flew around like rampaging bullets, and large chunks of rock fell from the mountain. Dust and flames enveloped this place, and a blue semi-circular barrier stood in front of everyone, blocking the sound waves, flames, and smoke from the explosion. "Now, listen to me fucking!" Salomon frowned, because he could still smell the burning smell through the barrier. He said impatiently to all those who were crouching for cover, "Don't do anything until I get back, Okay? Agent Melinda May, if they want to do something, shoot!"

"I am glad to."

"Visandi." Salomon shook his head, and led the man-made man out of this messy place, and Agent Romanov quickly followed. "What a mess?" she said. "Maybe you should talk to Captain Rogers, he's on the front line. And Chief Fury, he's contacting Ankara Air Force Base in Turkey, trying to get help with an air strike."

"If S.H.I.E.L.D. is useful, what about the howitzer that fell on our heads? I was almost shot when I went out!" The mystic waved his hand impatiently, and walked towards the place where the firefight took place, "Is my luck so bad today? Why don't you leave again?"

Agent Romanov pressed the headset and glanced at Salomon. "You need to move faster," she said. "Captain Rogers is ambushed by supernatural beings."


A motorcycle roared across the narrow canyon and the top of the armored vehicle. A girl with short white hair jumped off the motorcycle and inserted the giant sword in her hand into the cab of the armored vehicle. Immediately afterwards, the armored vehicle lost control and hit a side rock wall and stopped. Just as the armed group got off the vehicle to prepare for support, the motorcycle flew over their heads again, and several grenades fell at the feet of the mercenaries.

"Dinah, where is the place Agent Romanov said?" The motorcycle stopped at the edge of the rock wall when it appeared for the third time. Salomon poked his head out of the rock wall and retracted, because those grenades The effect was too good, he could only try not to watch the bloody scene. The mystic yelled to the artificial man below, "We have to get there before Captain Rogers is bitten by a werewolf!"

"Master, there are no black magic creatures among these mercenaries." The artificial man got out of the cab. Due to her rough actions, the cab of the armored vehicle was full of blood and internal organs, and even the artificial black skirt was also stained with blood. "I don't think we're far from there," she said. "They're calling for reinforcements."

"Awesome." The mystic curled his lips. As soon as those monks heard the appearance of black magic creatures, their adrenaline soared immediately. They planned to take the "Bible" and long knife to the battlefield, and practice the glory of the Lord with blood, and they didn't mind practicing it on evil wizards ( referring to Salomon). Of course, the mystic didn't care about their enthusiasm. He rode a SHIELD motorcycle, took the man-made man and went straight to the route given by Natasha-he didn't know that the super soldier serum could No defense against lycanthropy, but best not to try, if Captain Rogers turns into a werewolf, Salomon will have to kill him.

"Any news about that coward?" Salomon asked. The incarnation of Mephisto has never appeared, and no one knows where he hid. He asked the wrong person this question, and the artificial man could only shake his head, unable to answer anything.

"Let's go, sweetheart, we need to move faster." The mystic called the artificial man to jump up, "It would be a pity if the man with the best ass in America turned into a werewolf."

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