Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 247 The Unexpected Harvest of the Cyborg (First Update!)

Although there are not many shells in the howitzer, the only base shells are enough to deal with the weaker and weaker enemy attacks on the frontal battlefield. Mercenaries fight with money, and the private arms of arms dealers seldom need to fight desperately on the battlefield. As for other terrorist organizations, most of them are better at street fighting. This kind of mountain field and positional warfare is the specialty of the regular army. Nick Fury is very satisfied to see that his army is outnumbered and gradually gaining an advantage, but in order to save ammunition, the frequency of firing shells is not high.

"Hope the F-22 arrives soon." He said to the inside agent who was doing paperwork behind him. "If we had F-22s in Vietnam and ground-to-surface missiles, then we would have won. I need a game that is enough Big bang, so we can get out of here and do other things. Ask the north and south fortifications, if there is anyone trying to sneak in there." There are natural narrow passages leading to the outside world on the north and south sides, A little further out from the southern passage is a gravel road that can be used by vehicles. Those monks get supplies from the church through the southern path-not everyone comes here as an aircraft that can take off and land vertically.

On the north side, the passage is also narrower and can only be passed on foot. There is a well where many important artifacts in the monastery are stored, and there is also the location of the sacristy. And the fork in that passage leads to the place where the purification ceremony is held, and the other fork leads to the cellar where the wine is stored. What Nick Fury was worried about was the north. They didn't have so many people to defend a cliff. Although S.H.I.E.L.D. had deployed defenses at the north exit, the enemy could still bypass the defenses and enter the monastery by means of cable descent.

So he put Agent Romanov in charge of security there. It's just that Agent Romanov is not a soldier, but a spy. He can't guarantee that Agent Romanov has enough experience to command those soldiers.

Both Captain Rogers and Salomon started by the trail to the south. Cooperating with the enemy command camp analyzed by the SHIELD intelligence department from the radio, Captain Rogers originally wanted to carry out the beheading plan through that path. Nick Fury thought that Captain Rogers should be able to take out the enemy command post, but he happened to bump into it. The supernatural beings trying to infiltrate the monastery from the southern path lead to the fight that Salomon went to support.

It's just that there is also the direction that makes Nick Fury most at ease. He doesn't think anyone can break through the defensive line of Salomon and Captain Rogers. He has seen the skills of those two. Although Salomon didn't wear armor and didn't hold a lance, he thought that since Salomon could kill the Chitauri Behemoth, it would be easy to kill a few supernatural creatures. Facts have proved that he did not guess wrong, but he also did not guess what Salomon was facing now.

When the giant skeleton dog with a height of three stories appeared, a gloomy chill suddenly filled the entire southern battlefield, as if winter had arrived early. A heavy frosty mist hung low over the dry gravel, and the faint wails that emanated from every twisted, pained face of the creature would make anyone shudder involuntarily when they saw it. Salomon walked over, and the spiritual body guard behind him continuously released a little bit of positive energy, and the newly condensed frost melted in an instant, and then rose into light water vapor. The freezing fog on the left gradually dissipated, and the blood-red sunset hanging low on the barren desert hills flowed on the ground like blood gushing out after tearing the skin, dyeing the fog that had not yet dissipated into a layered orange-red .

It's like orange marmalade, but with the stink of blood, Salomon thought silently looking at the undead creature that growled silently. He licked his lips, and put the hanging ring on his hand again—undead creatures are afraid of positive energy and flames, and it just so happens that he has a good research on positive energy spells and flame magic.

This is the masterpiece of a necromancer. Being able to create such a powerful undead creature on the spot shows that the caster has extremely powerful mana. It's just that it's unwise for a necromancer to strike again when his ally has already failed - either this is a spellcaster who has never fought in his life, or he is being forced . The tide of the etheric plane caused by the necromancer's spellcasting has roughly pointed out the location, so Salomon will let the man-made man find the location of the necromancer, maybe there will be unexpected gains!

The bone hound leaned down and jumped forward suddenly. The bones hanging on it collided with each other like drums. The maggots and carrion kept falling during the running process. The rotten stench was one step ahead of it, and Salomon wrinkled Wrinkling his nose, he said the incantation in a nasal voice. The giant beast ran towards the mystic, trying to step on him under the feet made of several carrion corpses. The spirit body guard jumped out from behind the mystic, blocking the path of the bone hound. The twitching corpse and the yellow skeleton collided with the shield marked with the mark of Vishandi, and the fiery long sword emitting positive energy was accurately inserted into the gap in the bone hound's chest—the heat made the stench more obvious, So much so that Salomon had to interrupt the spell to avoid being choked by the smell. Salomon retreated in small steps. As he moved, the spirit body guard also retreated, and the bone hound followed quickly. The rotten smell was even more disgusting.

"I didn't expect it to be so stinky." He spat and said to himself, "My God, don't necromancers care about hygiene?" He pulled out a wand from his dimension bag, intending to Solve this battle between behemoths as soon as possible. It's just that this time he has a heart-"Don't fucking splash me with rotten flesh!" He swung his wand forward vigorously, and a bright flash of light flew towards the head of the bone hound, and then turned into a dull sound with a dull sound A big flame.

"Eat fireball, idiot!" He held his breath, and covered his mouth with his hand, so as not to splash rotting flesh or maggots into his mouth, "There is one more! And this! And this!"

With the continuous explosions, the body of the bone hound continued to fall apart. When the undead creature tried to escape, it fell into the trap spell cast by Salomon. The strong green acid in the pit would yellow the calcium carbonate or Calcium phosphate and other substances continued to dissolve, and the bone hound's leg bones became soft, no longer able to support the overall weight of the undead creature. Finally, the undead creature struggled and fell into the acid pit until Salomon finally Blast the creature to pieces with one wave of the wand.

"Nice explosion." Captain Rogers led the action team members out from behind the bunker to meet Salomon. However, everyone tried their best to stand on tiptoe and cover their mouths and noses, so as not to inhale the terrible air or step on the disgusting pieces. "I've never seen you make anything that explodes," he said. "Maybe you need something more modern."

"Do you mean the period of World War II by modernization?" Salomon walked over, and the huge spirit body moved with him. This huge monster made others a little nervous. "Believe it or not, I use my smartphone and, really, I send emails instead of owls."

"This is quite a big improvement, isn't it?" Captain Rogers remembered the situation when he used a mobile phone. It was a push-button mobile phone. He always felt that the machine needed buttons, so he was not used to smartphones without buttons. In fact, when he found out that Salomon was a wizard, probably the first thing that came to his mind was "I'm not the most old-fashioned of the bunch"—until he saw the mystic using a smartphone. Only then did I realize that wizards are so modern. Captain Rogers said with a smile, "Come with me, our mission is not over yet. There may be more supernatural creatures ahead, and I need your help."

"Sorry, I can't go away yet." The mystic shook his head, "My maid hasn't brought that necromancer here yet. She has already met that dark wizard, otherwise I wouldn't have won so easily. In fact , she has a little windfall." Salomon whistled, "A hot harvest that exceeded my expectations."

"How do you know? Radio?"

"Spiritual communication."

"At that time, the U.S. military also studied this thing, and I thought it was something whimsical."

"Don't recall the past anymore, grandpa, follow me to accept that windfall."

Ask for a recommendation ticket! The limit is exempted, and after the new chapters are released, all subscriptions are crazy, so I ask for a recommendation ticket to save my life QAQ

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