Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 246 Battlefield Support (Second Update!)

"Finally some good news." Nick Fury threw away his phone angrily. He covered his forehead, trying to relieve his headache. "The Ankara Air Force Base is finally willing to send an F22 equipped with ground-to-ground missiles. I dare Guaranteed, there must be some bureaucrat at work here. Hell, I should have seen it, these mercenaries even have armed drones, what else don't they have?"

"RPG! Watch out!"

"Okay, they even have anti-tank missiles, and they are still the products of the Stark Group! Shit! How many moths are there in our system? F*uck! F*uck!" Nick Fury patted Dust on the leather jacket, he turned to the agent following him and asked, "Is there any news from Captain Rogers?"——"No, sir." The agent replied, "We have lost contact with Captain Rogers for 15 minutes. Do you want to continue to send an action team for support?" —— "No, no." The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. only felt that his headache was getting worse, "I have already sent support, just leave it to him. Hey, call an action team Go to Agent Melinda May and help her keep an eye on the kids and the friars, the friars are said to have a bad attitude. Damn, damn you bastard, why don't you contact me! He must have thrown his earphones away Already!"

"I expected that there might be vampires. Although it's quite bright now, vampires generally don't appear at this time." Salomon broke a large piece of chocolate, gave half to the artificial man, and the remaining half to the man. Captain Rogers and his action team were killed. These soldiers were very curious about the appearance of a cute little girl in a flashy dress on the battlefield, but when they saw the android holding the giant sword and riding a motorcycle across the battlefield, he easily chopped a supernatural creature into pieces. After two cuts, they had no doubts. Of course, they also had similar doubts about Salomon, because no one had ever seen what a dragon looked like, and a giant red and black dragon that fell from the sky almost frightened them. When the red and black dragon trampled all the supernatural creatures to death, it turned into a man in a red robe, and they almost shot Salomon.

It's just that Captain Rogers guaranteed his reputation, which temporarily dispelled the doubts of the action team.

They saw arc-shaped flames and spherical thunderclouds emanating from Salomon's fingertips. The thick clouds and fog enveloped the entire battlefield. They couldn't see anything but the red flames and blue-blue lightning that lit up from time to time. Hear the cries of the supernatural beings, and the gradual smell of ozone and sulfur, and the smell of ash everywhere. Salomon failed to annihilate the enemy, but those enemies who escaped from the cloud were all killed by S.H.I.E.L.D. snipers. When the cloud cleared a little, they saw Salomon walking towards their bunker with several deformed heads.

"Is that a wizard?" A member of the action team approached Captain Rogers, and he asked in a low voice, "Will he curse us?"

"Probably not. I've seen him curse others, but definitely not now." The captain shook his head, "As long as you don't make him angry."

"Have you fought alongside him?" The action team member thought of his teammates who died at the hands of those supernatural creatures before. He touched the empty magazine pouch. If possible, he even wanted to take off his helmet and scratch his hair . He had been in close contact with those dirty creatures. The supernatural creatures mixed with mercenaries were too powerful. When those supernatural creatures charged, it was as if they were dying. He still remembered that foul-smelling mouth so vividly that he even suspected that the fleas were already in his hair. "Where did these monsters come from? They are so powerful that they can even dodge bullets! This world is getting weirder and weirder!"

"Isn't it?" Captain Rogers shrugged, his wrist ached. He also couldn't understand the world more and more. In the past, he was the most outstanding scientific research achievement in the world, but now? There are wizards, there are millionaires flying around in steel suits, there are aliens, and there are gods who can hold a hammer that no one can lift. As for vampires and werewolves, he could no longer surprise him, and it was reasonable when a talking planet would appear.

The mystic didn't look carefully at everyone here, because the action team is the hardest hit area of ​​Hydra, who knows who is here and who is not. Salomon continued, "It may also be a werewolf, or even an undead creature, or a low-level devil in hell. But I didn't expect that all these creatures are here, so I didn't waste time. The spell is Precious, so I chose a spell with the highest cost performance, it’s not something that needs to be done with a lot of brains, how about it?”

"I didn't know you could do these things, become a dragon or something." Captain Rogers took the last piece of chocolate, he was a little curious, "Thank you. Do you know where these monsters come from?"

"Dark magic creatures may come from some dark corners of the earth, because we don't leave much room for them to live in. Of course, we didn't tell others about it. You know, it's not like in the past. Humans eat I just like to empathize with messy things, so as to show my useless kindness." The mystic kicked the deformed head under his feet, "As for this... these are things that were summoned by people, they are smuggled They came here, their superiors must be around here, after all, I haven’t seen a wizard who can summon devils here, if there was one just now, that wizard would not have died in my hands..."

The android stepped forward, swung the huge sword, and cut a hand that was creeping towards the mystic in two. She did it in time, because some spellcasters would release area-of-effect spells through manipulated undead creatures, and she would not let go of any threat for the safety of her master.

Salomon turned his head when he heard the movement. "Emperor Weishan, what is this?" His eyes widened, and he couldn't believe the scene in front of him. The broken bodies of the black magic creatures killed by him were rapidly decomposing, and all kinds of rotten bones were pulled out and gathered towards a certain direction deep in the cloud. He vaguely saw the bones being put together to form a giant hound made of carrion and bones, but when he cast a spell to blow away the mist, the undead creature disappeared.

"What is this?" Captain Rogers asked.

"There is a necromancer hiding around here, a very powerful necromancer. He hid just now and has not shown up. There are other people around him. Otherwise, according to the character of the necromancer, he would never be here. It's time to make a move." The mystic mage looked around, but found nothing, "Do you have any powerful things that can explode?"

"It was used up before you came." Captain Rogers said, "I'm still a little surprised. Is this black magic?"

"Actually, I can do these things too, but you haven't seen them before. Well, well, I'll do it anyway." Salomon gestured with a middle finger and walked out of the bunker. He uttered a spell, and a huge white spirit body with an indistinct face appeared behind him. He planned to use Weissandi's spirit body guard to temporarily replace the security work of the artificial man. "Dinah," he said, "you go find that necromancer and kill him. Then leave this big guy to me."

"Okay, Master." The man-made man dragged his giant sword and turned to carry out the order.

"What are we going to do?" asked one of the Squad members. "We know those monsters don't take bullets, but there's something we can do, right? What are we going to do to send those bastards to hell?"

"Say the hymns, if you have learned them."

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